Blizzard is looking into Froggers

Weird. I’m 407 ilevel, 3days, 15hours played. Not touched a single frog.

Have around 16,202 main stat currently out of combat. I can pretty much solo LFR now though. So there’s that. I don’t know, the frog cheese got me so irked!

Oh, no! But our friend really tried hard to get me to join :smile: I really didn’t want to leech off you and just be a +1 there, I said as much. (It’s Saori, if I didn’t make it clear)

I’m not sure you’d be hit by the nerfs as much if at all, as they’re talking about excessive grinding of frogs. As far as I understood you barely touched the frogs specifically and they were talking about them specifically!

Oh… hi saori. Tbh i missed you the last few days. And yeah… hes kinda special sometimes so im sorry about that. :blush:

Edit: you didnt leech off. I help my friends too who didnt invest as much time as me.
Youre always welcome :blush:

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Oh, I invested tons. Likely spent more time online, just not nearly as efficiently i’d say? I took way longer leveling and running around and all :smile:

(also spent numerous meteor chips to fly around from Mount Neverest which is so fun for some reason)

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Well like I mentioned before, what I was doing wasn’t efficient probably as I got 58k bronze out of it, whereas people were saying on Reddit and such how they got 60k+ bronze an hour from the same farm. So in the supposed time I should’ve gotten 120k bronze, I got less than half of that.

All the bronze I earned was spent on buying mounts I didn’t have aside from the bags for bank (70 bronze). So I’m still sitting a 323ilvl (346 if I had a neck piece probably).

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They actually did it, the entire community i play in is over the moon and genuinely ppl are hopping back into remix with new vigor, so nice!

You are Probably Screwed then. You will probably loose some Stats on your Cloak.
If you are lucky you wont, because you have less than me playing normally without HyperSpawn Camping.

But I guess you wont get the extra 40K Bronze.

The only reason people are hopping in is to see if they got the quests for free Bronze, not because they’re actually excited to play lol, the majority can’t wait to get the bronze farm over with.

I have no idea, wouldn’t make much sense if I lose stats as it’s not like I’m topping any charts with this anywhere, but even if they did I couldn’t be all too bothered. I’ll just queue as healer to do LFR, (HC) dungeons and Scenarios, do the world bosses and log off like I’ve done so the past 2-3 days.

I’ll actually heal so, not like the twerps that queue as healer but are actually DPS skipping queues.

Fix is live - 40k bronze for free. Thanks blizz :heart:

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Told you you wouldn’t be affected (:

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2 hours of frog farming.

Whelp I farmed for 9k bronze an hour for two hours. That’s my only gripe with this, couldn’t care less about the cloak stats being reduced. I’m healing low entrance stuff anyways.

Only thing I wonder about is if I level a character to 50+ now, do I get the 40k or am I blacklisted from getting that because of 2 hours of farming lol. If that’s the case then Blizzard really is out of touch.

The quest to get 40k gold is in the game now. You can pick it up at any upgrade vendor. Did you get it too?

I guess, It could´ve been worse.

I think a Fresh char should get the Bronze Rewards for Leveling.

It seems any abusers got reset to 2.5k

I was talking to another guy in-game, he had farmed the frogs for 2 hours as well but he is still at the same stats and got the quests for 40k… and this guy is sitting there with 4000k HP, with heavily upgraded gear lol.

Really wonder what Blizzard used as parameters to decide who gets the nerf hammer and who doesn’t.

Maybe a relog will sort him out. That’s probs a fools hope though. People always slip through the cracks.

No, frog farming is a thing that already existed. Even if they knew it at some point that it is probably OP, it is a mechanic that existed in old MoP. There are sonmaby obvious things where you could ban people but in that case it’s maximum a rollback if you want to keep power levels close to each other.

Blizzard hates me so I was already expected to be nerfed and not getting the quests. I feel they have hidden checkmarks for people they hate, that never get any worthwhile drops, vault items or collection items dropping and get manhandled with any decision they make.

Probably the same would’ve happened if I never set foot on Timeless isle.

blizzard just genuinly hates peopel having fun :0

but i can tell you why they did that - it wasnt because of forums or anything.

they hated that people cut down progression time severly in hc / mythic soo .

since i didnt kill a single frog im safe - got my 40k extra bronze - feel sorry for people who put in mmorpg heart and soul into grinding.

grinding was always a core of mmorpg - and blizzard just hates it.

shame. but expected :slight_smile:

outstanding nails are always hammered down .

Meh, just take it as a lesson, don’t dabble in something you think is a little cheesy or sus. I don’t use ward either. It’s so silly and cheesy. It’ll definitely get another nerf soon in a hotfix. Lame that you got caught though from just 2 hours of doing it, and there’s people as you said walking around fine.

Edit: I have heard some frog abusers are only getting their cloak reset after relogging. So maybe Blizzard has actually caught those people who think they got away with it.