Blizzard is looking into Froggers

The only lesson I learned from this, is that I should’ve gone hardcore farming 12+ hours a day only frogs, then I’d be done with bronze for mounts, toys and cosmetics.

What did I win by doing the frog farm for 2 hours? Effectively I got 18k (9k an hour) out of it, while others get 40k for putting their fingers in their nose. Basically farming any random non hyperspawn mob in the game gets you more than 9k per hour.

… and then it’s a question of the quest being a one time thing or multiple characters thing, and whether or not my other characters are blacklisted from getting 40k as well.

I’ve also read people that said they killed frogs for the 30 stones quest as it was easy to get a few kills in with all the people farming and got nerfed as well and didn’t receive quests. It seems all over the place to be honest.

Knowing Blizzard it’s something stupid like:
‘Person killed 100 frogs = Frog farmer = Nerf cloak by xx%.’

this is very very likely tbh .

the ctual number is most likely a bit higher like 500 but you may be not that off :slight_smile:

… and then another question is:

Were these mobs lootable by character? Yes or no.
Or do they just count whatever mob you touched?

Do they count how many died when you were near? Did they count whatever mobs you helped kill that were tagged by other groups? (grayed out mobs)

They will never tell what metrics they used, but considering how bad they are at recognizing what could go wrong in this game and general quality control… I would say the metrics they used are flawed as well.

If Larian Studios puts out an MMO, I’m done with WoW.