Blizzard decided Transmog contests

Ok so hear me out, what if Blizzard did like an official livestream where they did a asmongold style official Transmog competition and the winner would be “The most Fabulous” till the next one.

I just think it would be funny to have a literal developer see how players are using the gear they made, oh and the reactions would be great, I pray they would be brutaly honest (even though I know pr and all that). But like imagine Chris Metzen reacting to mogs and then calling your Epic or terrible.

This would motivate players to look better and do older content, as well as create a closer bond/memes with the developer so it would make it feel like og wow community again.

Can we coax this out of them or is it a lost dream?


I can only imagine the thousands of people who would try to take part.


On twitter and Insta they do Mog Mondays btw in case people aren’t aware.


Why on earth would people use those sites when the wow forums are the only social platform we need?



There is a mog topic on the forums too, tbf

I couldn’t care less for compeitions but I would like to pinch mogs that come out of it.

What they need to do is do that style thing more often. It’s a nice social activity.

They can’t, because they don’t know the game as good as Asmongold.

I can picture him watching and give his own humble opinion.

I think that’s a great idea. I think in general more positive, lighthearted interactions between Blizzard and players would be wonderful.

That said, the playerbase has a habit of using any kind of access to devs to grumble towards them about unrelated stuff. At times very understandable but I’m sure it can be a strain.

I’d for sure keep an eye on the proceedings and enjoy it tho!


This would actually be a very cool idea. Transmogs are a part of the game that some people attach great importance to. It would be nice to have such a competition organized and interact with Blizzard. This would be much better for me to watch than the mythic+ tournament.

So like a kind of Trial, but of Style.


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If they could leave their precious content creators out of it then yes, could be fun!

Totally agree, but most people dont use these forums or mmochamp. The mainstream crowd sticks to twitter or x and facebook.

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