“We’re happy with where Arcane’s gameplay has landed after their 20th Anniversary Celebration update changes.”
ARE YOU FOR REAL? Honestly Blizzard doesn’t give a flying fk about the state of Arcane Mage. Ever since the 11.0.5 nerfs Arc has been underperforming in almost every possible aspect. AoE? What AoE? We literally just toss orbs that hit like a wet pool noodle. Without major cooldowns in AoE im underperfoming ALL THE TIME. We got good ST burst and focused dmg with spymaster proc and cds but that’s about it.
I’m still getting smoked in overall dmg in m+ when im 634 ilvl.
I feel sorry for the Arc Mages without spymaster…
Blizzard needs to fix this issue. It’s SOOO UNDERTUNED.
If you don’t solve a quantum equation and delay/press early your skills to match your cds with certain mechanics arcane does no AOE at all. It’s same for ST btw. I’m okay with the fact that we have burn phases and we surpass all in the burn phases but this is useless too in late season becuase bosses started to die early and you just miss your burn phase and do no damage at all.