Blizzard did nothing wrong ( BFA open world , pvp )

-Do you remember the scaling in pvp ? where low ilvl could match full geared players .

The community was crying about it because full geared players should just oneshot players with no gear .

Now the scaling is gone , and people cry because low ilvl don’t have any counterplay vs full geared players .

-In BFA we had a lot of world content in 8.2 , 8.3 .

But players started to cry bcs there was to much to do , like dailies in Uldum Pandari , Mechagon and Nazjatar were so good too

Now in SL , there is no world content , so players got bored very fast .

Blizzard is trying his best , the community just, don’t know what they want :disappointed_relieved:

-We can look at visions too , they were too hard for some people , too much fear/cc , players started to cry about it too , this is why we have this boring axs torghast now

They got rid of all mechanics in Torghast , you can roll over everything and it’s just giga boring


Just give the people what they want.
WoD PvP gear!


Thats because they keep going from one extreme to another, how about a comfy middle ground?


Chef: Here’s your raw steak.
Customer: … could I have it cooked… this isn’t edible.
a long wait later
Chef: Here’s your burnt steak.
Customer: what, no, what is happening? I just want a norm-…

Do you not see the issue here, OP?


Everything that is wrong with SL is 100% community feedback.
Hopefully dev’s learned lesson and will stop listening to so called community feedback ,and let experts make good expansions like legion was.

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They listen too much to feedback once the game is out (e.g. people complained about dailies in MoP so WoD had none) but don’t listen enough during testing and we end up with restrictive Covenant systems, dull Torghast, Azerite gear, etc.


Good joke, lmao. :rofl:


WoD sounds like it was a great expansion. It definitely has the best questing in the entire game. The best leveling and the best open world level design. In the whole. Game. Nothing even comes close to how good the content of WoD is. I’m not joking, I love that expansion. I didn’t play it while it was current, I played it during BFA prepatch and it blew me away. I did the raids later and they seem great.

So I wouldn’t be surprised if it got pvp right. It got a lot of things right. Some wrong - I hear it went overboard on the “quality of life” so much that players didn’t even have to play the game anymore.

Maybe there’s something to learn here. WoD pvp gear isn’t coming back. Nothing from WoD is, because WoD is cursed. And it was cursed by the players’ reaction to it. BFA did a lot right, too - the world content was decent, Nazjatar was great and 8.3 was a great patch despite having less new content. BFA’s main problem was azerite gear.

So maybe we shouldn’t proclaim entire expansions as garbage because they got one thing wrong. WoD got the quality of life and amount of content wrong. Legion got legendaries wrong and got them better. The feature it was praised for, the borrowed power, is the bane of all WoW. BFA got the borrowed power wrong, but everything else it got very right. Shadowlands got the borrowed power wrong. But everything else it got very right.

And that’s the thing - we praise Legion for literally ruining the game. Praising artefact weapons is telling blizz “do more borrowed power”. So maybe… stop doing it? And WoD is forever cursed. If it did so much right (not sure if it did at the time, but the expansion is like fine wine these days), none of that can come back. It’s been cursed forever because it got some things wrong.


Blizzard did nothing wrong ( BFA open world , pvp )

Mm, yeah. This is gonna be good.

I do, and it was godawful for two reasons.

  1. It didn’t work properly. Hundreds of times last expansion it was better to use green gear. The scaling system was repeatedly being abused to 1-shot people. It was a clownfest.

  2. Getting an advantage from gearing up is fun. That obviously doesn’t mean the current situation is acceptable, but the scaling system in BfA and especially the one in Legion was too much.

The reason people cry there’s too much to do is not because there’s actually a lot to do - it’s because there’s a timer within which you have to do it and if you don’t do it the game will punish you.

It creates a level of stress and fear of missing out, and the more of this stuff there is the more this problem is amplified.

Shadowlands did the right thing.

The issue with Shadowlands, however, is that it doesn’t really have any adventures or just normal grinds to replace this with - so now there’s just nothing at all.

