They made the button miniscule and hard to find! Why did they change it? Who asked for this?
Mine is where its supposed to be.
Are you sure you’ve clicked on the regular ‘‘World of Warcraft’’ icon, and not the new ‘‘Recently Played’’?
Oh my, I feel stupid now… thanks for clearing this up!
I will now hide in a corner in shame.
There, there - everyone makes mistakes.
Mine hasn’t changed but this is the second comment I’ve seen about things relating to the launcher.
I think it’s because it doesnt have the ‘‘WoW’’ play button where it normally is until you click on the old WoW icon on the launcher.
Thats not the only change. Yesterday I was given notice that my authenticator was moving to the mobile bnet client. Ok I thought so i downlaoded it. My issue now is that the bnet mobile client wont work unless I activate cookies on my phone. I take this blizzard now feels they have a right to monitor my habits and track me via my cellphone. Now I have to choose between whether I continue playing the game and activate cookies on my mobile phone or risk not being able to log in because my current authenticator wont work in a few months. Dont get me wrong I have no issue with them moving it but I do have an issue when I do not have a choice to protect my privacy.
See that thing in left corner?
I guess they are rolling out a new launcher, thanks for sharing. But the play button is still there so I’m not sure what the upset is?
The play button was ‘‘hidden’’ when I booted up this morning, because I hadnt clicked on the regular Warcraft icon - so the play button wasnt showing. That’s why.
I just removed the favorite icons and started up as usual though.
Ah I guess I’ll find out when I get it what the problem is xD.
I imagine it’s meant to be a quick menu.
No need to say sorry. Was confused too when I loaded the client update.
Maybe he’s Canadian?
Is Portugal the Canada of Europe?
Mine changed from the old style to the new style at some point today.
This morning it was old style, right now it is new style.
To change it back do the following:
1: Click on Down Arrow next to Blizz Icon in top left hand corner
2: Click on Settings in the drop down menu
3: In the right hand pane, Scroll down to “On Start up, view”
4: Click down arrow
5: Select “Last Viewed Game Page”
6: Click Done & exit Launcher
7: Relaunch Launcher & you’ll have the old style back
Depends - do you say ‘‘Sorry’’ a lot?
Never out of habbit, only if I made a mistake and only for people who respect me.
Then no.