Blizzard, come out and say it already: "AMD hardware is not supported and we don't care to support it."

There’s an issue that persists at least since November '23 with AMD GPUs and WoW in DirectX 12 that has not been fixed and has not been recognized publicly by Blizzard at all. The game freezes, the screen turns black and then it all comes back up. The whole thing takes a minute or so. Maybe less, maybe more. Maybe it won’t sort itself out and you’ll have to reboot manually. Sometimes it’s one crash after a few hours. Sometimes you’ll crash back to back to back to back as soon as you log into the game. The area, the graphics settings, the driver version, the OS version, the system setup, it’s all irrelevant. The only thing that differs is how often you’ll crash. But you will.

We’ve been keeping the old forum post alive for nearly a year now. We’ve only gotten a single blue post in November '23 and it’s been radio silence since. We’ve been left in the dark forever. We don’t know if the issue is being worked on (although clearly it’s not). We don’t know what’s causing it or how we can alleviate it. We don’t know if we’re trying to find a solution or its cause. Maybe even if we did find the root cause, nobody at Blizzard or AMD cares to fix it anyway. We’re just being treated like third rate citizens. ]

This is just unacceptable. We want to play our favorite game. And we can’t enjoy it. No. DirectX 11 is NOT an acceptable solution in any way, shape or form. DX11 performance is poop in any scenario that involves anything more than a few NPCs or players. And guess what? That’s what we’re all here for. It’s an MMORPG, remember? Massive? Multiplayer? Yeah, DX11 sucks at that kind of stuff. We paid an arm and a leg for our GPUs. We paid with our hard earned money. With our blood, sweat and tears. For god’s sakes, it would all have been so much better if you had made it known from the start instead of leaving people to discover the sad truth only after they’ve sticked those graphics cards in their systems.

For the love of everything that is holy, either communicate with your paying customers and get this issue fixed once and for all or just come out and say it: “We do not support AMD hardware and we don’t care to support it.”

We would all be more than happy to provide as much feedback and information as possible in order to get this fixed, but you just don’t care about it all.


Nvidia GPU also crashes on Dx12 and the solution is to switch to Dx11 :sunglasses:

You should try this , it fixed for me (it was the only thing that worked).
Multi-Plane Overlay (MPO - Windows feature) causes freezing/flickering/stuttering/driver crash.

To disable download this reg from Nvidia (it works for AMD cards too, its a windows bug):
nvidia.custhelp. com/ci/fattach/get/824301808/0/filename/mpo_disable.reg

or edit with regedit yourself:

-reboot your computer after

You can also try this tool with multiple fixes:
github. com/RedDot-3ND7355/MPO-GPU-FIX

Good luck.

It might have worked for you, but it hasn’t worked for a lot of people, including me. And even if I can find a fix that works for me, yes I’ll be happy, but I won’t be satisfied knowing there’s people out there who have no idea what’s going on and are going through the same things that I did. We aren’t required to have the technical know-how to mess with registry keys, bios settings, ram speeds, or whatever else I’ve ever tried - which is a ton. What’s required though is for the company that develops the game we play and the company that sold us the hardware we use to work properly.

I was just trying to help no reason to direct your anger towards me, i was in the same situation till i found this workaround “fix”.

Of course I’m glad you’ve found a solution that works for you!

Just came here cus I have same problem with NVIDIA card. WoW lags and freezes my whole PC sometimes. Only solution is to reboot but then it happens again… Screen turns black everytime I alt tab too