Blizzard has hired you to add something to the game, whatever you want! What do you add?

I would give every race alternate body types more than just male and female. For example: female trolls could have an alternate body type closer to the males (hunched over, a bit more lanky) or skinny kul tirans as an option.


Improve PvP matchmaking, with solo queue or team queue brackets, and implement vs. AI modes for PvP beginners :slightly_smiling_face:

  • I would add more class and race specific quests/tasks in general and not just as an expansion feature like in Legion and one time events like heritage armor.

  • OPTIONAL Player Housing (esp now with warbands) would be nice without it being tied to power or the main campaigns . For example Weekly or Daily quests to acquire resources to build and maintain it or get a housing specific currency to unlock cosmetics for it (+ race and class specific options, not just a generic thing like in WoD)


Instant mounting for all classes.
Delayed mounting is an outdated concept & needs to be removed.


But… :zipper_mouth_face: Its a good ideaaa :woozy_face:

Give our damn Heritage armors for every races. Remove locking races
Also tauren’s totem-back need unlock races

Since all look cool, if I don play something race.
But heritage armor look good. Would love for my fave race

world quests in old open zones sometimes. going back to elwyn forest helping the residents with whatever problem they have now would make the world seem more alive for me, and a good reason to visit old lands.

also id make sure that botting doenst ruin the herbalism/mining economy completely like it have been for the past year atleast.


Outpost that one faction can conquer from the opposite one in Warmode, like alliance taking control of Xroad or alliance taking control of Hammerfall.

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An endless torghast-like thing with even more fun and broken powers then the original one. With different themes as the maw version can get a bit meh in the long run. Also: no character power tied to it, no need to do it if you dont like it.

Such a shame they changed Twisted Corridors in the last few weeks of SL beta. This was absolutely awesome fun

Torghast tower of the damned returns with A ranking system Titles new item appearances and a level mode that gets harder with each level no cap.

The feature would be added to the main looking for group dungeon section.
Scaling would be applied the content can be played solo or as a group.

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Skimpy outfits for the cash shop, and then just watch the money roll in, while people complain about it. :hugs:


Player Housing


/spit :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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I would add the ability to return to the pre-Cataclysm version of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, complete with all the old quests, etc. I miss the old world; the older class design, not so much.

Yes or alternatively add frostmourne to the player store at a cost of ÂŁ100 and watch the cash roll in.

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So… Only Pandaren then?

Armor dye system

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Races and Cosmetics:

  • Any Class can Transmog any gear piece
  • Any Race can pick up Two Racial traits and Two Racial Passives from any Race
  • Any Race can pick up any animations from any other Races
  • All Character Appearances are now available for every race and gender

PvE rewamp:

  • All PvE content is now Solo-mode with NPC’s you can recruit and gear up and build their Skill Tree’s as you wish
    -All server’s are now one big global entity with different language channels and Shards to reduce the obvious crashes

Game health & longevity redesign:

  • Remove WoW Token
  • Hire real GM’s who permaban any malicious activities, cheating and TOS breakers.


  • Every single penny goes for making all Areas non-stop PvP zones, PvP vendors, PvP gameplay, Solo and Group content PvP, Every Month new Season

  • New BG every month

  • New Arena Every year

  • Yearly Class rewamps and ignoring PvE

Get revenge on how WoW was destroyed in 2015 with WoD disaster that continues on this very day:

  • Fire full magazine of bullets in Ion Hazzikostas chest



This, same you ruined it with the first part