just go to the police put a lawsuit agaist them for internet harrasment …
it is that easy …
Sure when Blizzard doesn’t hold their communication 90% of the times on Twitter.
I sort of empathize with Blizz employees but posting on social media is no win.
No matter how crappy your customers are, theres nothing to be gained from barking back.
Blizrog just doesn’t know how to manage their employees
If people were reading their twitter, I don’t think anyone would even be surprised of current fiasco and lawsuits
Any decent company have selected people only who can post on social media and they are required to be at least somewhat professional.
They dont. They play CoD, Car games and are fans of Marvel Movies. This includes Brian Holinka. Zero skills, zero brains and zero passion!
i dont use twitter even so jokes on u blizzard
Whatever you say buddy.
I shall henceforth never post again.
But bye everyone!!
(Remember to take this literally as you should with everything apparently…)
I also noted you ommited this later post where I did indeed, clarify I was taking a break until issues were resolved. Which they were.
Did you miss that deliberately or…
Whoever feels like white knighting for the devs or saying that Blizzard might have different policies on this, or that these are “factoids”, just turn around and walk away because you sound absolutely ridiculous beyond belief. Can you please stop simping for this company?
When you are in a line of business where you have your job exclusively BECAUSE of your customers, no matter if you are a CS person or a dev, you need to not antagonize people who pay your paycheck every month. As a student, I worked for a telecom company as a customer service guy and I’ve seen 3 people get fired because they wrote how their customers are dumb and rude, and many of their FB friends are customers of that company.
You absolutely cannot do what these devs are doing with impunity anywhere else and it’s unreasonable to think you can do it at Blizzard. They just do not care about any kind of quality control, whether it’s about their games or employees.
They defend their behavior because they obviously agree with them. Wether it be political or not.
But that’s the thing. I don’t think they should be fired for expressing their political views. I don’t even think they should be fired for anything that they personally think about anything not related to their customers. But the moment you start antagonizing the very people dumb enough to still buy your products, you show how stupid you are.
Fired - no. Sanctioned - yes
Well the thing is, I’ve seen the devs blame the playerbase for a bunch of reasons. I even saw a Blizzard dev state that sales were so bad because of Trump and his voters, or that the antivaxxers were the issue in the online gaming world.
Or that the gamers are very problematic and that they are white men, right-wing, incels, whatever the buzz word is nowadays.
Yeah, that is the problem. As far as I’m concerned, you can think that vaccines are poison and that the Earth is flat, and you can get away with posting it on social media as the company can just say that you’re a good dev and technically it doesn’t matter and your opinions on vaccines are not why they keep you around.
But you cannot be allowed to say anything bad about people who buy your products, simple as. However, they still do it, and they are dumb enough to openly flame the biggest WoW influencer of all time as if they learned nothing from Taliesin’s example.
A company that doesn’t deem professionalty in customer relations a key value most likely won’t deem professionality in product quality a key value either. Those two values, professionality and quality, are directly linked to each other, because only professional work ethics can assure product quality. And hit dogs usually bark the loudest if their lack of skill is called out.
Yeah, I don’t think the two are necessarily correlated.
Equally I think people -should- be allowed to express their own opinions, which may at times differ from those of their employers. Social Media is like most technology in a way, it is both blessing and curse at the same time.
I’m lucky. I’m self employed. I have no ‘boss’. I do however find it saddening that so many of my friends on Facebook feel the need to have -two- profiles. One that is ‘work safe’ (I don’t mean naughty pictures, just a sanitised version for business, and one for their actual friends.
Stop and think about what that says about modern society.
It basically means you’re never ‘off the clock’. It means you have to have your corporate responsibility head on throughout your entire conscious day, lest you type something against company policy.
And that is absolutely horrific.
If someone needs a second account to hide their own personality and thoughts from their employer, despite being in their own home when stating them, and employers can -action- their thoughts when not at work then something is very, very deeply wrong.
Now as people know, I’m the first to lambast people who mistake freedom of speech, with freedom from consequence. However this is removing the capacity to make an informed choice as to either. If you remove someone’s ability to make an informed choice, then they will make an uninformed choice, and that just exacerbates the situation.
The Waters are further muddied, when non insulting statements (Unless they insult high end Mythic fans, they’re delicate) get slammed, yet racism and sexism are OK by Blizzard?
There is no consistency.
Can they demonise -some- elements of the playerbase?
Look at this damned forum. Yes they can. I’ll even hold their beer whilst they do so.
