Ur talking bs mate, just because jindo doensnt have 20k players doesnt mean its dead. LFG meta boys incoming
On a bright side, this gives me great hopes for RDF later in the expansion. We now know beyond any shadow of doubt that going back on their word is par for course for Blizzard. Now just to make thwm go back on no RDF
2 weeks is not a fresh server anymore or what? I dont understand what people want, you anyway will be suck at leveling, you anyway bad or avarage in this game, you anyway will be NOT rush for any “world first” or “server first” so why do you need this?
2 weeks server is still fresh!!!
you have 2 week to get lvl 70, like what is your problem? you care about lvl 70 gear so much with will be a useless after lvl 72-76? Or gold with cost like 10$ for 1000 on Jindo even befour Blizz allowed tranfer from Thekal
I’m not replying to pick on your specific post, but I want to note a theme I have seen since I joined EU classic: there are alot of pvp servers that DON’T WANT to pvp. The minute they can, the balance shifts so the server is lumpsided to either Horde or Alliance. The 1-2 balanced servers, just don’t stay that way long.
I’ve been really curious why there isn’t just ONE pvp server, and all the others are PVE??? People clearly don’t want to pvp out in the world.
I picked my server as it was where my friends play but in retail I rarely played on pvp servers due to not enjoying the ganking that occurs out in the world.
Anyways: TLDR: servers are inbalanced because people DO NOT want to pvp. So Blizz should smarten up and just make PVE servers.
I think this will happen… like Gehennas, Firemaw etc. completly monofaction server… Thekal will be alliance dominated and Jin’Do horde
lets see
It was a soon to be dead realm. I did census scans every day and it was never above 1100 concurrent online on either faction at peak. This should improve now with free transfers. Even Bonescythe SoM had more players at its peak during SoM launch and that server died very fast.
I imagine this is why blizzard opened the transfers because they also knew this and foresaw the server being a ghost town in a few months (which was also another reason why they didn’t want to open a second PvP realm). Blizzard can’t really win no matter what they do really. Thekal to Jin’do transfers is the right move in the long term imo.
Yes, they’re gonna become monofaction servers, but that was inevitable no matter what. Every PvP server ever becomes like that because players make it that way, and want it that way. Beyond something like faction locks you’ll never have a long term balanced PvP server, it’s a pipedream.
Do 2 week server is really not fresh for all of you?
Is that a f* joke?
It’s pretty simple, came back to wow to play fresh, and they stated that there’d be no transfers, I don’t care what you say or you think, that is the product that they sold, now after 3 days with a ton of people hard working and an extremely healthy community, they allow transfers, i’ve been melted by 70s who transfered today more than 10 times in a matter of a couple hours. It’s just no fun and it makes sense it is dying now. It’s gonna be one more dead realm because they couldn’t stick to their word once again
So, because is server older for 13 days you hate company befour Wrath even start?
Are you ret…d?
Do you know that on Jindo people already have lvl 70 befour transfer even allowed or like today or tomorrow will be, only jindo lvl 1 - 70? Do you understand that this is all doesnt matter, cuz Wrath start in 2 weeks and all this lvl 70 super prepare is actually not worth it?
actually not true, i used census and on day one there was 1000-1500 population just ally side, its around 9000 right now.
Before transfers it was around 7.7k - 8k
I have been calling this since day1 of fresh realms but people still don’t agree that it will end up Thekal = alliance and Jindo = horde.
We’ve seen how these things go with current monofaction servers and the fact is that unless it is 100% perfect 50-50 balance, things will end up in a monofaction realm. As soon as people get outnumbered by even 1 player they start crying and eventually migrate away, thus shifting the balance towards one faction only. Finally when the balance is fully screwed the leftovers will stop playing/migrate away as well. And there we have it, a monofaction realm.
Being outnumbered or in the “minority faction” simply isn’t a thing which the current minxmax player base want to accept as everything needs to be perfect and optimized to the max. This is why we have these issues.
No it isn’t. You’re most likely mixing up the total number vs the concurrent number. It probably has around 9k total people on the realm after you’ve done multiple scans, but that’s not as important a figure as the amount currently online. Total takes into account alts and people who haven’t logged in or are inactive. It’s a misleading number vs how many are actually online right now.
I was on the server the second it opened and I did 7-8 scans throughout the day. Never went above 1100 total online at once. Highest I saw was on the alliance side in the 900s, you’re either lying or misunderstanding the numbers mate. Do a scan today and show me where it has 9k+ online at once, it’s not anywhere close.
People seemed happy?? are you kidding me? Everyone spammed chat 24/7 ‘Dead server’ ‘Dad Server’ and racist slurs all day. Toxic isn’t even the word for that
Jin’do isn’t really doomed yet. Currently the leveling demographic is alliance sided, and the lvl 70s, which are a large minority, is horde-sided. They might balance eachother out if you don’t all throw in the towel just from the fact that migrations opened up.
Best comment of the year.
That is just bad trolling.
Thekal had about 7k-14k queue and you say there were only about 1k online?
Huh? No, I haven’t scanned Thekal because it takes hours due to how many are on there. 1k is Jin’do and that’s what we’ve been talking about the entire time, not Thekal. Keep up lad.
For some comparison Giantstalker the fresh PvE realm had 2.3k Horde online and 6.5k Alliance online at peak time. So that alone is 3-4x higher than Jin’do. Numbers don’t lie. You can be mad about it, it makes no difference to me lol. My point is proven as Jin’do should improve population wise now with FCM opened, which is why Blizzard have done it.
people just get info from 3rd party websites as a god message with 100% proven info which is just 100% false
some people still think that mograine horde is 900 online because ironforge pro says so XDXDDXDXDX
I moved my 70 DK to Jin’dol with a 5 piece s4 and weapon since I wont be playing it in Wotlk. Its been fun over there and the salt has been real.
We had 3 people at lvl 70 when transfers were allowed, now we have over 400 and some bringing thousands of gold and roaming low level lands to murder. You lack manners if you call someone that word just because they have a different view, it’s simple, I was promised no transfers which is why I played Jin’do and invested 3 days into it, now that investment has been a waste of time because now I have to compete against people who had been playing since the 31th of August. So about 6 times the amount of playtime I had, and they have had 0 restrictions when transferring, and we have gotten no compensation for this either.