Blizzard is looking into Froggers

Ok I am really sorry but this is a really poor example.

All those people you looked at in the hub were slacking massively.
My friend is ret pally, quested like me, did lfr, heroic dungeons, scenarios and normal raids as much as we could and he has some 1.6 Mill health (might be more forgot to catch up yesterday).

I am now personally sat at just 9k under 3.2 Mill health but I am tank also.

The difference between us and your examples is we are playing the game with the sights of farming bronze for all the rewards. Your examples are people playing once maybe twice a week for a few hours and hoarding all their bronze.

To make Bronze you have to spend Bronze (sounds weird I know but when you look and consider how quick stuff dies in raids etc, it all begins to make sense).


2 Mio Life is Achievable without FrogFarming or abusing any Exploit.

The Average is kinda Skewed, because Playtime = Power
You dont need to Exploit to get more Powerfull.

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So for me personally someone who did say an hour on each of 2 maybe 3 days is still ok.

The really insane bits are when you farmed for 10+ hours a day

Yeah Exactly. For me on my Character my played is
Total - 3 Days 13 Hours 27 Minutes
Total at lv 70 - 2 Days 10 Hours 18 Minutes

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2 mln is not much .

im almost 1.8 mln right now ithout frogs as dps. as tank im on 2.5 mln . and i still have hc mogushan and heart to clear and then soo normal in the evening which will push me to 444 gear in all slots.

peopel dont realise how crazy it all stacks if you clear everything possible daily .

especialy now with spools.

peopl who farmed frogs are like 5-6 mln health now .

ofc its still ok .

you just wont be doing hc raids any time soon .

which is not a huge deal as purple gear is beyond dissapointing tbh - chances to roll correctly 2x your bis stat (minor+ major ) on the 2 stat rng is very very low.

you will likely use blue equip with bis stats very very long time.

There literally is 0 point to purple gear.
Dont see why anyone would obsess over it.

its all about getting your blues with good stats and upgrading

I Would Argue the same about Blue Gear, at max Itemlevel its 500 Mainstat. I would think if you reach that point, its next to nothing. ^^
Didnt get 2 Slots at blue, wont bother with them anymore.

My full message;

THIS is what I wrote, the full quote. Ya’ll missing the forest for the trees here. The example being good or not isnt the points. You know what I meant, but chose to argue instead, while also leaving out the actual main parts of the message.
As I wrote, I didnt have a 70 myself, and that was just anecdotal observations.
Heck, players in the hub were a few tanks, while the ones soloing were demo, mage and boomkin(not guardian moonkin, but balance moonkin), if that is even remotely relevant.

Regardless, the first point you leave out here is them taking down a world boss. I saw this happen several times after, one even soloing Oondasta.

Second point being
To begin with, my main thing was pointing out theres a difference between “farming” and “exploiting”, something the defenders of it are trying to mix, confuse and obfuscate the lines of, when its NOT the same.

  • One can be casually done on your own, and likely wouldnt risk any action taken against you, as you arent exploiting, you are farming.

“Hyperspawn” something which only occurs if enough numbers of mobs are killed fast enough, as it simulates big numbers of players naturally killing mobs, making the game increase spawns to match the “players” detected; this is a normal game mechanic. It is intended to not make massive amounts of players run out of mobs, like Classic has issues with etc, waiting in queue for spawns.

  • However, the other, is grouping up to abusively trigger hyperspawn, even if there arent “many” players there, just for the 4-8 players doing it. When hyperspawn is abused, meaning continuous spawns for hours on hours, knowing how rapid the rewards are to everything else in the game, you dont have to be a rocket scientist to realise this is unintended, and will get nerfed. Players doing this KNOWS Blizzard would nerf it, as they have nerfed stuff in the past. “new/unknowing” players wont have the knowledge to even get there before it got nerfed, so thats a long shot.
    Players then abusing this to far unnatural lengths, more than you would other “farms” or content, putting in more hours than they usually would just for this, all previous stuff mentioned, in their minds; until it gets nerfed, are exploiting.

While IÂŽm with you, and want FrogFarmers Nerfed or otherwise gotten rid of, because it just feels Unfair.

I think I should remind you that as a non Frog Farmer I can also Solo Worldbosses. And have 2,5Mio Life.

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Cool Tree. Still not the forest though. Zoom out more xD

Clearly the forest your wanting us to look at is not in the same location as the tree your talking about. Maybe you should help us a little ?

Your saying that people being able to solo world world bosses, or just a couple of players with high stats is an issue because the average is 300-700k hp etc.

Then when several people tell you they can do it also and never farmed and did nothing but quests etc your saying they missed the issue ?

How can they be missing it if they can do what your saying is the issue and they didn’t farm frogs (notice how im not calling it exploiting).

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the reason ?

because its easier than balancing horrible horrible scaling issues.

right now nobody wants to be lvl 70 without achieving godhood or being carried by a frogger, because the scaling makes it impossible to win, or at least hell on earth, and not the “fun and fast” experience we were supposed to get.

also, catching froggers is easier than balancing the lack of bronze in the game.

Missing the forest for the trees, means missing the big picture for the details. Stop looking at only parts of it, and focus on what is 3/4th of the post I again made xD

I am well aware of what it means.

And my point is, if people are able to play, gear and get power to do this stuff without issue by playing normally what is your case again other than asking for free handouts because you don’t want to put in more than the bare minimum.

I would rather see them match the rest of us to the frogger power. I don’t see why anyone should be banned for literally farming mobs in a Pandaria zone.

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Blizzard’s In-Game Code of Conduct


You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

Okey this was suppose to be an extra event but if they let them got away with this, they will keep exploiting. Those exploiters selling boosts for Retail gold., got their collectables from Remix. They are super rewarded for being an exploiter. I saw frog stuff but I didn’t do it. Because I know it’s not fair. It’s obviously a bug. Otherwise game mode would be 2 weeks limited event instead of 12. Normally they should ban them according to game rules. I think they should rollback their accounts to pre frog farmed state, delete rewards that they bought after frog farm, they should also delete their boost golds. I quess this will be better punishment if they don’t get banned.

And no, I don’t want their power. I can farm slowly, enjoy the game. No need to activate the cheat code :slight_smile:

nice excuse.

“blizzard, i wasnt hunting for threads. i was just trying farm timeless coins”

The frogs were a coin farm back in the day.

These were not state secrets. They have all been common farm spots from the old expansion so far.

Bar the bypassing the instance lock.

Everyone in here pointlessly debating whether or not bans are justified or not while completely ignoring the following facts:

-Blizzard could have told people to stop and wait for a hotfix in a tweet, or they could have shut down the servers or any other of a handful of other things, but they did none of them and took several days to nerf the frogs.

-Wowhead, a site very much supported by Blizzard that has also partnered with them on many an occasion in the past wrote articles on why frog farming was useful, how to go about doing it and even after Frogs got nerfed they gave people a list of alternative places to farm.

Say what you will about the players, debate on whether it’s an exploit or not, but what it comes down to in the end is that it’s their own fault for releasing the event in the state that it was released, and you can’t put too much blame on players who did farm frogs since with Wowhead pushing the method legitimized it to an extent, as well as Blizzard’s radio silence on the matter.

Many likely assumed it was fine and harmless to do and didn’t see it as an exploit.

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