Blizzard listen... it is time for

This thread is basically “More options = bad”
If Blizz actually goes for HC retail, I’m all for it. They would probably have to balance it a lot more than Classic but it can be done.
If you don’t want it, nobody would force you to play it.

Sometimes it is, yep. It’d require a significant development effort, for something that doesn’t even remotely make sense. All while this inherently pulls away potential development time from other elements in the game.

So yes, sometimes more is indeed less.


Because more options = Good is not a universal truth and never was.

Or does everyone on earth need the option to have Crude oil mixed in to their spaghetti sauce?

When an option is pointless, it makes no sense to offer it.

And again, nobody ever asked for Classic HC servers. Blizzard reacted to an existing community and obvious demand, instead of blindly spending ten or hundreds of thousands of dollars implementing something only a handful of people on the forums ever asked for.

Play HC on retail with a few thousand other people, and the servers will come without anyone asking for them. But as long as nobody´s actually playing that way, they won´t.

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Sure, it’s a wasteful effort if nobody’s gonna play it. I never said it isn’t.

I’m just supporting the idea because I think it’s cool. But I see no reason to be opposed to it even if you don’t want to participate.

If someone’s cool with Crude oil in their spaghetti, good for them.

I get you, there is just a list of reasons, why I currently would be against it:

  • The amount of time to lvl to 80 has to change.
  • That mobs feel dangerous again and can actually kill you.
  • No flying mounts.

There are probably a few other things that should be adjusted.
Question is, would this be feasible for Blizzard and how to do this without annoying players who don’t enjoy leveling at all?
I have been playing classic fresh, and I see the immersion and how much I enjoy this playstyle as well, then again I was playing 20 years ago as well.

But, to just say let’s introduce Hardcore to how currently the game works, in my eyes it doesn’t make sense at all.

I guess the time will tell. That is, if demand ever arises.

HC Retail most definetely would need a lot of rebalancing, making the game itself a lot harder and somewhat more simplified. If the only feature is perma-death, that’s obviously not enough.

But if it ever gets released, I would play it. PvP would be a lot of fun.

This is a bit like asking for Bliz to organise RWF. It’s not necessary as the players run with it.

If you want to play Retail as Hardcore then do so, once you die then Delete your character.
Perhaps an AddOn could track players to ensure they are not cheating (not sure how but probably a way, Deaths are in the stats so probably using that).

Classic Hardcore started as a community challenge that’s become popular. So you can always play hardcore yourself - Everytime you die, delete your character and start again. Nobody can stop you.


Like the good old days of the Ironman challenge.


they are getting rid of factions because there are not enough players and you want to split the population?

Forget it, this will never happen.

Yep. Divide the left players into more smaller groups and one day this game will turn into single player game.

Just give us hardcore retail as option, you never know how big it can be. But either way this is just a good thing.

How about you people do what classic players did:

Instead of just demanding that an infrastructure be set up for you an no small cost to blizzard and poromising that it “might” be profitable, instead you get enough players actually play Retail HC for Blizzard to take note.

Or do I now get to demand a special realm where M+ doesn´t exist because I want it and think it might be profitable, based on my subjective opinion and knowing that some of my friends also hate M+, even though Blizzards statsitics for them and me say I still run it…?

Prove to them that´it´s worth their time and money, like classic players did…

Oh, wait, that would require actually playing the game… Sorry, scratch that suggestion, I forgot which forum this is :rofl:

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retail hardcore without addons and heirlooms

Retail has mechanics.

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The Reason why there are even Official HC Servers on Classic, is because it was a absolut hit as a unofficial thing the Community just did.

If the same thing would happen on Retail, with the same Magnitude of Engagement and free Promo for Blizzard, then we would probably get HC Realms on Retail too, but as long as this doesn’t happen the chances for it to be a realitiy are pretty much non existend.

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