Blizzard can we please make drain soul not be god awful

if you played warlock you should know what am talking about this spell should be on pair with shadow bolt. its are main soul shard generator completely awful or at least attach it to master channeler also

Shadow Bolt rank 5 does 292 to 327 with 2.5-3.0 cast

Drain Soul rank 3 highiest we can get at moment deals 297 shadow damage over 15 seconds tdamage should be around 800-maybe 1000 over 15 seconds

now keep in mind right damage only happens every 3 seconds within that 15 seconds

why is this so important simple cause shadow bolt isnt the most important spell warlock has. sense all it does is damage

where drain soul actually gives us soul shards watch is used for parties and raids even in pvp

Lets talk about those soul shard abilities - your summons. (need work) shadowburn (watch just instant cast shadowbolt gives soul shard on excute ) (soul fire watch never be used cause so undertuned 4.0 second cast time for damage it does. its pathic. (Enslave Demon - this spell is awful to use) (summoning doomgaurd by killing a teamm8 watch go on murderious rampage watch sucks
Inferno -sucks all the abilities. spells stone are ok fire stones are awful. having no aoe opinion to give healthstones

would be nice to give mana stones too but not in game

No soul shard spender for affliction cap stone dark pact (this spell is awful)

If you use DS for dealing damage, you are doing wrong.
Most people use it at rank 1, just to snapshot shards at low health.
Since 2nd phase, combined with Solu Harvesting book, you can just channel the spell to generate SS - but still rank 1.

What i can agree is minute ammount of reasonable shard spenders for affliction.

Master Channeler should turn all Drain spells automatic like it does for Life (However, only one drain can be active on an enemy) and Soul Siphon should arc to two additional enemies and get an increase of 50% to its drain damage as you’re wide open for a spell interupt while channeling.

even if you can master channler both life drain and soul drain wouldnt make any difference shadowbotl still scales better

So use both?

still not enough damage drain soul that awful

But with excess shards you can splurge on Shadow Flame and uh… Conflagrate?

hahaha this guy and his “fresh” takes on the game gives me a chuckle every time.

dude are you really using drain soul to dps?
omg :rofl:

no dont use it for dps. would like to use something ELSE but bloody shadow bolt

For f-sake screw shadowbolt . even when drain soul si meant get soul shards does awful job at it

What the S:@@ do actually spend it homicide pets that go hostial in about 5 mins enslave, having Kill a teammate to summon a doom gaurd

Soul Shards, Healthstone. Summoning Lazy idiots who cant to lazy get to raid themselfs expect be carried.

SOUL FIRE who has 5.0 second cast time NO one in right mind dare try cast

Everything sucks

Your pets suck

getting soul shards suck cause Nothing good to use them on

so screw you for trying make me look like a noob. when you know I know drain soul sucks. whole soul shard system sucks. vold walkers suck

giving healthstones to 20 so ppl ion raid, and summoning lazy ppl to raid sucks specially miss it then ask for summon again It sucks

dont twist this around I saying Drain Soul should do more dps. not that I USE it for DPS
You halfwit

I wanted try classic with twist all is copy past old abilities from same warlock in any classic game. same Problems Blizzard get ur crap together

Your rotation as warlock as stupid as it was in normal classic

Cast shadowbolt 1 button rotation that only ability in your whole kit thats actually good and using curse not being able to use your other curse cause reason your brought isnt just do great dps just casting shadowbolt only shadow and curse of reckness. thats your whole kit. screw all your other spells and runes

cast shadow bolt

Hell UA doesnt do enough damage your 30% of damage is shadowbolt screw shadowbolt you may like being single button warlock caster andy. with terrible pets game design

But i dont not classic + save that crap for normal classic

shadowbolt is a staple of the warlock class.
it will always be your “spam this” spell.

be happy its not vanilla where you’re better off just ignoring dots and spamming shadowbolt from start to finish because it would be more dps.

by the way, warlock definitely does not suck.
they eat shamans which everyone tells me are so OP.


ITS Same Thing

lets beat a shaman with just shadowbolt . not happening screw playing destruction as prim-source of dps

non of our runes are actually impression. all they did just made destruction that much powerful

what did demonology get fel guard. boring ua boring

Affliction still as bad as it was in van cause of powerful scalling… But if we gave 1.1 spell power rating it would make warlocks decent in pvp. just bring this out to everyone attention

Dots scaling so bad affliction warlocks even bad at pvp who know who does more damage then we do shadow priest dots

Warlocks can eat any class in soul link spec. Nothing new here