Blizzard is looking into Froggers

Then they shouldn’t exploit.

And it is very relevant how old a character is. Neither of my MoP characters have killed even 1 frog. If they got accidentally caught in a banwave, what would I do? Suck it up and make them again. I’d be raiding again within 48 hours. I would vent on the forum, but that would be the end of it.

Do that to my 5+ year monk or 18 month evoker, and I might leave the game, ngl. It absolutely matters how much or little time was put in.

Another 91 days to go. They/you will be fine.

But you knew it was a mistake. You knew this wasn’t how the game was intended to be played. That’s exploiting.

And now you’re trying to find technicalities to weasel out of it.

Cheat. Then whine about how you couldn’t possibly have known you were cheating and blame literally everyone but your own feckless self.

engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

It’s what they did. They knew what they were doing while farming frogs. The power gap between a frog farmer and regular player is huge. Ofcourse those frog farmers will come here and talk about keeping what they have.
But here is an example from past, there was an exploit back in Legion. A world quest was bugged, it was rewarding artifact power. People who had farmed 1 hour or less had 1 day ban. People who had farmed 12+ had 2-3 weeks depending on farming hours. They have also removed all artifact power from exploiters. Nobody had permanent ban. It was fair.


They didn’t. The semantics here are purposefully being made to look worse than they are.

Blizzard shipped a broken game. Players follow the Meta.

Don’t punish the players for playing, Blame Blizzard for not delivering.

What’s done is done. Next steps? Catch up mechanics for those with weak cloaks and low gear, and nerf the cloaks that are 100k-120k stamina or above.

Simple as that.

Just because that that’s how you personally deal with it, does not mean that that’s the correct way to handle the situation is.

It works for you but it’s nowhere near fair.

Also you must’ve not put in as much effort as other people have. I’ve personally completed every single achievement besides Mythic SoO. If I get my character entirely reset I will not do it again. I’ve got better things to do at that point.

Again – Just because you have time to throw away does not mean other people do.

Stop looking at this from such a selfish perspective.

I knew nothing of how this game mode was going to play out. Everything has been incredibly broken since I made my character at level 10. Your character power scales up tremendously and epics drop from the sky constantly.

It’s not immediately obvious that frogs hyperspawning this hard was a “bug”, ESPECIALLY when WoWhead (a website Blizzard supports) is promoting farming them in more than one post.

One would simply assume that Blizzard didn’t mess it up and that it’s fine to play all parts of the game – which includes farming mobs.

None of what I wrote in this entire thread is even remotely close to a “technicality”, Saying that it is is nothing but reductio ad absurdum.

Farming mobs that don’t hyperspawn is not cheating.

Nobody was excluded from being able to farm it so if you do want to make it technical then it’s not an exploit by that standard.

Everyone had the same opportunity to farm the frogs.

But most of us knew it would be wrong to do so - so we didn’t.

I remain hopeful that for once Blizzard will actually punish open exploitation. And to be fair - they did roll back those seed exploiters at the start of 10.2, so we know they can.

In the end, it’s not my choice. Time will tell whether “exploit early, exploit often” remains a catch phrase, or whether the game will actually start enforcing fair play.


Then you don’t get to complain about it now if they don’t nerf it or provide a catch up.

Accept that you didn’t participate and move on.

They didn’t wait as long to roll that back. They waited far too long now. Rollback won’t happen.

I wasnt originally responding to you, you 3 were telling me my example was bad, when that wasnt the point, but to point out there is a difference, and what to me atleast that difference is, between normal farming, and exploiting, as the one I was originally replying to, was trying to make a point of claiming this was just going after farming in general, which it wasnt.

It’s just another buggy fartfest of a game, who cares.

It will all be over once P4 SoD kicks off.

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I’d say turn them into a frog for the duration of remix. Like a hex, where you are unable to do anything than move around.

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Theres so much mimimi.
Srsly… wanna wipe again in lfr?
You want capped stats? Play retail.

This is no race and it never was. If someone helps me get through a raid faster - i appreciate it.

Honestly: if i join a dungeon or anything else which isnt HC, ill ask the grp if i should slow down or go full speed.
Guess what the answer is:
I just want it done - full speed pls.

All the crying just happens in the forums - never seen it once ingame.

Btw: blizz lied in the first place: if the cape would be shared with alts id play alts. But how it is now i just focus on my main

And before you ask: i farmed frogs for 4hrs. Everything else comes from playin the actual game and not braindead farming.


I’m ‘‘almost’’ caught up with the froggers now without using any of the farms that get nerfed daily.

You have 6 mil HP and can solo HC bosses?

i will tomorrow.

i need 154,120 more bronze to have gear maxed and by that time i should have around 8-9k on cloak if not more

Care to tell how you farmed this much,vand how many hours a day you farm

I will once I’m done as it’s a solo method and it killed when more people do it. I think I farmed about 73k bronze todays in a 3 hour span, I’ll put up a timer and keep track of bronze tomorrow for better info.

You always come up with awesome ideas honestly

Hopefully, they do something about it. Punish them as well by banning. Exploiting and botting are just as bad for the game.

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Here this is what I meant earlier.

WoWHead keeps pushing this stuff.

There’s 0 chance you’ll get banned for doing stuff that WoWHead pushes.

I’m at the area right now, so many players here. I’m playing a lvl 36 warrior dwarf just waiting for the Rare to show up. it is fun on my part.


it seems we just got nerfed.

i thought he meant that spirit farm near 1 tree on isle i seen people doing when i was runing to ordos :slight_smile:

overall hyperspawns happen because there is ton of people on isle because of world boss.

blizzard would have to tur off dynamic spawns completly - and this would make leveling unbearable :smiley:

That didnt age well did it