Every time Blizzard rework a spec it destroys the whole M+ meta specialy in tanks
First season they reworked Prot paladin and they could do highest keys without Healer
second Season they reworked Bear tank and again they destroyed the whole M+ scenes
This season they Reworked VDh and they are destroying the whole M+ tank meta again
its almost same for dps Reworks like who the hell is in charge of balancing this Stupid game should lose its job.
like how can you compare Vdh to Bdk or Brewmaster or any other tank rightnow?!
the only tank that can compete is prot paladin which will not be able to do it in long run since Vdh is just immortal.
i dont mind Blizzard fixing specs but making a spec omega broken is not fixing its just destroying the game for everyone else.
You are right. But complain all you want. THIS is better than 2 years with out even touching a spec. Credit given when credit is due.
Still better than 10.1.7. THERE they messed up bad. Here? Meh⌠DH tank is better than the bunch. But not OP god tier inmortal as GDruid was in 10.1.7.
Wait some weeks. We will see this OP DH where it stands in the face of the rising prot pala. Who was not reworked.
Its sad that brew master has not been touched yet. They should. Its time to shine like your MW friends. Big fan of BM monks.
You value âtankinessâ too much. PPala is simply better than DH because its not about tank suvivability, but GROUP survivability. PPala can help heal/dispel DH cant. And that is why PPala is in the rise. And that is why, a well played BM Monk is a thing out of this world. Because they can do the same, but better.
the only reason VDH is the best tank right now is because of double sigils.
I have played with all tanks already and from tankiness side, they are all more or less selfsufficient and immortal. The only tanks I have seen dying so far are blood dks that just died within 2 hits randomly.
From dmg so far I have seen BM and VDH to be the highest but also blood dk is pumping currently.
Warriors didnât see many and bears seem to be the lowest.
Donât sweat the meta until like +25. below that you can play with every spec and still have 8min left on the timer if they are good playersâŚ
Meta also doesnât make it significantly easier unlike season 2.
100% true.
Unlike S2, what people dont realize about this season is:
DH tank is meta. DH DPS is meta. BM hunter is meta. Aug is meta and DPriest is meta.
THIS would be your ideal composition if you could just pile up the best HPS and DPS specs. But who brings CR? Nobody.
Double DH? Not ideal. Who off-heals gives utility? Nobody.
Its a comp that, although composed of big D numbers, cant perform better than a well balanced one.
And that is why other tanks like PPala and BDK are becoming popular at higher keys. Same for healers like RDruid and MW monk, and DDs like BDruid and Demo Lock.
Although on paper those specs are not OP, they do bring what the comp is missing and perform better overall as a group.
BM hunter is not meta. The 6% AOE nerf has dropped it from top 3 damage in M+ to about 10. It also doesnât have the survivability to compete with tankier dps specs in the highest keys.
Ok I stand corrected. BM used to be meta.
Now some other DPS spek will be #1 in the meters.
If you look at the top 100 M+ runs so far this season, BM hunter wasnât even meta before the nerf.
It appears in 6 of those runs, compared to havoc DH and augvoker, which appear in most/all of them.
Meanwhile, other specs such as demo lock, outlaw rogue, fire mage, and even balance druid appear in more of the top 100 keys than BM hunter.
Hate directed towards any strong spec that the community believes is âsupposed to beâ weak is very much a thing. Look at what happened to feral druid when it was initially given a strong tier set in late SL. The screams from the community when it looked like feral might actually be competitive in M+ were so loud that it was nerfed to the point where it was barely playable.
Yes. And tanks such as PPala and healers such as RDruid.
The reason is not because BM isent top in the charts. Or was⌠atleast.
Its because of what I mentioned:
So being #1 in the meters is not necessarily == to being meta. That was my point basically.
You said it was meta.
A spec being meta is comprised of a lot of different factors, not simply damage output.
True. Stand corrected again. I wanted to say top DPS.
Thank you
Rofl from 3 to 10, in your dreams maybe hahaha
Im only playing PPala as Tank at the moment. Right now im doing 20/21 keys and im feeling immortal.
Did a bunch yesterday and i can pull as much trash as i want.
Although I feel like you can just run 5 dhs and dont even need a healer lol
The latest updated dps rankings (after the nerf) has BM in 11th spot, so I wasnât far off
Single or multi target? Im curious.
Raid rankings, so itâs a mix.
It was quite quite in line with the rest in ST to begin with right?
Havenât been raiding much, but thats what I understood. DH too.
BM was stronger than havoc in ST before the nerfs.
But there are only 2 pure ST bosses in the raid, so itâs kind of irrelevant.
I am agree its good to fix and makes spec works better but not making them Supper op like we having every season now
problem is then they get nerf to the ground again like Gurdian druid
why not just rework a spec fix it to a point but dont make it op so it destroys every other spec fun and also dont need to nerf it to the ground after 4month cuz people are so tired of it
like im playing Bdk and compare to Vdh its like im a dps that has taunt and tanking adds
Vdh tankiness is not even funny and 10sec silence Really?!!!
i dont know but the way these reworks are going is not right
Reworks atm is just makes people instantly rerole to anything that is getting rework.