Blizzard did nothing wrong ( BFA open world , pvp )

it was a clownfest but let’s be real it was FUNNNN . people finding new exploit every days was hilarious .

No, it’s not. It’s funny.

BFA was panned as it was a step down from Legion in many ways. The reason why people are now wanting BFA back, well at least some elements of it, is because SL is worse than WOD and BFA at the moment and has no content. People thought SL would be a return to Legion glory but once again we find ourselves in 2 bad expansions in a row.

I am sure if 10.0 is just as bad, we will be all screaming for SL to return and if that happens then you will know how low WOW has sunk if SL will one day be considered a good expansion.


I don’t think so, not by a long shot.

People will always cry but the scaling was stupid, players should see the same numbers on either side and gearing should be better implemented full stop.

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I had to laugh at WOD being a great expansion. WOD was pretty bad in so many ways. But compared to SL it is a golden expansion. First of all there was also a content drought in MOP and garrisons meant heavily isolated play, plus they were so cookie cuttered that they offered nothing really except a gold sink. One had no real reason to venture outside the garrison, everything was there and was a poor attempt at Blizzard for player housing.

I can see why Blizzard hurridly got out of WOD and if they were smart they would hurridly get out of SL as well and focus on 10.0. Wrap up the story and bail. Spend the next months or years on churning out a good expansion.

Legion is praised because it was heavily content rich. Patches and content kept coming. While people hated the borrowed power, they loved the story behind the weapons, we were yielding weapons from WOW lore, plus we had the return of some epic characters like Illidan, Veeresa, and Turalyon and the zones were just great. Think Suramar for example. Not to mention the grind was disguised around fun activities.

Remember getting the artifact fishing pole? Or the many hidden and secret mounts, pets, and toys? I do in fact there are still a ton of items I still have to get from Legion, it had just so much in it.


I mean the BFA pvp was awful though cause there was a meta at somepoint iirc where mathematically speaking, low ilvl gear with sockets scaled better than heroic / mythic gear. So it speaks for itself, however on the other hand. What we have now doesn’t help either cause the fact there is once again pvp gear in the game with scaling ilvl for some reason is mutually stupid now cause boosting and class design are both equally out of hand to a point you want to tear your hair out over it.

PVP has been broken for a very long time, I do not expect Blizzard to fix it because if queue times are anything to go by, most players are not interested in PVP at all. hence there are little next to no resources devoted to it.

Where are the new battlegrounds? Or the new perks for PVP? Most of the items are just recolors. If I were you, I would give up hopes for any type of balanced PVP anytime soon. The only area of PVP they do seem to care about are the rated arenas because they have esports bulit around that.

Wait, what?

Where are the Tier Sets?

Who asked for more borrowed power?

Who asked to cut world content, and for what? (Honesly confused that some people seem to be agreeing. I don’t remember anybody complaining about it.)

(Not Shadowlands start, but) Who asked for KSM to require both Tyrannical and Fortified?

Who asked for Covenants - and especially those Covenant-specific minigrinds?

Who asked for the complete removal of choice in levelling?

Who asked for no skips in the intro quest series?


Those are unavoidable indirect outcomes of changes that had been made on community request.

Maybe I’m being dim, but you’d have to draw diagrams for me. I don’t see it.

Thats because they keep going from one extreme to another, how about a comfy middle ground?

After that noone will be satisfied and both groups will complain

Gear should have an impact on pvp performances but there should be some scaling ensuring that low ilvl can still stomp people being carried by their gear rather than skill.

The feedback was to not making those mandatory. This is not because there is no ap that you would not want to do WQ, right? Unless people really liked that mau boosting feature in legion and bfa.

Visions were not fun as a caster because I felt like I Was not allowed to cast.

Tjorgast is kinda boring, which visions were not despite their flaws.

That’s what I mean when I say they went overboard on the quality of life. You know how some will always argue to add this and that to the game as “quality of life”, and that something means getting more rewards quicker and playing the game less?

WoD is THE example of why quality of life should never mean playing the game less. In WoD you never have to go out and waste time running around farming ore or fishing or whatever.

