Blizzard devs are the worst

Is there any game company out there whose developers hate their own players as much as Blizzard’s do?


On what do you base this claim? It sounds to me like you had an unpleasant experience while playing this game. What was that exactly?

Simply saying “the developers hate us” with no context isn’t helpful.


Pokemon go.

Any dev who creates such an addictive yet battery killing game must hate their customers something chronic!!!


The devs love their players!

They love them so much, they want them to keep playing their game and their game alone and nothing but their game until death do them part.


Dammit, Danellos, I was just typing up a flippant sarcy zinger when you felt you just had to go and gratuitously make sense. :stuck_out_tongue:


:violin: :wine_glass: :yawning_face:


You’re sleepy after drinking wine and playing the violin?


No, I’m censoring my desire to belittle the OP with cute emojis. For my own sake really.

Bethesda :stuck_out_tongue:

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I wouldn’t say hate but to me they seem indifferent to us as customers and players.

Like corrupted gear, one of the biggest complaints of legion was how the legendary gear acquistion worked at the start and they changed it so it became better and less RNG based and then do a complete 180 and effectively re-introduce the same legendary system that is easier to obtain but has 3 ranks which makes it harder again.

Azerite gear, very poorly received, re-launched the same system but now it’s essences and instead of incremental you just do 30 days for no pay out and then get it all at the end instead. I’m fine with having something to work towards but the different ranks are balanced so horribly on some of the essences that they’re not worth using at all for rank 1 and 2 and then becomes mega good at rank 3 which is my main problem with the essence system.

Not intending to start a discussion on either of these points because there’s 50000 threads already but figured I’d toss em in there as my example of blizz not really interested in community feedback. To me it really feels like they intentionally do some of these things to get some goodwill down the line when they fix it.

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I think your confusing the Devs with very senior management. That is where the decisions are made. I can’t for one minute believe that any developer would willingly make something that they know some of the playerbase will hate. Thats a bit like a rockstar making a "£$% album on purpose, not gonna happen.


Feels like it… :frowning:

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Did they make you go to bed early?
Adults are all lame, OP!

I personally doubt that the devs have normal control anymore. The higher ups and shareholders want fast, easy money, so they want release games faster and sooner, but thats only cause the quality to rot.

This can only go on until a better mmorpg which can go againts WoW, shows up.

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This seems likely, tbh. I suspect the dev team themselves are emotionally crushed by the demands the management tier hands down to them. They can’t fail to know how frustrated players are, they can’t fail to feel responsible - but it is not their job to do what we want, it is their job to do what management tells them.

Let us blame the frothy-mouthed loons shouting “Player retention! Hours played! Metrics!” rather than the devs who’ve been instructed to either ruin their own game, or quit their dream jobs. I do not blame them for hanging on, doing as instructed and hoping that next expansion will let them make the game better again.

My example of ignorance and indifference; player opinion is heavily against Titanforging. So we’re assured it’s going. And now we have Corruption, which is not only an order of magnitude more powerful, but has a broader range of RNG potential, and is humanly incalculable. At least with a TF item, you were sure that the one with +20 ilvls was better than the regular one, and it often was even if it had worse secondary stats. With corruption you either have a note in your head of “ignore all but this” or you sim it every time before offering it to others in the party if you don’t need it. Mental. Absolutely mental.


Destiny 2 and Final Fantasy XIV are doing rather well, so I’d say WoW has some stiff competition. Which is good, seeing that some of the good features of those games are influencing the direction of Shadowlands.


Currently in Red Dead Online, NOTHING works.
And I am not being dramatic, quite literally, nothing works. The stupid p2p system they got kicks people every 5-10 minutes. Animals does not spawn, which are critical for multiple parts of the game. Missions cause endless loading screens which means you have to force close the client. Events aren’t spawning. Horses shrink, lose their mane and tail or just outright refuse to move at times. Free Roam missions are greyed out or only offer PvP missions for people that it should prioritize PvE missions for. Collectables doesn’t spawn for the collector role. Mission givers doesn’t spawn even though the map shows they are there. And when kill missions finally do spawn, they spawn across the map, and if another players get near, it activates it and causes a failiure because you are too far away.
and last not not least, your camp, a critical part of the trader role(As is the animals) doesn’t spawn in 80% of the time, and when it finally does place, there is a big chance that none of your equipment spawns, leaving it useless.
This has been going on for 159 days, with ZERO acknowledgement from Rockstar, in fact, they recently claimed that Online was a HUGE success and they are happy with how it is working out.

Compared to that, Blizzard developers are gods amongst gaming developers.

I hardly call destiny 2 an mmorpg, its like a fps sandbox game, similar to diablo 3.

FF14 has some good points, but still inferior to WoW, thats my opinion.

It could also be that players don’t really have a full overview of the feedback Blizzard are given, directly and indirectly.

I mean, you only know what happens when you play the game from your own perspective. You only see and experience the game through your character and your own eyes.

The feedback you read is limited to the English-speaking community I presume. That’s a very small part of the entirety of the WoW community. And of that community, you’re only aware of the vocal feedback.

You’ve no idea what the Chinese players’ feedback regarding item design is. Or what the South Koreans are saying. Or how they spend their time in-game.
You’ve no idea how other people play and approach the game that are far distanced from yourself and the things you do in the game.

It’s very bold to believe you know what the feedback of millions of players amounts to on anything really.