Blizzard help!

Good day. I want to chat with a Blizzard rep, I have a huge problem! The day before yesterday I got a ban for cheats and hacks, I wrote a Russian support for those and they wrote to me, we will figure it out. Later this day, I receive a message that I was denied access to the recording because it could have been hacked, I write that I am ready to change passwords and secure the recording, and in the morning they write to me again, you were banned for reporting players about cheats and hacks. What we actually have, I play through a multibox, run farm spots, mythics, daily quests, all by hand myself, without any hacks and cheats I use the permitted ISboxer software, but sometimes players come running and commend me that they throw report.For what? For the fact that I pay more money to your company, why should I be oppressed by the players, why the community of players oppresses me and later the ban arrives, for their reports, I sit with my hands for 8 hours mining this gold for a brutosaurus, for a boe, for my needs, for a new addition, and you ban me for paying you for the reports. Why don’t you even bother to figure out why I have to be depressed !?

I’m afraid that the only way to appeal a ban is by ticket. I have no idea what you mean about a recording, but all you can do is reopen the appeal and ask for it to be escalated. here man farming in 32 windows, and you dont ban him, i play at 8, and you ban me.

I don’t ban anyone, I don’t work for Blizzard.

How can I ask for it to be escalated? In ticket?

Yes, as I said, reopen or reply to the last ticket you had about the ban. Explain clearly you’re a multiboxer using whatever permitted software and could your appeal be escalated.
Many multi-boxers get reported, as solo players find it difficult to farm but, if you weren’t breaking rules, they should be able to see that. Showing them a recording of someone completely different doing something isn’t going to help your appeal. They can see what happened when you were banned from the logs.

Hello Missandeya,

The account you’re posting from hasn’t been actioned.

Appeals are not handled via the forums as they often involve personal information. If you have not already done so, you may make an appeal here from the account you have an issue with: