It has been almost a month and a half since the release of Cataclysm Classic and there are still a lot of bugs (problems with raid IDs, not working achievements, bugged abilities of some bosses, visual bugs, etc.).
I know I am naive to expect any feedback from Blizzard team but please do not rush any other Cataclysm content before it is sufficiently tested and works properly. It just damages the game and the players are frustrated. The Cataclysm Classic was released in “the Beta state” instead of “a finished game” state.
I love this game and I believe most players would prefer to play a later working game than an early bugged game.
Also the communication from Blizzard team (regarding to Cataclysm Classic) is not sufficient compared to SoD or War Within. We can see a lot of information regarding SoD and War Within and almost nothing for Cataclysm Classic (even if there are still enough bugs) and when we finally get any information it is old (for example, the Bounce achievement announced to be working on 03/07 but it has been working for few days now).
I just hope that Classic era will continue with other expansions in a better release state.