Blizzard can you act on this dead season?

There are many reasons I dont do m+ on any alt! Because, system is disaster!

While telling players “You can always take a break” isn’t wrong per se, it’s an indication that something is wrong when those words are said a mere 2-3 months into a brand new expansion.

Every time X amount of players go on a break due to boredom/lack of stuff to do, Z number of those players end up making said break permanent.

Blizzard don’t tell us any official numbers, but I bet a massive part of the playerbase that purchased TWW has stopped playing despite it being only 3 months into the game.

I began playing in early october (so I was kinda late), and I’ve already, less than 3 months in, cancelled my sub, as the only thing I have left in-game to do (that I actually want to do) is to beat Zek’vir on ??.
I’ll get around to it sometime in the coming week, and once that’s done I’m out, and who knows when I’ll be back to TWW - if it all.

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just learn the choreo and you are fine

but back to the topic

Its week 13 of the season now
its fine, if you take a break. Most of the raider in my guild are just online for clearing the raid and are gone for the week.

I agree with everything except removing aug. Cause ofc it won’t happen. It could get redesigned at most.
But it’s just what aug does. It gives more cc and more survivability. While survivability is the ceiling of the max keys aug will always be meta. But it’s not really necessary until the highest keys. Only really if you are pushing above 11’s.

Legitimate question. What’s the difference with DF? I played DF and TWW and they are the same for me. Why people think DF was better? Mythic gear and mythic crests were easier to obtain, but that’s probably does not matter for those who can farm +10 today.

This has happened for every single expansion release and every single patch release, without a single exception. It’s normal.

Because rose-tinted glasses. Also because of the psychological factor of “larger number = better”, and M+ dungeons have had their numbers reduced by 10. If Blizzard redesigned M+ to eliminate the old +2 
 +10 like they did, but did not rebrand old +11 as new +2, old +12 as new +3, etc., people would not be complaining as much.

what you fail to realise is that its exactly Ion goal.

Ion wants to detroy m+ and force players back into raiding.

you know that "fun detected fun nerfed " meme ? well its not a meme

milions enjoyed m+ so Ion took it personaly to destroy that system

cant wait for people to realise S2 will be even worse then S1 :slight_smile:

I personally would love to see aug evoker turned in to a tank.

We got leather and plate tanks, why not a mail one?

Easier dungeons and scaling with the rewards easier to get makes people play more. There arent many players who are able to farm 10’s. That takes some weeks to get there, and in the meantime you play in harder dungeons with lower rewards.

DF season 3 was the easiest season and it just make people play. Including more alts.

Myth track is now also higher ilvl in comparison to hero track than we had in DF. Myth track had only 4 tiers, now 6. So Hero-track, at least FEELS, worse than in DF.

Tanks didn’t need babysitting. Right now i feel like when i am not checking the health of the tank of 2 seconds he potentially just flopped over. Healing is so ducking stressfull now (and tanking probably too).

What’s that goal? Because it looks like you didn’t understand a single word of what I said.

Lilliths conspiracy theory is that Ion as a raider tries to kill M+.

Yeah, well, that tinfoil hat may be a bit too tight then :roll_eyes:

Pvp is probably a minority these days

As someone who played a lot of m+, i think im done for this season. M+ is just sad, im ok with more slow gearing. But when the iq of 90% of m+ players is below a baby monkey, then its sad. Seeing ppl still fail on mechanics in TNW first boss, not kicking fear, no dispell on the mobs and the list goes on and on. Then the season will die :sweat_smile: tanks dont want to tank when dps dont do their job well, and healers dont want to heal a lot of extra dmg because people dont avoid basic sh1t, also the meta slaves, you have people who dont know half their toolkit cus they reroll every minor patch.
So overall, its just a sad season

Yeah thats true but its still an important game mode for the game. Its a shame about mythic + atm because i also like to pve sometimes but its just dead something needs to change i personally think they should increase dungeon pool sizes also but the problems run deep with mythic + atm.

As in they should have all the current expansion dungeons available and the legacy dungeons should be a bonus on top of that every season to add some flavour

M+ and raiding are dying
 people, are moving away from said cointent. Get used o it.

Very true. AoE stops, stuns, knockbacks all have a high chance of actively trolling your group because someone wastes a kick.

To be fair, aug is only meta in good groups. You need to assess the party at the start and if you suspect the other dps are going to be less good than you would be as devastation, you should play devastation instead. The glory days of DF are long behind the spec, and you should rightly be suspicious of players who play it in low keys as being carry princesses.

DGMW, there are some great augmentation evokers. They can be a solid party member. But they can also be played badly and absolutely suck. Or they can be paired with a grey parsing mage and suck by proxy. They’re probably the dps most vulnerable to being brought low by other players, and they’ve lost a lot of their defensive power.

But yes, I agree. S3 was very popular. Who gives a fig if it was “easy”? People liked it. A game dev shouldn’t worry about absolute difficulty or challenge, they should pay attention to what their audience actually enjoys.

if a Dev pays attention to what he thinks is best and that his truth is the absolute, without taking feedback from the community, then maybe he should be playing that game and leave us the rest of the community to go play something else.

the way they "develop"lately feels like that the devs think that something is right and its god damn 99% wrong. every little suggestion ive heard so far regarding how to balance/fix classes , how to balance/fix content etc has been 100% better than what these so called ‘‘devs’’ have been cooking.

can we please refocus on the game and not on island expeditions as 11.0.7 or weird store mounts or whatever? and move aside from esports, your dev love for esports has made the game extremely bad. this mdi and AWC was one of the worst and lowest viewed competitions to date.

Please take time and fix and rekindle the love people had for PVP and PVE . i dont remember any time gating on anything besides the war efforts that servers as a whole did to do something. No moronic timegating everywhere no crests no nothing just the world and its monsters and we . Please return to the roots and please adress this horrid imbalance

Same reason it’s always been meta to have exactly 1 tank, never less never more.

What is that supposed to mean? Df season 1 was one of the best balanced seasons for the majority of classes. I had m+ runs with all the tanks and not a single one felt bad compared to others. I wouldn’t pick any in favour of the other only if it ddnt fit in the comp. Same goes for dps, i generally ddnt care as long as they worked together.

After the aug introduction all hell was let loose. This is literally the worst change that ever happened to this game and largely responsible for what we have now