Blizzard devs are the worst

I hate people judging developper.

You don’t even see their code you judge them as bad. They were asked to create something, they code it.

They are not the Lead Designer guys. Don’t judge code if you are not yourself a programmer.
And within programmer we all know all code is not perfect and it will never be.

I support those employee who programmes this game, they do good work. Thing asked to them is good even if sometime yea in tol dagor cannon bug or mob jump understair. But this bug in their work is like a dust in a house.

Still they programms well. They are just doing what is asked to them.

I think hate is a really strong word here, I might be a bit naive but i do not think anyone (or atleast very few people) hate anyone.

And when it comes to the art team and music / sound design it is superb, blizzard do it second to non, sadly the game industry is a an industry where the most amazing art goes and butt heads with the cold world of the corporate world, and sometimes a middle ground has to be met, and that might not always be the best for players. sometimes cut and sacrifices has to be made to design and gameplay to have it launch of time.

Imagne if all the teams working on WoW had a year between patches to fine tune, add all the content and story lines they wanted. and all the polish they could do without suits pushing them to make da dollah bills yo swag. it would be amazing, but as a player base we are also relentless when it comes to new content and improvements. I will just pull some numbers out of my butt now, but imagine if the game has like… 4 million players now, and you try to please 4 million people, from PVE’ers, PVP’ers, RP’ers, pet battlers, mount and mog collectors, it is a titanic task…
It is hard enough to get 4 people in a room to agree on what pizza to order.

I am not too happy about the game at the moment, but I think they are doing their best to please every one, and trying to please every one often displeases most.

I think Blizz do their best to please both their share holders and their players.
And as players we… kinda(?)… come second(?) and we could argue if that is right for years.

I would prefer if companies just sometimes came out and said “yeah, sorry my dudes, but the hard green cash more important on this one my dudes, we do it for dem profits yo…swag”

The world would be better if folks and companies were just honest like that, instead of trying to play us. I am sure most would understand. there are no free lunches, as they say…


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They love your money thats for sure.

They’re human like the rest of us and most people regardless of geographical location enjoy being rewarded for their efforts so why would the general consensus be any different?

*Actually found this just now

Unsurprisingly they dislike the exact same things as the people on the EU and NA forums.

It’s healthy to have opinions, you should try it sometime. Every single post I’ve ever seen you post has been something about how not all information is available so there’s no point in talking about it. Also I didn’t suggest I knew the feedback of millions of players, but considering the hoops you have to jump through to get to blizz in a non-public way makes it seem somewhat unlikely that they receive a lot of praise through the submit a suggestion feature.

at the end of the day the only thing the higher ups care about is the bottom line warcraft lost it’s soul when blizzard became activision blizzard

Care to make any up more bs? People like you are pathetic.

so is that when they merged with vivendi in 2008? or when they bought the majority shares in 2013? or just since you saw some youtuber make a whiny video about it recently? or just because its the popular thing to cry about and you just follow the herd like the good little sheep you are

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I read somewhere on the internet that they also kick dogs.

Well, maybe not rock stars, but isn’t this pretty much what every boy band ever does?

I don’t think they hate us, but they certainly don’t respect us.

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Not only that, but every night before they go home, they kill a few kittens. They’re not humans. Disgusting.

That’s a very interesting topic to investigate tbh.

I know regarding feedback NA takes priority over Europe.
How important is the Chinese market when compared to Europe and NA ?
I know Activision Blizzard is heavily invested in getting a market worth millions of dollars.

“First, China is still the largest gaming market in the world. Niko Partners estimates that the total number of gamers in China will rise from 604 million in 2017 to 768 million in 2022 and that the vast majority will be mobile gamers. That’s a market Activision can’t afford to lose. Activision doesn’t disclose how much revenue it generates in China, but it represents a large percentage of its Asia Pacific business, which generated 12% of its sales in the first half of 2019.”

Now let us estimate how many of this 604 million customers need to subscribe to WoW to make a game that has probably 3 millions players worldwide, to become the most important customer base market.

Either way, I don’t think the future look good for the Europe community.


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I don’t think anything the WoW devs have done (or will do) will compare to the complete betrayal of the core player base perpetrated by Sony Online Entertainment when they introduced the NGE to Star Wars Galaxies.

i concur on this one. its so badly made(for android at least) it sucks more battery than snapchat, microsoft edge and the screen combined in an average day of use.

BioWare :smiley: I played SWTOR for a few years and their dev staff never listened to the players.

You cant find a game where the devs “listen” to their players! Just read CS:GO forums, GTA forums, etc… You wont find satisfied players anywhere.

awesome you can read wikipedia and as for youtube i don’t need to watch videos to see facts since activision bought the shares and split from vivendi subscriber count and the quality of the game has dropped like for example warlords of draenor which was the first expansion after the split and is arguably the worst expansion to date so maybe you should take off those rose tinted specs and get a real pair because you are clearly blinded to the truth because there is a reason warcraft went from over 13 million subs to under 5 million

My point is merely that whilst it’s tempting to generalize, there’s rarely merit for doing it. Like with WoW feedback…or my post history.

I mean, the WoW playerbase probably amounts to a small country in terms of population. I live in Denmark, we’re a handful million people. No matter what topic you look at, be it politics, food, sport, entertainment, then the most popular opinion is never the majority opinion. There’s always a spectrum of opinions that indicate a lot of free thinking and individuality.
It’s the same with WoW. If some hundred or thousands of people can discuss and share different opinions here on this forum, then imagine the breath and width of individual opinions once applied to the playerbase at large. As tempting as it is to generalize and boil it down to those who like something and those who don’t, there’s little basis for doing so. It’s always going to be more nuanced than that.

I think players should be careful with saying what the general feedback is on almost anything, because we really don’t know.

Except WoW is not even close to as complex as the real life situations you’re trying to compare it to. I never said it was a binary hate it or love it, what I said was that it was poorly received which it was. Sure there’s a few options as to why you can like or dislike something in WoW but it boils down to the same few bullet points because game systems aren’t very complex (from a non-technical perspective anyway). They’re all a version of the same skinner box and how good it is entirely depends on the reward structure. Azerite gear was so bad they had to make a whole new system in a hurry, grinding the neck was so bad they made account wide catchups and finally put a cap on it for 8.3.

You’re right that generalizing is rarely accurate and if we were talking about flying you’d have a point because there are pros and cons to either side of that argument which is where the nuance comes in. The pros and cons for my points are overwhelmingly one sided unless your idea of fun is artificially being left behind on all of your alts because you really need that rank 3 mechagon essence but you already did your WQs today, only 29 days to go. Most might not care but I can say with confidence that the majority of people playing this game does not find that to be an engaging, fun and rewarding piece of content, especially not when you factor in that it’s most likely gone forever come shadowlands.

Also I wasn’t going through your post history lol, with 4.5k posts you’re not hard to come by.

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