But that is the entire thrust of your argument.
You have to have been someone born since the advent of social media to think the way you are stating things. Those of us who predate it understand a bit better what the problem is, and where it lies.
When I started in the workplace. I worked from 9-5 (Well actually I didn’t, but you get the idea) and whilst I was at work, I was expected to act professionally, and benefit my employer. When I clocked out at the end of the day, my life was my own. If I wanted to smash windows and set fire to homeless people then I could do so (Until the police arrested me) but the important thing is -no one- would go “Oh, he set fire to homeless people, that means Bradford and Bingley endorse setting fire to people” No, it just meant I was a violent psychopath arsonist…
I could be -completely- professional in my career, and an atrocious person outside of it (Basically the plot of the excellent book ‘American Psycho’ ) but people would hold -me- accountable. Not my employers. It wouldn’t reflect badly on them. I’d just be a psycho. Where I worked was inconsequential to the fact that I burned tramps alive.
Nowadays, with Social Media however, -everything- has to be connected. So if back then I was burning tramps alive (Just to clarify, I have never set fire to another living creature, apart from myself twice, by accident!) So in that scenario my actions would reflect on the company? How, Would I have been burning homeless people to encourage people to get mortgages and therefore increase revenue for my company?
Now to use the Madeleine Roux example, that is different. She has directly linked her contractor status with Blizzard as an author, with her own personal opinions.
Is it foolish of these people to state they ‘work for Blizzard but my opinions are my own?’
Yes it is. In an ideal world, one that is not still coming to terms with Social Media (Which can actively be an incredibly Anti-social thing) then you’d just not bother saying where you work. Because it doesn’t define you, or shouldn’t define you. It also should not curtail your personal views, however benevolent or unpleasant they may be.
Unfortunately we live in a world where prospective employers -do- actually use social media to vet potential employees. How did we get there? A world where an employer basically is ‘soft doxxing’ people.
So it isn’t a case of ‘grow up and realise there is more in life than dumb social media, the world doesn’t revolve around it’.
Because unfortunately, these days. It -Does-.
It shouldn’t, but it does.
These days on CV’s they recommend people do not include their date of birth in case that prejudices an opinion as to whether to grant someone an interview. Social media should be the same. Just don’t state where you work. It has zero relevance to your opinions. A Situation where people are actively having to hide their personal life from their employers is not a healthy one, and never has been.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Nice word travels far , bad word travel further.
That is false.
All business have always been about reputation and trust. If you as an employer or employee cannot be trusted or have a bad reputation then that business has a bad reputation or cannot be trusted.
There are some clients that don’t care about that and will do business with whomever but most clients do business with trusted and reputable businesses only.
An employee misbehaving even during private time is bad for business and you’d be out of a job very fast and whatever business you were linked with will for a long time have to deal with whatever reputation you brought on them.
This has always been true for any time in history. It’s not something that suddenly came about due to social media or a judgemental generation.
Also social media is the farthest you could possibly get from a private place and is the absolutely last place you should ever have a personal opinion.
At my home with trusted friends and family, sure.
But not on a shouting box that the entire world can hear and has access to.
Pointing out blizzard clearly don’t have a good policy in place regarding social media whilst airing that as a criticism of them, is not “simping”. Stop having such a simplistic take.
It is perfectly plausible for me to go “they don’t have a customer relations policy in place” (looking at the Asmon incident) in reply to someone claiming “how could they do this, don’t they have policies?!” And maintain therefore that I think that makes the complaint worse.
People need to stop bringing up “well in my company” who cares. It’s not your company. It’s theirs, and apparently they have trashy policies or none in place. It’s as simple as that.
Does it make them terrible? You bet. Does me pointing out they lack these policies or clearly don’t use them mean I’m simping for blizz? Not really.
Describing is not the same as defending. Me saying “this restaurant doesn’t have appropriate hygiene standards” doesn’t mean I’m saying “…and I support them doing that”.
It’s not about having a strict policy, ffs. It’s about common sense. If you work as a waiter and you insult a customer and chase him out for no reason you will get fired even though in your working contract there is no such point as “thou shalt not insult thee customers”. It’s just a given. In any line of business where you live off of someone’s money, aka customers you cannot behave like this towards your customers, period. And anyone who says that they need a special clause in their contract for that are on the exact same level as those who say that the reason some employees harassed women at the workplace is that they just didn’t receive a good no-harassment training.