I think Marge Simpsons said it the best, when she left Homer.
-Upon which he realized the seriousness.
“Homer, I always stood up for you.”
"When people pointed out your flaws, I always said “Well. Sometimes you have to stand back, to appreciate a work of art.”
“-waaaaaaaay back.”
“Lately. What’s keeping us together is my ability to overlook everything you do. And I overlook these things because…”
"Well, that’s the thing… I don’t know how to finish that sentence anymore… "
I could overlook a bad/unlucky expansions, micro-transactions, chinese gold sellers/farmers, bots and much more.
Even when I’ve been caught cheating myself, I still stood up for you.
-Because I knew it was for the best of the community and that I had broken the mutual trust between us.
But with both hackers and you, Blizzard, ignoring wardens alerts, everything has become so bland and meaningless. Tasteless.
-If nothing else changes, hey, at least I’ll still be buying Christie Golden’s books.
Insisting on creating these threads (this is the third one i think, with the first being locked and the second i’m not sure if it got removed or merged with the bigger thread on the matter) is likely to result in at least a temporary forum vacation sooner or later.
I take it you didn’t read their official response that clearly details it to be the last warning before they’ll issue bans going forward.
It’d be fine to ban outright if they had been enforcing this part of their ToS consistently over the last few years. The problem is that they hadn’t and in their lack of a proper, definitve response to the modding community they let it get to a point where it likely surprised them how many they hit and for what reasons.
The fact that the hackers have been a step ahead of you, blizzard, doesn’t change anything.
-The whole idea with The Warden(which you, Blizzard, clearly coded to react on security breaches like this) is to catch cheaters in the act, not to warn them, there have been plently of warnings.
I’ll give an example, the hackers can’t have missed, from one of the sites sharing these hacks:
Lucid Morph - Basic Morphing Tool
Warning - This software violates Blizzards (EULA: I removed link). Use of this software can result in the closure of your account.
No bans have been reported
Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 ((vc_redist.x64.exe): I removed link)
Blizzard has not gone down themselves, it was everything around them that pulled them down.
Look at the current MMORPG market or gaming in general, this is a giant clown fiesta. Bots and cheaters especially from Asia are infesting all the games not only WoW, they are doing it all for money, it is no longer an individual who want easier game but a multi-million gaming companies who are selling in-games third party services such as gold, lvl boost and etc in every single game you could ask for on one single site.
And microtransactions? You have to see other games which are flooded with them, not even FFXIV is safe from it, they are selling exclusive emotes and skins and other stuff along with mounts and pets. In GW2 which is often called best mmorpg you could buyout yourself everything, from outfits, skins, QoL things a ton of them in fact dang you could even buy yourself way to ascended gear/legendaries if you have enough money. Dont me even start about BDO, Tera or such korean games because they are 120% pay2win.
You better pray WoW to never change their business model or you will end up in pay2win, free to play koreanlike mmo with even more cheaters and bots than it was ever be.
No its not, calling someone a hacker and calling someone a modder are two different things, you tried to make it sound worse then it really is by calling them hackers. This is not OK
Personally I wouldnt be against the ban because of the ToS being broken being a serious offense but Blizzard decided no harm no foul and in this specific scenario, in my eyes, anyone complaining about the bans being revoked while trying to claim the moral highground by accusing others of hacking the game while you dont even comprehend what that means is being petty in my eyes
Hacking: “The gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer”.
-In this case, using a program giving unauthorized access to data in blizzards system(on your local PC).
But let’s call them cheaters then
-Even though I’d argue editing game files is a different topic, but still a serious matter.
First time you made this thread it was locked, second time deleted, is it really wise to make it for third time? They’ve clearly decided how they’re tackling this issue, you saying “I won’t play your game anymore if you don’t ban all those people” is not going to change their minds.
As a veteran hacker, in the old days, I want to cry for the way the usage of the term hacker has now devolved into meaning only malicious crackers, and people running programs they don’t understand (“script kiddies”). Get off my lawn!
Whiners who whined that classes are overly complicated. Whiners who whined that too many people on same server makes my pongwatercountry computer stutter. Whiners who whined that grinding professions takes too much time. Whiners who whined that they get killed by more skillful and geared players.
So blame worst casual, clueless and moronic players in US and EU because they are to be blamed and that is a fact. Not devs or designers.
This means that it wasn’t hacking because if you look up the actual files on your local computer that they edited, click properties and open the security tab, your user account on your PC is authorized to change those files.
These authorisations are set during the installation of the game
The installation of the game does nothing to protect these files
Sure, you can call them cheaters, but it’s doing the same, making it sound worse then it actually is which loops us back to pettyness again
And again, try not to sound smart using terms you have no comprehension of