Reread my actual posts. Just because you have a catchy slogan doesn’t mean people need to agree with the way you go about things. You can agree with an actual message but not the group saying it. the logic is honestly insane.
Descriminating on black people is what defines me being racist towards black people, Not supporting a group of people who speak for everyone. Your logic is flawed.
I can be against racism without taking anything to do with BLM, Who made them kings of anti- racism exactly?
So your logic is because they are “fighting racism” they aren’t open to crisitism or I’m a racist?
actually, no it’s not. ever heard of ICE? guantanamo?
indiscriminate killing of an unarmed man by suffocation? IN THE STREET. ON CAMERA. WHILE HE CRIED FOR HIS MOTHER.
Oh really? Godwin’s law so soon? And so out of place. I see you are going for the big virtue signal huh?
Well don’t try too hard cause the picture has been painted for many people. BLM is not about saving black lives, it’s a political tool to attack the current regime in power and the people who lead it are extremists and racists, which makes it hypocritical. The wokes just jumped on the bandwagon for some social points and get offended when someone makes a statement like “all lives matter” as if it’s some racial slur. God forbid people might be actually humane and let those slogans work in sync. Cause nobody wants that. They want to make noise and you want to be offended. So give me a break.
you’re tarring them all with the same brush though. you seem to think all BLM proponents are violent thugs. that is the definition of bigotry.
you can disagree with criminal acts and still be a proponent of a civil movement.
So wait a min, You’re tarring them with a good brush? They are a group of people who organise things, So BLM aren’t tarring all police officers with a brush when asking for them to be defunded? You’re honestly making zero sense.
So this group is allowed to do what they want because their message is anti racism? you’re ignoring most of my points btw. Please answer them all. Don’t cherry pick.
I see where youre comming from. I still find it a stupid insult. The same applies to the n-word being used by pocs. If you dont want to be called then then simply ban the usage as a whole. Ofc context matters, but that is a seperate issue.
That has to take more into consideration than just plain being a heavy mental burden as a whole. Trans people are still receiving alot of distaste within the general public and that can easily take a toll. The biggest issue would lie with people that are trans but happen to be rejected by their family as that would probably the biggest toll one would have to bear out of all.
Im talking about individuals within the advocate groups that take everything out of context or try to change stuff that is either utterly irrelevant or so down on the list that you should rather focus on important stuff in regards of the whole picture instead of annoying the hell out of people.
Let me take vegan/vegetarian activists for example. Im all for decreasing the amount of meat we consume in general (for a number of reasons), but for example occupying entire villages/citys and annoying the general public can easily cause people that were on your side before or agreeing with you to either stop caring because of your actions or flat out act against you.
It is. Would be news to me that the US is run by a regime (emphasis on regime/government) that is openly intending to wipe out all black/latino/whatever people systematically with camps and what not. Your comparison is disgusting, period. Saying that what is happening in the US is equal to the Holocaust could easily get you a lawsuit in germany for the matter.
did you see me say “none of them are engaged in criminal acts”? no you didn’t. I didn’t say anything like that or imply it. I full acknowledged that individuals are engaged in criminal acts. I have a feeling you are not really interested in discussion right now though as you were clearly trying to take some kind of potshot rather than make a legitimate point.
I’ve made plenty of legitimate points, As the other guy said you’re the one comparing current black american lifes with consentration camp jewish people. That just shows how way off the mark with reality you are with what’s happening.
Thinking you need to agree with BLM tactics or you’re a racist, Insanity.
yeah I really don’t think I said that or implied it.
I can see what you’re doing here.
I wanted to try and show you how ridiculous it was for you to suggest that “black lives matter” as a statement is in any way ‘devious’ or ‘malicious’. was attempting to get you to see some perspective and actually consider that there is a group of people who are oppressed and being killed indiscriminately, and that people are trying to say that we should not be killing a group of people indiscriminately.
I apologise. I was foolish to believe that you would be capable of civilised discussion.
Yeah and part of the above mentioned treatment should train their ability to repel or keep away from the general public opinion which varies. You are not gonna force the whole world to see things the way you want to, that’s a fact. Rejection is inevitable. The experts have to see if the person in question can get over it or not. That’s the real issue and it always was. But you know, virtue signaling isn’t about that. It’s about making yourself look good no matter what. So me saying what I just said above, regarding the careful evaluation and treatment people who come forward with this deserve, makes me a hater or a bigot.
Well this falls on the same virtue signalers. Most of them take up crusades without even really knowing what they are fighting for. They just want to bark at someone and preach understanding and tolerance without really knowing the reason they are doing it. So yeah, bad PR.
You compared it to the Holocaust. A thing that was openly executed by the governement with the sole purpose to wipe out a certain group of people with all means necessary. Compared to the issue in the US where there are people that are hunting down PoCs no doubt but it would be news to me that the US government is totally ok with you doing that.
You were foolish to believe your cmparison to the holocaust was in any way relevant. Borderline disgusting.
Yes. Its still an issue that should be adressed tho. Or well youre fine to think what you want but it shouldnt influence your actions.
Ye i agree there. Perhaps they should pump more resources into this field in general tho. Alas i dont know how much they pump into it so i say that reluctantly
honestly, your behaviour towards me right now? disgusting.
you goaded me into a retaliation, which was not completely off the mark, yet not my initial point. now you use that sidetrack to try to character assassinate me. just stop. it helps nothing.
Did the BLM leaders condone the actions of the people in the videos I linked or talked about? Nope, They encouraged it.
Of course you’re done, because you have no ground to stand on. Typical
Such a hypocrite. Calling people racist and homophobes left right and centre then when someone calls you out on something disgusting that you’ve said you cry about it?
You were talking to metaljaw or somebody else. Not me. YOU just accused me of saying: " how ridiculous it was for you to suggest that “black lives matter” as a statement is in any way ‘devious’ or ‘malicious’". So please enlighten me more.
I replied to you because your comparison of the holocaust to what is happening in the US is disgusting. In germany this would be deemed “Relativierung des Holocausts” which can easily get you into prison here. I didnt even give a flying F about the rest of your post, only this certain point.