Blizzard games are for Blizzard fans, not gamers

It’s just a rant, Blizzard fans are gonna say “bye”, others might relate. But the state of Gaming is not what Blizzard represents, it’s a poison where addiction was prioritized over entertainment and gamers were filled with low standards.

I tried many times, but unfortunately getting back to WoW for the same feeling people had back in the day is just not gonna work anymore. The feeling people are looking for is the feeling of a gamer, exploring a world, getting to know a story and be a part of an exciting and extremely bullying conflict between two sides. WoW Retail is none of that, it is made for Blizzard Fans and people who just want the multiplayer experience (let’s be honest, multiplayers nowadays are mostly Blizzard quality) this is the market they are competing and where they are good at. It’s just as far from gaming as it gets.

Blizzard is not a game development studio, they are service developers. If someone played the games of dignified studios in the industry then sat down to prepare for any WoW season, it’s just a different experience. It’s about getting addicted, enjoying the participation reward over the journey, going to the dungeon 10 times a day for the 2 minute long extasy when you finally get the desired loot and not for the enjoyment (possibly not touching that dungeon again), unlike games where the entertainment is the focus, here the service is and the service ain’t fun, it’s a chain, people nowadays pay to be chained.
Tbh, if someone feels confident doing the same 8 dungeons and 1 raid for months that’s just a clear description of a Blizzard fan, the question is what do Blizz fans look for in a game? It’s a restricted, linear experience with little individual challenge, just an artificial environment for spending time with others. I also came back due to my friend group insisting, and having a hard time staying while there are real games from real studios on my list. But it is how it has always been, come back, spend some bucks then return to the next cycle with the exact same experience and terrible story writing. It’s worth it as long as you have a friend group putting entertainment in the “game”, I’m just baffled why not try games instead.

Back in the day it was Blizzard who inspired players to be interested in game development, to one day contribute to the games they love to play, now learning how to make a game entertaining is like doing the exact opposite of how Blizzard and other service-development studios design their “games”. I understand that there are Genshin or even Diablo immortal players, the bar can go much lower than this, but if this is the “encouraged” state of a game by the community, we ain’t gonna play games in the future.


Imaging gatekeeping people playing a game a different way than you as not gamers. If they are playing a game, they’re a gamer. Period. Just because there is a service element to it doesn’t make it not a game. It’s a game.

I’m sorry you don’t like the changes made to these games. But games have innovated past having to do everything manual and shouting for 25 minutes hoping to manage a dungeon group for a normal.

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Just go play genshin impact, Assassin’s creed shadow, or Last Descendant as “real gamer” :wink:. I play many other games than wow, and wow is one of my favourite games regardless

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I never once criticized the life-quality changes, it’s an overall design philosophy of how we can have a prolonged experience in an extremely small, and restricted world.
I do love the point you made, this is what made me possible to experience everything that the game offers in a week.

You’re gatekeeping WoW because it didn’t stay in the state you liked it. So what if people can experience everything in a week because they rushed ahead and didn’t savor it like people like me do.

I think the game is fine, and it’s a game. You play a character and go on an adventure. It’s only your fault if you rushed it.

It’s a good starter, why is wow your favorite game? What else do you play to end up in WoW and why do you list all the worst ones for an easy argument?

Elden ring, Monster Hunter, Tekken, Armored core, witcher, baldurs gate 3 are some games I like, and I consider wow to be really good.

Honestly, just go play some EA or ubisoft game, where all the other “real gamers” are, right?

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“Worst” is subjective. They’re still games, albeit ones you don’t like. One man’s trash is another’s treasure. It’s called an opinion, and everyone has one. It doesn’t make those games less of a game. It’s just a different game from your philosophy.


I get your point, but I never really rushed it. But it’s an interesting one, what are people looking for when comming back? What’s there to rush? For me it’s getting through new challenges with friends, but I admit, it is easy to rush this aspect since the game and 20 years of past is limited to 8 dungeons and 1 raid with different skins, it stays the same, it is wow, which simply might not be my preference :slight_smile: Though I never rushed it, I went online when my friends were online played the dungeons, completed the raid and played Elden ring 10 hours a day during my 1 week break, I rushed that one, not bored at all. I do think that is a significant difference between playing a service and a game.

Yeah, obviously. If you play wow, you are gonna have wow gameplay, and if you play Dark Souls you will have dark souls gameplay… also, to you it might just be a reskin, but for me it’s a lot of story/lore, new mechanics, new class gameplay, new loot, etc. Pokemon is also just a reskin every generation. Now what? People still love it, or are you gonna say they should change Pokemon fundamentally to cater to you?

