Blizzard, if you make a TOS maybe you should actually enforce it?

Trade chat is literally 99% people selling boosts through the new raid. It’s annoying as hell to find people who’re actually selling their crafts and weapons. You made it very clear to add to your TOS that boosting and advertising boosting is against TOS yet hundreds of boosters spam trade every hour.

This is not correct.

Boosting and advertising boosts are not against the ToS, and never have been.

What is not allowed is advertising those boosts in /2 trade chat (there is an extra “Trade-Services” channel specifically fotr that purpose), and boosting for real money and not ingame gold.

Type /leave services in game to leave the services channel. If you then still get boosting spam, right click → report player → advertising + spam → submit

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I meant in regular trade. Should have added that in the text, I was just tired.

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