Blizzard lying about season 4 sets?

Just like many of you I logged in today with excitement to decide which characters I will be playing this season. I actually resubbed this morning. Only to be met with the dreaded “Season 3 AND 4” text on the finished elite set that I invested time into getting due to the season ending. How long can this company keep doing the absolute worst decisions possible… I know people say vote with your wallet but that doesn’t really solve anything for us who want to play. Do you think there is still hope they will change this?

It’s exactly what happened in Shadowlands at the end of the expansion. I don’t see anything changing.

I’m just going to use this season to do more PvE. Might as well try something different since the elite sets are the same this season.

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I dont understand.

Did your class vote for a different appearance and it doesn’t show?

For shaman, people voted season 3 for both tier and appearance. So I already expected I will just be able to regrind the same set.

As for recolours, they never mentioned that.

It’s not really, in Shadowlands we were able to complete ALL the sets from different classes in order to make some really interesting combinations of conquest gear transmogs.
Also they put up a whole voting system to choose the sets we will be having showing the pvp variations as well on the page. Why would they change the look of PVE gear but leave us stranded even though they already have everything made and they can recycle it