Quality of life are things like the inventory search bar, your M+ key getting highlighted in your bag when you click the thingy. Flying, automatic emissaries, smaller zones, shared enemy tags/resource nodes are not “quality of life”, they’re all things that have an effect on how you play the whole game. They’re not necessarily bad, but they’re game design and balancing things, not “qol”. And when Blizz confuses game design with “qol” you get WoD.

Bfa was awesome but too overwhelming for most , they reduced it to near 0 content and its too empty now :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Confused it with templates for a moment
Scaling makes no sense in WoW, this game isn’t a MOBA, gear should matter
That said the gear gap between geared casual and geared elite has to be made smaller because right now it’s way to big of a gap
WoD was great with that, which only had a powergap of 10 ilvls on a total of (iirc) 740 ilvls (1.35%ish ilvl difference) and now with 26 ilvl on a total of 226 ilvls (11.5% ilvl difference)
The ilvl difference now compared to then has multiplied by (11.5/1.35=) 8.5 times

I think the thing that gets stuck when talking about content is the thinking that it is finite. SL underdelivered on the longevity but I think the issue was more that Blizzard didnt plan to have 9.1 be so delayed.

Doubt you’d be playing it for long when all you could do in the open world after a month were the apexis dailies. Then 6.1 brought us nothing but selfie camera and Twitter integration. Then 6.2 brought us more apexis dailies. There’s a reason why the expansion was unpopular. It was a raid or die expansion.

Also Trashran sucked and was laggy af with RNG chest which had a small weekly chance to drop the BiS PvP trinket so you had to do it. And no one even fought there but both sides avoided each other and did side events and Blizzard had to force them to fight with various nerfs and changes to the events.

The only thing that was good was that you could gear up your alts super easy in both PvP and PvE and didn’t have to grind garbage borrowed powers.

The world missing is probably one of the biggest reason the game is so empty, but this has been a thing ever since WoD and it seems they want to keep everything instanced.

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The content drought isn’t an indictment of the quality of the systems and content that was already in place. True, I would’ve probably quit during 6.1 if it brought nothing new. But I would quit any game I am done with. I have technically quit WoW until 9.1 comes out. Me being done with Bloodborne and playing something else doesn’t mean Bloodborne is bad.

From what many people are saying, WoD wasn’t that bad. I am stressing that - it just put too much quality of life in the game. I will forever use this expansion as a beating stick to anyone who wants quality of life as a means of playing the game less.

Not this time tho. Blizz decided to stick to their guns with Covenants but the alpha/beta for SL was the best we had in years (and perhaps ever) in term of communication & changes based on feedback.

They usually simply release the content & call it a day, especially in BFA where they did it so late that no feedback was taken into account for azerite.

In SL tho we got tons of interviews & they actually released stuff early so we could give feedback soon enough.

Want a good example ? Conduits. They were released like legion’s relics, a consummable gem with scaling ilvl. You could even stack the same effect up to 3 times which made some soulbinds far too powerful.

If conduit energy is an issue, could you imagine having to grind conduits from high level content everytime you change one ? For every soulbind ?

That came from community feedback being taken into account, not Blizz giving us a decent design from the get go.

Ion claimed there would be there in 9.2, for now we have the “domination shards” sets for 9.1

Well tier sets are definitely borrowed power so you just did as a matter of fact.

Surprise surprise, different people have different expectations & thus ask for different things.

Competitive players want less mandatory, “boring” open world content.

PvPers want more resources invested in PvP instead of the current focus on raids & open world.

M+ players want new dungeons instead of spending two years on the same launch dungeons while raiders get new content every tier.

The list is long & just prove that feedback can’t just blindly be followed, because no matter how outlandish a suggestion is there’s little doubt that someone asked for it at some point.

Some players like corruption because they could mix& match the effects and push as far as they wanted with the negative affixes.

Some players liked legion Legos acquisition because it led them to try new content & kept old raids slightly relevant.

Some liked azerite because it meant they could customise their pseudo tier sets.

These features were mostly disliked by the playerbase, but never universally.