Blizzard is killing dub in Spain Spanish

I think the title is self explanatory but i will expand a little bit. Yesterday we get the latest patch of the Siren Isle and the dub was missing, not even in english, everyting is muted. I post this here as everyone from WoWES are in silence.


What a pain. I remember when all the audio was missing even in English during previous parts of the campaign and you just have no idea what is going on.

Could this be a similar bug?

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I don’t think this is a bug, but rather intentional because Blizzard did not reach an agreement with the voice actors so therefore no dub came for this particular patch.


Remember reading it up earlier at reddit - it was because of an AI voice source issue though unconfirmed.


There are other games this happens to that just means (in their case) that the studio responsible for the dub is having issues like a VA strike or something. Could be related to the strike like the one Star Rail is facing related to AI voices. Could be that they didn’t have the time to voice everything. (This is not a defense of Blizzard, just what I’ve heard of happening.)


Let me tell you. I play in spanish servers and I am bylingual. The dub in spanish is absolutely atrocious. It is really, really bad. And English version is 100x superior in every way.

And you know what I tell my guildies (that are spanish) ? Learn English. Stop with this ridiculous nonsense of monolingual people. Its time to embrace the 21st century.

And by the way, my opinoin works both ways. When I watched the movie Coco (to name the most recent one) I simply could not stand mexicans speaking in english saying “wey” and “hermano” after every sentence.

Had to change the language from OV english to Latino Spanish Dub. It turned an OK movie into an amazing inmersive and one of a kind movie I will never forget.

Or if you want to imagine what this “dub” situation feels like… stream the “Torrente” movies dubed in English. And you will know what it feels like the other way arround. :slight_smile:

The quality simply is not there when you dub things. No matter what how good the voice acting is. Better to play WoW with subtitles to be honest.

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One of the Spain Spanish voice actors said in a stream of a WoW spanish news website that they couldn’t reach an agreement due to issues related to the AI in their contracts.

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And they can put in effort to make dubs work too. I really do think we’re paying them enough to expect that much.

Like the example I put with the movie Coco, where having Mexicans in a Mexican village speaking some other language other than Spanish with a Mexican accent makes no sense.

The jokes and references, which are deeply Mexican (the mom with the slipper punishing people, or the “tamales” seller in the streets) makes absolutely no sense in any other language than Mexican accent Spanish.

Same thing applies to any content. WOW is so full of Anglo-Saxon references it simply sounds weird in any other language.

If you can consume media in VO you should. And Spain is a country that at this day and age should not have any issues speaking English. Everyone in BE, NL, DE, CH (the EU countries I work in the most) don’t have an issue with it. Neither should Spain.

And if I was president of Spain I would force all media to be in English. To force people to learn it once and for all. Like they did in NL and it worked perfectly.

Obviously the original is the best experience almost all the time but there should still be quality options for those who want to use them. Otherwise just don’t offer them.

my point exactly

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