Blizzard is looking into Froggers

Dont want to ban anyone. Wanted to highlight I think the whole discussion is kind of meaningless :smiley: I just play the game and don’t follow the hate train. Will still be fine and get my mythic kill at the end and two or three mounts I want. 90 days are moe then enough for that

O yea totally on a side-note: Has Blizzard stopped the race to world first yet?


Radio silence, again?

Because all those people farmed frogs probably more than anybody in the game, just so they can get to clearing mythic world first.

You gonna ban all of them too and get rid of the race to world first permanently?

Hence “(royal you)” :wink:

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Yea 22 lvl getting 12 exp and a total of 9k exp from a raid that could take 1 hour

Yea totally op.

You remind me of some co-workers that you put the to even make a coffee and can do in half hour 

i think they will revert their cloaks to 1-3k of each start and remove all the mogs bought with the bronze they earned form the farm same with the gems

I wouldn’t discredit a 5-6k main stat deficit like that so easily. And sure, being ahead or being behind in PvE power won’t likely affect the purpose of this event in a meaningful way ultimately because of the fact that this is mainly a “collectors” event and whether someone is hugely or slightly ahead of you in ilvl means nothing in the grand scheme of things. I mean, chances are, Blizz will probably nerf stuff overtime to the point that these power gaps will not matter meaningfully. And by probably, I mean, they should. Soon.

However, if Blizzard wants to be correct their “slip up” on the grounds of FAIRNESS, then this is one possible proposal I had in mind. Going back to my original point, banning people or even as little as deleting their toons is not the way because like Razien said, people do NOT like to start over 
 ESPECIALLY now that those people would have gotten all the collectibles and as such, the only thing this event has left to offer is the power gap. If removed, then there goes their “boostability” and profits. But, tapering their power accrual off over the course of the event to allow others who didn’t farm the frogs to have a reasonable chance to getting to their level is fair, in my opinion. Is it necessary for the purpose of this event? No. Is it fair? Absolutely.

With bronze farm and gear upgrade, that will be the case, naturally. However, and this is my opinion, the cloak discrepancy is an issue to be considered immediately, which will become more prominent as the event goes on if left unrestricted.

Literally just nerf the Bronze cost of upgrading gear and implement a catch-up for Threads for anybody below 50k stamina.

That would fix most of everything.

Stop focusing on the 2% that has a cloak above 80k. They’re rare.

No need for any bans. No need for any punishments.

Just a catch-up for cloak and a nerf to gear upgrade cost.

Oh, and a lesson learnt on Blizzard’s end for next time they make an event like this; Test your game before you release it.


sorry but its a little bit more than that, its at least 10% and its locked alot of players out the hc raid absurd tunning aside

2 Alts
Dk did all Hc 76k Bronze in like 2 hours and half
 Ward of Salvation give 1 k bronze per minutes

Holy priest Normal SoO - Thunder and Mogu 31 k. Again everyone Ward of Salvation .

You are asking to not punish the others like ban or anything reduce xx but getting benefits ??

Ending in 5 Hour i Had 100k Bronze by pressing one Makro
/target focus
/cast Ward of Salvation

And Some cds

Metagaming is doing something that transcends the capabilities of your character or rules of the game. Something the designer didn’t anticipate but doesn’t consider cheating. Like a hunter using disengage to jump on the conveyor belt on siegecrafter blackfuse.
Farming a mob because someone forgot to tune its rewards is far from this.

They made a mistake and you abused the hell out of it because you knew how much more rewarding it is than other activities. If I did something like this I’d turn very small and be very silent. It’s mind boggling to me that people here are openly bragging and defending exploiting.


If you level up normally by questing you’ll have all Meta gems by level 60. I did.

They played the game as it was presented to them and they shouldn’t get punished for it.

They put in the work to get these benefits.

Okay, so? You can enter heroic rather early. You only need 380 or so item level.

You can also very easily farm out tons of Bronze without needing hyperspawn areas.

There are regular places in the game with enough of a mob density that you can hop between and it’ll be about 70% the same as what you got from Frogs.

Semantics. Define it however you like. Metagaming is doing whatever the meta requires.

Blizzard made the meta to be farming frogs. That’s on them, not the players.

I didn’t abuse anything. I just don’t believe that the people who did should be punished for a mistake that Blizzard made.

Also, again

^that is my main problem with punishing people. Blizzard made a meta and forced people to participate if they wanted to keep up with the curve when they decided to wait an entire work-week with nerfing it when they could have done so immediately and done a quick roll-back when the situation was not yet widespread, but they deliberately chose to not do so.

You can’t now then punish ALL players for trying to make the best of it.

You wanna punish the worst offenders who run around with 120k stam cloaks? Well go ahead

But don’t go around saying that everybody that did it needs to get banned or have their cloaks fully reset, simply because they didn’t want to fall behind.

That is utterly disgraceful.

So you admit being totally okay with exploiting and that you’d do it yourself – so long as nobody knows you’re exploiting?


Nobody here was bragging or defending exploiting.

I was denying calling it an exploit at all. Blizzard released the game in the state that it was, and then refused to shut down the servers or even hotfix it and NOW you’re blaming the players?

I’m never going to agree with that course of action.

It’s beyond dishonest.


Well i didn’t get frogs but almost 40 Hours game-played .

So I’m getting a refund ??

If it’s up to the people in this thread yes, they want you to get reset because you’re so far ahead because they believe that exploits is apparently the only way to do so.

So i’m spending 8 Hours and you spend 2 hours 

Either way i want Froggers to Get what should they .

I’d just like to understand how players got these, i.e. what to do to get similar:

  • 51,648 stamina on the cloak

  • 6.4M health on a dps paladin

  • 289% XP buff on the cloak of a L56 mage

You get Guranteed Experience Threads on each LFR Wing (7%), and Each Normal Raid Boss (14%).

If you do Mogushan Vaults, its 70-80% I think

You can start with Mogushan at Lvl 25

This is nothing anyone should get banned for. But cutting of the top 3-5% of the top percentile and bringing them down to the big normal cap between
 should be done.

Otherwise the absolut minority will feel powerful for the whole event duration and the return will never feel was weak.

And btw, do a catchup mechanic if you are far behind in threads

Hope they froggers and gate exploiters get a complete rollback to 0 and a temporary ban.

You want to know how to get it?

Find places in the outdoor world with a high mob density that you can kill relatively okay by yourself, then bounce between those spots and keep farming the mobs until your cloak is high enough and until you have 100k bronze.

Then upgrade your gear.

No exploiting, No bugs, Nothing.

Just a lot of farming.

Also, once you’re ilvl 380 you can join heroic raids. Each heroic raid gives around 20k bronze and 1.5k stam to your cloak, per raid, per day.

This is purely from keeping up with their Looking For Raid lockouts. You can do 13 Looking for raid wings each day. Each wing gives +7% experience gain to your cloak permanently.

That’s a +91% experience gain on your cloak per day.

I agree that the people with 100k-120k or even more than that on their cloaks is WAY overkill.

But anything below 70k should be left alone.

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Again – You’ve got no justification for that.

Btw here’s your new meta.