Yeah, but having us repeat the same stupid dailies every day for 300 days with no story or gameplay evolution, no new content, no difficulty spikes… just nothing; it’s no better. It’s the same BS.

There must be progression in open world content. It is essential.

There is nothing wrong with either them except for two things:

  1. It can’t get hard enough and fails to give a good reward for people who cannot complete it fully
  2. You are expected to grind its easy gameplay every week until you’ve played through it a hundred time and want to gauge your eyes out - and you can’t even get it over with because there’s a weekly/daily reset.

Harder Torghast levels with more variety and those harder difficulties unlocking legendaries would solve these problems. Soul Ash is, in essence, the problem with Torghast.

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:smiley: yep pretty much this

No, they wouldn’t.

Maybe item level didn’t matter, but a mythic trinket or infinite stars or essences and how many other systems there were did.

it was a clownfest but let’s be real it was FUNNNN . people finding new exploit every days was hilarious .

No, it’s not. It’s funny.

BFA was panned as it was a step down from Legion in many ways. The reason why people are now wanting BFA back, well at least some elements of it, is because SL is worse than WOD and BFA at the moment and has no content. People thought SL would be a return to Legion glory but once again we find ourselves in 2 bad expansions in a row.

I am sure if 10.0 is just as bad, we will be all screaming for SL to return and if that happens then you will know how low WOW has sunk if SL will one day be considered a good expansion.


I don’t think so, not by a long shot.

People will always cry but the scaling was stupid, players should see the same numbers on either side and gearing should be better implemented full stop.

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I had to laugh at WOD being a great expansion. WOD was pretty bad in so many ways. But compared to SL it is a golden expansion. First of all there was also a content drought in MOP and garrisons meant heavily isolated play, plus they were so cookie cuttered that they offered nothing really except a gold sink. One had no real reason to venture outside the garrison, everything was there and was a poor attempt at Blizzard for player housing.

I can see why Blizzard hurridly got out of WOD and if they were smart they would hurridly get out of SL as well and focus on 10.0. Wrap up the story and bail. Spend the next months or years on churning out a good expansion.

Legion is praised because it was heavily content rich. Patches and content kept coming. While people hated the borrowed power, they loved the story behind the weapons, we were yielding weapons from WOW lore, plus we had the return of some epic characters like Illidan, Veeresa, and Turalyon and the zones were just great. Think Suramar for example. Not to mention the grind was disguised around fun activities.

Remember getting the artifact fishing pole? Or the many hidden and secret mounts, pets, and toys? I do in fact there are still a ton of items I still have to get from Legion, it had just so much in it.


I mean the BFA pvp was awful though cause there was a meta at somepoint iirc where mathematically speaking, low ilvl gear with sockets scaled better than heroic / mythic gear. So it speaks for itself, however on the other hand. What we have now doesn’t help either cause the fact there is once again pvp gear in the game with scaling ilvl for some reason is mutually stupid now cause boosting and class design are both equally out of hand to a point you want to tear your hair out over it.

PVP has been broken for a very long time, I do not expect Blizzard to fix it because if queue times are anything to go by, most players are not interested in PVP at all. hence there are little next to no resources devoted to it.

Where are the new battlegrounds? Or the new perks for PVP? Most of the items are just recolors. If I were you, I would give up hopes for any type of balanced PVP anytime soon. The only area of PVP they do seem to care about are the rated arenas because they have esports bulit around that.

Wait, what?

Where are the Tier Sets?

Who asked for more borrowed power?

Who asked to cut world content, and for what? (Honesly confused that some people seem to be agreeing. I don’t remember anybody complaining about it.)

(Not Shadowlands start, but) Who asked for KSM to require both Tyrannical and Fortified?

Who asked for Covenants - and especially those Covenant-specific minigrinds?

Who asked for the complete removal of choice in levelling?

Who asked for no skips in the intro quest series?


Those are unavoidable indirect outcomes of changes that had been made on community request.