Blizzard did it again: Racism

Despite ruling over a city with minaret-like towers, sitting in a room full of colorful, orientalized cushions and presumably smoking hookahs all day, Regent Lord Lor’Themar Theron is one thing, first and foremost: A filthy white, blonde, heterosexual male. It’s unacceptable that he would teach Zekhan, who came from the MTF ECHO ISLES how to read, write and tell him about a process called erosion (source: Exploring Azeroth 2: Kalimdor). Hello?! The Afro-Carribean inspired Darkspear are one of the most accomplished tribes in Troll History, and seeing BLACK STEREOTYPES perpetuated in World of Warcraft is unbearable!

I hereby ask the Blizzard Devs to DELETE this stereotyping passages or retcon Lor’Themar into a black man!


I guess for compensation and in order to be balanced, the Darkspear could teach the Blood Elves how to be shamans ! Then there would not be racism anymore :stuck_out_tongue:

His hair are more white than blonde though I guess…

For me it would be okay since they already retconned the black Blood Elves in existence anyway…

My dear, you know what this is called? Racism. Im afraid, you are the racist here.


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