Blizzard for the love of god merge the dead realms into a mega server

I know Blizzard merged servers before cata but all they did was put a couple of dead realms into an almost-dead realm so that basically accomplished nothing apart from the first 1/2 weeks of the expansion. I understand blizzard wants to make money off of the transfer services but I have 10 alts, and a guild that I enjoy playing with so thats not a realistic option for a lot of people.

I mean from your title and post content they did exactly what you suggested, unless you meant they merge several low pops with an actual high pop but that would cause an instant death-queue problem and not increase the actual capacity of a max-reached realm physical card*.

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Looking at ironforge pro (I know it’s not 100% accurate but it’s the best I have), Firemaw is currently the biggest alliance English-speaking server sitting at about 32k active raiding characters. Firemaw has no queue when I try to log in now.

The other 2 alliance realms are Pyrewood (10,000 raiders) and Mirage Raceway (8k alliance raiders). Combining these two would already help the problem without any “side effects”.

I would even argue that creating 1 mega server per faction would make the game feel 10x more alive while having minimal side effects, Gehannes (40k raiders) for example also has no queue on the horde side.

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