Despite ruling over a city with minaret-like towers, sitting in a room full of colorful, orientalized cushions and presumably smoking hookahs all day, Regent Lord Lor’Themar Theron is one thing, first and foremost: A filthy white, blonde, heterosexual male. It’s unacceptable that he would teach Zekhan, who came from the MTF ECHO ISLES how to read, write and tell him about a process called erosion (source: Exploring Azeroth 2: Kalimdor). Hello?! The Afro-Carribean inspired Darkspear are one of the most accomplished tribes in Troll History, and seeing BLACK STEREOTYPES perpetuated in World of Warcraft is unbearable!
I hereby ask the Blizzard Devs to DELETE this stereotyping passages or retcon Lor’Themar into a black man!