Blizzard, bring back bugged malefic affliction. Please

The bugged version of malefic affliction, which many thought was smart and intentional game design, should be brought back.

The way it worked was that as long as you didn´t let Unstable Affliction (UA) drop from a target your stacks of malefic affliction wouldn´t drop either. This meant that if a target died with UA, the stacks of malefic affliction would no reset when UA was reapplied to a new target.

Essentially it meant that we still had to make sure to never drop UA from an alive target. However, it also made the specc very smooth, especially when playing with doom blossom in M+ … An otherwise very underperforming talent. I did a few keys while the bug was active and i honestly loved it. Again, it felt like a smart and intentional game design.

Affliction has been lacking damage in M+ when compared to other speccs and one problem has been because of the ramp-up time. This bug solved a large aspect of this issue.

It wasn´t broken, it felt balanced and more importantly it was very satisfying to have the specc feel smooth.


The easiest solution to all of these Problems would be, make malefic affliction a 30-60 Second buff (yes you would have to maintain it by refreshing it with MR). so you can manage the duration by yourself.


Nahhh… it was really good as it was. Simplest is best…

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Agreed. It felt really nice and simple and clearly they can make it work

Up to Friday I had best time playing Affliction in DF in M+ across many dungeons… no unnecessary delay, just go… we are already sit on one big CD, and bringing more and more delay in M+ is what killing Affliction there (Shadow Embrace was still which left and need to be look over).

I was pissed off about Soulkeeper nerf but kind of understand that it returned to before damage value… but with Malefic Affliction I don’t feel that it was breaking Affliction gameplay.

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Yeah I know what you mean… I’ve always preferred affliction over the other speccs, but with how bad they work in M+ compared to other classes Im starting to look more and more towards my good old rogue ^^ Honestly though… The Malefic Affliction bug is literally all it needed tbh. Sure, reduced GCD on dots and all that would be nice too but thats also asking alot. The bug was there and it worked!

Didn’t also changed something for Drain Life? I had a 50k crit with in solo shuffle. No Shami in the team.

damage was doubled for a short time, “bug”

Anyone else find 4er set working with sow the seeds? just testing on dummy and same damage no matter if it consumes 4er procc or not.

Switched anyway, just curious if its a fault for me I dont see.

Never noticed this, highest crit was 50k. It is funny and disappointing that Drain Life hits harder than Drain Soul in execute phase…

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