Blizzard check your statistics about level boosts

Dont worry i have to do like 20 hours of quests after 120 lvl…so np

Also i played all classes but paladin and its not like its nuclear science.

Didn’t necessarily mean you but it would explain the masses of bad players as they skipped learning their class because they dont care about it enough and thats not a good thing for the health of the game.

Paying money to skip what takes such little time and helps you leanr is rather sad imho.

i’ve had 8 resets on my hunter now, the first 2 resets i only logged on to do 1 M+ for weekly and some dailies, so not sure how much that counts.

In that time 3k RIO by pugging,
Cloak rank 15 and max corruption resistance (yes i need to get another 3 today)
1500 2v2 Rating
12/12 HC
6/12 Mythic
479 in bags, 476 Equipped
Fully gemmed
Full bis corruption either equiped or waiting in my bags.

In the last 3 resets i’ve gotten 1 upgrade.

I fail to see the problem with current catch up? :confused:

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Idk but you quote me and i dont see word SOLO here …im forced to play blizzard way and you saying its exactly opposite so explain.

Pls tell me about these options i can choose which of these annyoing mechanic grind first?

u orginally called it “solo content”… i was merely saying u have the option of soloing or grouping said content… which is a Option in the way u consume that specific content.

im confused to what u really mean tho?

ur neck doesnt have to be 80 to grind the cloak, nor do u need to cloak to grind essences… and theres no need to level the neck prior unlocking essences either? Sop i dunno what u mean by theres some required method here through it?

WoW is a theme park MMORPG. which means it creates a Route throughg content via Power progression for the player.

Its not a Sandbox MMORPG. which allows the player to do whatever he wants to do in any order he wants

but as far as theme park MMORPGS, it offers alot more choice then alot of them do.

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Well you cherry picked one thing i was wrong about and you are right even if everybody doing it solo you can group for it ok but you still dont answer me…

I could play the way i want in older expansions now i cant…its exactly opposite so i wonder why you saying this?

because u’ve taken what i wrote in a different context

Im saying they’re allowing players to access their content in more then 1 way, for example Grouping or soloing the same content.

I’d disagree, WoW Forcing PvE content down PvP players throats has existed for a long time… and even stretchs as far back as Vanilla.

the difference is the game was 100x more clear cut, as the end gamer was ONLY

PvP and Raiding. this ment there was MErely LESS to do, to be a PvPer but it still forced u into content you didnt want to do.

but it also had impact on Players that didnt pvp or raid, with M+ and Soloable content they introduce more content to hold onto those players for longer realistically.

as the pool of Different content increases Yes the bar naturally gets higher, and Yes this impacts the top 1%… but even During preachs Discussion on this problem even he said

“how much should gameplay For the top 1% effect the main meat of the playerbase”. these systems have negatively impacted people at the very end of the spectrums in this content… but u cant kill the game for the majority for a 1%.

your asking to be the best of the very best, and be in the BiS Gear with maximised Optimization and more…

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The difference is that this use to be nimmaxing situation atm you cant even play random bgs mate. Corruption doing 50% of players dmg (95% for tanks) or boost your secondary stat by like 100%? Its gamebreaking and unplayable without it. I dont care if some mythic raider having small advantage trust me i want just casually heal rated arena and sometimes bgs…but i need 2 months(with my time bank more like 4) to even play this content. Its chore …its boring its like work then game. Roll an alt end tell me how fun is to do all this sh*t again.

blizzard and the playerbase have both agreed corruptions were a mistake and they’re cut from everything SL Pre-patch onwards. theres no point in arguing over a System thats already labelled a failure by the company themselves… its being Fixed, their not gonna remove it Mid Patch though. like all content we have to Simply accept Long term its gone.

the fight to remove corruption is already won.

just some players seem to think they should just randomly remove content the moment its proven to be so.

yet you forget, Raids, M+ and everything else has been Balanced surrounding the idea you WILL have these corruptions… outright removing them would require a entire rebalance, whichj would need testing to get right.

During the End months of a New Expansion development… we have to accept thats not something thats plausible. you cant have the Players Testing your new expansion and 8.3 balance simultaniously.

there are lots of failed systems in BFA as it was litterally built on one… and the rest was a bandaid.

this ment these systems got released staggeredly throughout the expansion… meaning their tide to different content making Huge issues, where if they all came at once they’d be routed to the same content removing these long lists of chores.

blizzard aknowledged this was a Major problem, and is Proving to be as problematic as the playerbase Said and even aknowledged their ignorance during BFA Betaing and how many more problems it caused throughout the journey.

they’ve undone ALOT of these problems in SL which is proof their turning it back as they know they’ve gone to far in BFA.

so i really dont know why the arguments persist on systems which blizzard have already corrected.

SL has persisting problems defintly, but these arent them

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Who said that?

Well good to know they admit that…i dont want to remove anything just make some better catch up especially if there is end of expansion and there wont be any content update.

I used to have 6 capped classes in wod so its very annoying for me…classes are so plain that im burned down really fast this expac. I used to roll an alt if this happened in older expansions. Now no point to do that…i will finish my paladin the only class i never played in wow and farm some mog till SL.

Anyway thanks for your time buddy…i dont agree with you but i respect your opinion and im glad this remained civil. Stay safe!

You people are delusional lmao

Why? 10char

To begin with, boosts and catch up mechanics should not even exist.

They’ve existed since vanilla. 0.5 sets, Dire Maul, and ZG are all catch up mechanics.

Boosts are not an issue and if you think they are then you’re delusional.

Tell me again how you could buy buffs and armor that granted you bonus exp or how you could spend real money in legit way to get your alts to max level. Maybe there are some event buffs that yield some bonus exp, but if you wanted to level your characters up to same level as your main, you most likely had to go through same. Leveling in Retail is big joke.

They’re removing that in shadowlands, you should be thrilled, though I suspect you won’t be, because you’re arguing in bad faith, but I’ll keep going either way because it’s fun.

That’s the point, people were and are spending money in non-legit ways to get to max level, pretending like it doesn’t happen or didn’t happen helps no one. Boosts don’t hurt the game or diminish anything, in fact they’ve open the game up to friends of mine who would have never had the time previously.

It’s been a joke for a while, and while I see the arguments in favor a more robust and lengthy leveling experience they never really seem to solve any pressing issue or add anything back into the game.

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I feel you. Only solution is to raid mythic. And grind this annoying mandatory “” content""in groups of other like minded individuals. Which is hard to do unless you’re actually close. And also this takes a lot of time. I’m surprised even vision of nzoth allows groups. Must be to cater to the booster/streamer :clown_face: community

Well i rolled char on nondead server and actually have guild(with more then 5 people online)…so i hope in SL i will have friends to play with :grin:

Play= grind unenjoyable content for weeks according to the lawyer boss

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