You are absolutely right, weird way to say gambling for children is one man’s treasure but certainly as long as we neglect standards I can’t argue.

It would really help your legibility if you’d add paragraph breaks in your big spiel up above, but you literally called WoW not a game and just a service. Yet you play WoW. You rushed it by playing all the content at once.

Also, did you even read the quests? If you went through the content that fast you’re either a speed reader or you just exited out of every dialogue and every cutscene. That’s the adventure - being immersed in the story.

Also when I play I don’t just stay in one expansion or one area. I go to old expansions and Transmog run, go off to roleplay sometimes, go and adventure through the various zones and talk to people. I had a great time with people handing out sparkle dust outside the auction house.

I savor my content. It’s your choice to Go Go Go.

Ever heard of paragraphs

You know.

Like this?

Just spaces, Can make it easier to read

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That’s just putting words in my mouth, makes no sense.

Did you read what you wrote? You said WoW wasn’t a game and just a service. I think a service is like paying for Adobe Photoshop. Cause it isn’t a game. It’s an application for drawing and artistry. That’s a service.

WoW is literally a game. Google the definition of “Game.”

It is your assumption that I rushed, I had my priorities and goals with a WoW expansion.
I wanted to enjoy the dungeons and raids with friends without much effort (like not rushing) so I can play actual games that I would play by myself, a single dungeon in a single player game has more depth than any wow dungeon (8, that you must repeat, endlessly, until you get your loot, then most people stop going to that dungeon and go to another one, do these people enjoy the process, or are they doing it for participation rewards? Is it their fault for “limiting” the game compared to you or are they just play the main bits of it as it was intended from a design standpoint from blizzard for a prolonged and restricted experience that keeps the subs up.
Rushing kills the game, you are right, cuz rushing means completing the games objective and the source of fun, which is not the journey, it’s the reward and the feeling of being powerful. There are many other drives that you love to do but there are also main ones.

I would feel really sad and depressed if the source of my entertainment would be a clicking challenge in wow WQs and chores around the world, I understand that people love to immerse themselves in games they love, me too. It’s just my initial point, if you want good story telling, or exploration in the open world, WoW is probably the bottom line in the industry right now, is it your gem? Good. I don’t think most people share the same expectations to click on endless number of things for a World of Peacecraft level of storytelling, but I might be wrong.

I’m simply talking about game design, you might enjoy a service or you might want a deeper level of immersion from something more “focused” and polished content. Games are made for a certain group of ppl, services are made with a certain set of restrictions and addictive loops in gaming. WoW is a service, as much as Netflix is a service as a medium for entertainment. It’s just both a game and a service, strictly from a design standpoint, it is more like a service than a game though. They changed their talent in Open-World building, they changed the way they tell stories, it’s just for everyone and no one at the same time. Yes wow is by design, a fulfilling, time wasting experience where you can jump into anything with friends and have a good time, by putting entertainment into Blizzard Entertainment by your friend group.

This is my last rant, I wanted to be controversial, stating my raw feelings whenever I find myself wasting time in a game that takes lots of time without even actually playing. I wanted to hear opinions, why I like the game what I like about it and how it compares to my experience, most cant even explain why.

One guy mentioned that he played many great games but still likes wow, for what? The items are interesting. They are the same (2 primary and secondary stat with reskins), they have always been with few exceptions that share the same effect they just change the mace to an axe. Will you play the dungeon you “rushed” 20 times for that 1 item after acquiring it or will you stop because blizzard by design made it interesting by gatekeeping the reward.

You mentioned Tmog runs? So you like to go each week to a walk in the park dungeon for the low chance to complete the set within a month or so? That’s fun, would not change it to an immersive gameplay experience ever.

I had fun playing wow with friends, never once will I have fun limiting my source of fun to WoW by myself, it’s just not that. I was just curious if others played different games while playing wow and had the same or different feeling, no way that someone enjoys wow for the reasons you listed while actively playing an entertaining game that you cannot rush, cuz even if you rush it you ain’t bored, because you are there for the experience. Might be wrong, based on responses and made up self-defense (“you rushed it, that’s your problem”) no one argued about the point, no one even referred to wow as a game design, I miss critical thinking.

It’s a good game, had fun with friends, wasn’t worth the service tho. 1 month of wow is too much time wasted on wow.

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