Rdruid nerfs when it’s the worst healer in every single rated bracket?
Disc and Pres buffs?
I can’t remember blizzard being this bad with balancing ever. It has been 3 months now and blizz is still buffing the op classes and nerfing the unplayable classes.
This is just embarrassing at this point, they can sell one 80€ mount after another but can’t figure out what’s unplayable and op after 3 months? Usually they’d bring the game to a somewhat playable state in the first 0.5 patch but balancing is still as bad as it was in beta (arguably worse?)
Rescue: Swoop to an ally and fly with them to the target location. Clears movement impairing effects from you and your ally.
Ultimate Penitence: Ascend into the air and unleash a massive barrage of Penance bolts, causing [(100% of Spell power)> * 24] Holy damage to enemies or [(330% of Spell power)> * 24] healing to allies over 6 sec.
While ascended, gain a shield for 50% of your health. In addition, you are unaffected by knockbacks or crowd control effects. Dispel type changed from Magic to None
Resto druid:
Focused Growth: Reduces the mana cost of your Lifebloom by 8%, and your Lifebloom also applies Focused Growth to the target, increasing Lifebloom’s healing by 8%. Stacks up to 3 times. Removed Category changed from PvP Talents to Uncategorized
Holy paladin:
Liberation: Word of Glory and Light of Dawn have a chance equal to your haste to reduce the cost of your next Holy Light, Crusader Strike, or Judgment by 60004000.
Not entirely sure what they are doing with the monks touch of death talent.
But I highlighted what was changed comparing the old patch note to new one. (healers only) but take it with a grain of salt. All or alot of these changes could be things they are just merging from past hotfixes (like it states with the title).
Monk change is possibly just a tooltip clarification and only applies to PvE anyway
The change to Ultimate Penitance is because it was possible to purge the big shield while the priest is locked channeling the spell and burst him anyway
The PvP theme of the 11.0.7 with this early set of changes is “less roots in PvP” because of the Evoker Rescue buff and the nerf to Frost Mage mastery: Reaching maximum stacks of Frost Mastery causes your next Flurry to also cast Ice Nova at 125% effectiveness. Ice Novas cast this way do not freeze enemies in place.
Oh no that’s a shame, maybe the 80€ mount could cheer you up a bit, or the ultra omega giga legendary edition of midnight for 150€ with 2 weeks early access
I were kinda thinking on the same line with more clarifications etc, and when you say it, the priest one do make sense.
But I also wouldnt be too surprised if they do some more changes to resto druid since its highly unlikely they only remove a PvP talent with nothing else to it.
But who knows!
If they remove focused growth without buffing regular stuff its game over, they shoud offer us surrender button than.
But overall focused growth was never good PVP talent it was ALWAYS mandatory pick, there was no point keeping soemthing in PVP talent which you NEVER swap… if they add it to baseline ok
yeah and the worst part is most of the league player flamed riot for doing it instead of “defending” them, what most of the wow customers would do, if blizz drop something for 100$+
riot players even made a discord, to make the game for 500 euro ahri players as unfun as possible, and what is? it did nothing, riot made a toon of money with it and call it a day, while they was laughing at those peoples what was trying to boycott the skin
modern gaming is just a clown fiesta at this point, cant wait for the next 10-15 years, where everything costs real money even the keys to entry a raid or m+ key
Yes but riot guys are good at balancing game, its never problem to pay when things are allright…even 1000E is good price when we have good quality of product
No, League isn’t very balanced either lol. The only balanced games are shooters like Counterstrike or Quake. League also constantly cycles through different champions as flavour of the month, just like WoW does.
Oh I believe that there would be a lot of outrage in WoW as well, especially from the bald guy and his community but I doubt that anybody would quit because of it.
There are some good games, the problem is mainly that the MMO genre is in a pretty poor state and that WoW lacks competition. I also moved from other MMOs to WoW at some point because every MMO which I’ve tried so far has even bigger issues than WoW has.
BG3 and Elden Ring are two fantastic games for example, so there is some hope at least.
Btw for rdruids and hpriests older gen could enjoy mount and blade bannerlod, Manor lords and soonish I will test Brighter Shores.
Im looking for some other time waste