I just want to criticize Blizzard’s service quality. As client, we pay for Blizzard’s game services periodically, actually we pay for using their services for a some period. During this period, we face a lot of difficulties, disconnects, log in issues, servers are offline due to maintenance, bugs, etc. How does Blizzard keep their customer satisfaction well? Did Blizzard reimburse for those lost time? Did they give an in-game gift or something like that? I personally don’t see any action from Blizzard to keep customer satisfaction well. Blizzard should do more to meet the customers’ requirements and over our expectations.
What lost time? You need to read the Terms of Use about maintenance.
I was criticizing Blizzard about their customer satisfaction based on my 20 years QMS, CIM and TQM experience. Do you know what customer satisfaction means? If you don’t know, please shut up.
I worked in customer service for 10 years, guess what, the customer isn’t always right.
I am quite satisfied and I haven’t had problems. I guess most people haven’t had problems either.
What was revenue of your company? What was CAGR of your company? What was EBITDA of your company?
Why does earnings matter? The customers were rude, nasty and malevolent.
They always thought they were right even after we proved to them politely, they were wrong, then they got sweary and yelled.
All you have done is list a few things and assume that you will get 100% uptime on all Blizzards products and they will give you a month back for 30 minutes downtime
It doesn’t mean everybody will be satisfied, right? Of course, I don’t mean everybody should be satisfied as nobody can make everybody happy. I have just criticized according to point of my view.
I, as a customer, can agree, I am satisfied to nearly none.
Esp. last patch where literally everything is just plain annoying, worms slow my flight, eyestalks slow my flight and moves, octopus-faced dudes slow, whoever designed this - if your goal to drive me off the game and make me hate it - you succeded.
Companies are implemented for earning profitable money. Of course I don’t know Blizzard’s strategy. But I believe they already shared their vision and mission somewhere and don’t think, Blizzard makes the game just for making us happy. They make us happy and we pay for their services as there is supply and demand there as It’s very fundamental economy rule.
And yes, If I cannot play What I paid for it; how can I be satisfied? I just expect from Blizzard that they need to think on how to keep customer satisfaction.
Again, you really need to read the Terms of Use, and what it says about the game being unavailable.
So you are saying that they can’t have unforeseen circumstances? By their very nature they cannot be predicted, all Blizzard can do is fix them in a timely manner, which they did.
I never get disconnected so something else must be going on for you.
Please read below topic and understand what Blizzard did.
Just saying sorry will close this case?
It will be not customer satisfaction. This is their responsibility. You really couldn’t understand what customer satisfaction means.
So because YOU can’t log in, it must be something Blizzard did. Considering hundreds of thousands of others can log in, without issue, and never get disconnected, Blizzards actions must be aimed at you and specifically you. Right?
Or maybe… Theres something screwy with your PC.
if they had followed your advice they would be sitting on dirt making nothing out of this game.my answer is to the op