Good afternoon Blizzard. I’m making this thread in hopes to bring awareness to you and possibly get some answers and reassurances in the end and not to moan and whinge, I just want to make that statement clear.
I have just come back to Wow after you keep devastating all the expansions in preparation for obviously the best expansion you ever made and refused to admit you messed up by moving on from WOTLK, that side…
Having come back, I went looking for a High Population server for a multitude of reasons, 1 of which was leveling. As I looked on the list i came to see that only ONE server was HIGH population and PVP The server is awesome, its got great people on it, and there’s alot of not very good Alliance to walk through but there is ONE GLARING RIDICULOUS FLAW…
The population balance. Again this is NOT a moan or a whinge, I am expressing MY DISBELIEF that this has been allowed to happen on Blizzards watch. We’re not talking 100 Horde to 400 Alliance…We are literally talking online right now thousands of Alliance and 67 Horde…You can /who 1-50 on Horde and find 40 players, and /who 51-70 and find 20…Whereas on the Alliance side, not only can you pick ANY AREA/ZONE/REGION to /who…(For example /who Stranglethorn) and the /who list will be CAPPED (50-999999) but if you individually go through each class, and the level ranges you can really come to understand the level of the problem, /who stv rogue 30-35 = 50, 36-70 = 50…the same for basically each class xD there are more druids alone than the entire of the Horde x5…the same goes for EACH and EVERY class…
But the problem here is unless you make Alliance the game is practically unplayable, we can’t raid, we can’t do instances in groups, we can’t do battlegrounds…Last night there was 7 Horde online, and again over 50 of each class which means potentially hundreds or thousands its actually ridiculous, its like The Isle of Wight competing with China in a war…We are seriously not talking about 100 Horde VS 500 Alliance…We’re talking 100 Horde VS 5000 Alliance and its very troubling that this has been allowed to happen
So Blizzard could you please LOCK the ability to make new Alliance characters on Earthshaker, and please address what you plan on doing about this problem…Could we get a server merge with a high population Horde server? Some incentive to come here? Because as highlighted before…we cant raid we cant battleground we cant really get groups for instances…its unplayable xD…
No offense to the Alliance, this isnt an Alliance flame post, or a whinge…I am just GOBSMACKED to UNDERSTAND AND COMPREHEND THE GRAVITY OF JUST HOW IMBALANCED IT IS! There is no plus side to this server other than “There are lots of Alliance to kill” and thats only coz theres not enough players online to even do anything as a group xD Honestly…find a way to fix the imbalanced population…offer incentives or something IDK