It is, people has just confirmed they still do GDKP but keep it on Discord.
Until they get banned, I hope
I heard from my guild friend that he got temporary ban for buying gold. I don’t think you’re correct about buying gold without consequences.
Sorry, but it’s more like 90% of the blame on the buyers in my view.
Stop the gold buyers!
Some people just DONT PLAY the Game, they DO MONEY. I think they dont deserve to play with normal people together and never.
^ It’s because much of the game is like an abusive spouse.
Yes, the game is fun, except… the regular 10 minute wait for a ship, 20 minute looking at wings flapping, another 20 minutes of waiting for the slow guy to arrive to the dungeon, the random elite creature at the end of a quest chain absolute nobody is going to do, and so and so.
Yes, I’m just typing this randomly because I played one hour this afternoon - all of it has been just running. Boring. Every normal game has teleport points.
I also regularly spend 30 minutes waiting at dungeon entrances for people to finally show up.
(I could just run Stockades 220 times. Or buy mage portals for gold I don’t have.)
That’s why my characters are 30.9 and 24.1.
2 hours a day, perfectly fine pace.
Economy? Raids? GDKP? Botters?
Yea, if I as a normal person want to play the game, I must buy boosts, money, and all that. Change that, and the issue will recede. As long as the expectation is to play 6-12 hours a day…
Maybe it’s all intentional, after all. The guides to get BiS, 60, and all else.
WoW is a mmorpg its supposed to take time if you want to play something that dosnt take time I would suggest playing a single player action game or maybe a FPS game, all RPGs take time and a MMORPG shouldnt be a execption to that.
The guides that fans of the game put out, blizzard dont put any of them out. I think blizzard would be more than happy with dragging out the phases and other things like that as the longer people play the game the more money they make.
You are right and I (also) do
GW2, D3 in this field. More in others
I was mostly ranting in this corner because unhappiness was building up in me. I don’t mind things taking time, but wasting time. Every other game I played has teleport points.
Between running for quests and waiting for people, I spend maybe 50% of my play time actually using abilities. 30 minutes travel session is pretty standard.
That’s mostly off here, the (forced) relevance is that people want shortcuts. I can’t for my life conjure any other explanation why people do Stockades / SM boosts.
What I mean is, people quickly turn helpful intel into an expectation.
Such as GearScore, which maybe started out as a helpful add-on but evolved into a metric used to sort and filter people, shovelling people towards RMT.
It really is crazy how so many players think buying all this gold for hundreds of dollars is fine, People already buying boosts from level 15 to level 60…
No wonder mobile games are so popular.
For some reasons people are terrified they will loose a MC reset, that they won’t have pre-raid BiS, then that they won’t have MC BiS before BWL up to not having Naxx BiS before TBC. Someone asked a lot of players on the PvP realm why they RMT and pretty much all answers were one form of FOMO or another. Lots of bots because majority of the playerbase is their customers.
I like it. I do the dishwasher/washing machine or make me a grainroll with cheese or take the dustbin out.
Im glad im warrior and most bis items are outside mc or in pvp☺️
Ahm have you ever considering solving the problem from your end? I mean… ok, it is what it is, blizzard does what it does… What you do? You just play a game you dont like to play… and before you say you do… remember you started this post pointing out something that happens and you dislike. So instead of waiting for blizzard or community or others flip over and align with your mindset( something that obviously will never happen) what dont you take the initiative and solve the problem from you end. You play something you dont like to play… and this is it… there is only one way for you to solve it, and this way only comes from your end, and you know what it is…
Thinking about it I don‘t even get why there are different levels of punishments.
Why First time botting is punished less than second time or same with Gold buying.
I mean for real think about it. Its not like „oh that was a dumb mistake“.
Nah man people that run botting software or buy Gold via RMT are doing it with a clear intention, knowingly to break the ToS by doing so.
I feel like only way to level up is dungeon spam cuz most grinding spots is full of bots.
So a big part of the game is making a good group then replace ppls once they leave and if you don’t do it you spend 2-3x the time questing for levels.
I believed until now the best solution to everybody’s woes would be to have three Era servers, one for each of the trilogy Classics (Vanilla, TBC & WotLK).
But after spending hours in these forums, I think they should also release a 6 month, 1 phase a month, SOLORMT version of the game, where people can buy their gear from vendors at insane prices and try and outbuy fellow players. All classes should get teletransportation abilities as well, so they can buy their gear as fast and as efficiently as possible.
Also make this server loop, as in constantly hitting fresh every 6 months so people never get bored and can spend more, if not all, of their money. To top it off, introduce all changes everyone asks for with no regards to consequences. Just be reckless about it.
I would pay to watch a POV stream of that server, let me tell you.
I get that waiting around feels like a waste. And especially waiting for people to get to dungeons. The traveling I actually find enjoyable. There is lots of story bits to experience while flying and also traveling helps me immerse in the world.
In all RPGs I know you have to discover. It’s fine.
I guess this is mostly a healer (and tank) problem as quests for each dungeon tend to be all around the world for the level (twice: to pick up, and then to turn in), also each dungeon is in completely different places.
In contrast, questing is usually a local experience: go to hub, pick up some, stay and play.
So basically my routine is to find a group in Ironforge, then travel, then kick some butt, then traverse the entire known world to turn quests in. If new dungeons are opening, traverse the entire world to pick quests up. Practically these two never combine because I gain 25-50% of a level per dungeon.
(I realized yesterday that my 31.5 druid is at 57 hours played. I was almost on benchmark until 18 so I’m predicting 300 hours, 240 more to 60.)
Mechanically it just forces me to pick up flight paths, which is alright. It’s mostly about the repetition.
Yeah hella lot of traveling for dungeon quests.
What I did was that I planned my traveling and combining it with questing and then wait with turn in untill I had more reason to pass by the place other than just turn in. Sometimes I had to go to a place just for turn in, and that feels kinda bad. But most of the time I was able to combine it with some other meaningful task.
That kind of planning is enjoyable to me. Makes it more feel like “alright, I am in this place now”.
So many players have a decent paying job. they could wipe their a.s with 50€. absolutely worthless to them. on the other hand, time is super precious. it has immeasurably more value and so it’s an easy choice
it’s all in your head bro, gdkp are banned there is no such thing as goldbuying anymore bro!