Blizzard has hired you to add something to the game, whatever you want! What do you add?

A new feature, transmog, playable race, whatever you want! What would you add to the game if you could add just one feature?


Removal of all the elfs, and then add Visage forms for Evokers that’s not only elf and a human.

I’d redo all player animations.

All weapon types would have different animations. Each race would have it’s own moves. Casters would cast with their staff/spellbook and so on. This would also involve making the spell effects look like we’re in the year 2024 not 2004.

Basically, what you’d expect from a good fantasy video game.


Transmog set to the character item slot rather than the item itself, no more having to use transmog toys/mounts or running to the NPC in town as the look wont change when equipping new items.


I would revert 80% of classes back to their Warlords of Draenor state.
The other 20% (specializations such as Marksmanship Hunter) would go back to their MoP or Cataclysm state.

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NPCs having smarter/more personable interaction with you, making it more realistic - especially the ones you regularly visit, so they “know” who you are, maybe even recognising you through your various alts? - add some humour etc


“You know you really remind me of (insert alt)…”


I can only pick 1 thing? That’s hard…

TL:DR: Redesign the game so that “go go” mentality is non-optimal and flowersniffing is for any facet of it; ie. make flowersniffing the speedrunning default.


Mobile App to do the in-game Pet Battles; be it challenging other players, doing WQs, leveling, etc.


Removal of all mog limits.
It no longer make sense
And then i would add so just the class would show in pvp.


Just one is hard to choose…


Changing how the hunter pet system works, would probably be it for me.

  • You can collect pet appearances. When you tame a beast, its appearance is added to your collection.
  • You can apply an appearance to one of 4 basic arch types: DPS, Healer, Tank or Support.
  • Each arch type is then customizable with a small talent tree (which also has a 'standard build for people who don’t want to put time into it).
  • You can save presets of arch types with a certain appearance and talent build and name them.
  • Pets’ AI will be updated similar to what the devs have been using.
  • Pets will also get loyalty (think reputation, basically). This grows over time as you complete any type of WoW activity with your pet being there with you. It will have 4 levels. Each level gives you a cosmetic reward for that appearance. Think things like: A selection of collars or even armor for the pet, special visual effects, and when maxing level 4; a unique version of that appearance. All these things can be changed and applied at a barber. Similar pet appearances will share rewards, but any unique model will have its own rewards.

That’s pretty much what I would do. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Housing with a crafting profession >:)


I will return Customer Service back.


I’d add seasonal leaderboards and entirely new reward structure for m+. It’s the biggest feature of current wow but somehow rewards are awful.

I’d make everyone gay


Ban rmt/bots

They catered to arachnophobics so I’d like to toggle all races into Dwarves, seeing as we don’t have enough.

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Damn you

No, bad gnome, he said add!


Update player models. Make them more true to the vanilla models but with upgraded graphical fidelity and animations.

I don’t like how they changed the animations for a lot of the models nor what they did with faces for a lot of the models.

Nelf female running animation looks so bad compared to what it was with the old models.