Blizzard made us move to toxic server

This never happened on Lonewolf. Moved whole guild since it was supposed to be more people.

And then someone invited us to big raid to get DMF buffs in Elwynn. And someone in that raid right before P5 deranked us on purpose suddenly doing a lot of dishonorable kills. Could not even see who it was to report the guy since 40 ppl were in the raid.

Everyone lost their rank and week of boring gurgle in AV and it was done on purpose by some toxic guy. Wrote a ticket to Blizz to fix it before P5. Cant lose a week of mindless gurgle in AV cause of some toxic tard making a joke on all ppl who went for DMF buff.

Never had any dishonorable kill ever since Vanilla on any character on any server on the account. I dont spend a week boring gurgle in AV for rank so someone shall make a joke on me and derank me on purpose its the worst griefing I ever saw in 20 years of playing WoW.

Gonna quit if Blizz does /care instead of fix back the lost rank.

As much as I hate griefers, but let me say this. If you have a high rank, then it’s safe to assume that you enjoy pvp and as such won’t have a problem getting it back. If you don’t enjoy pvp and AV is a “boring gurgle” for you, then may be you didn’t deserve your rank in the first place, eh?


Youre not getting your rank back. Support cant help you with that. Let it be a lesson to you not to join random pugs.

DKs should be removed from the game though. They do nothing but serve as a tool for griefing.

I had rank 10 cause I was farming AV for gear and was ready for my high warlord stuff I do not enjoy sitting there extra week because of some griefer who decided to grief ppl getting DMF buff.

Classic is all about grinding so someone griefing your grind by abusing game mechanic since it was never meant to be a feature that your own faction (one guy grief 39 people) shall grief you by DKs, it was meant so PvPers dont grief other faction by killing their questgivers.

Retail was made for those who enjoy no grind, Classic is for grinders who wish to outgrind those who dont got time for it and it was not meant as something for griefers. And what happened is probably some griefer used an alt to make himself be faster than others at R13… which is abuse of the game like an exploit and should be corrected by the support.

I gurgled for High Warlord in real Classic back when rank decayed and I deserve reward of my grind that no one liked not even skilled PvPers. Exploiting the game to remove effect of grind from others in a way that Blizzard did not intend to is the same as exploits with items etc that were removed.

There is some crappy tryhard who probably does it on some alt to people and is happy they dont notice who it was since everyone was rushing buff while the griefer was rushing civilians without anyone noticing.

Its the effect of server since stuff like that did never happen on lazy server like lone wolf, living flame was the most toxic server and they moved everyone there…

@Funkey well the griefer made use of it that people were rushing DMF since its about getting the buff and running away with it before allies get you. So no one noticed griefer went into civilians and did AoE them somehow with suddenly lots og DKs.

This is an exploit of the game to use a system that was intended to make PvPers do not grief people by killing their questgivers. When someone is griefing on purpose and exploiting the game the support always corrected the result even took items from people.

So how can the support not nullify the DKs? Its simple just reset them at the rank will automatically go back to 10.

PS. When a scammer do a trade and take your gold and do not enchant you etc. then Blizzard nullify the transaction. So if gold grind is protected from scammers how can honor grind not be protected from griefers exploiting the game?

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A move to Wild Growth from Living Flame would allow people that aren’t toxic to play and enjoy the game best. Hopefully that happens soon.

Tho, I can’t say I’m not happy to see that psychotic horde ends up griefing itself :^)

Berny is puzzled…who would do such a thing :thinking:
Surely not the infamous seal team six :dracthyr_nod:

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warned who I could yesterday from that raid that this will happen,none of them took it serious nor left,wont ever bother something like this.Welcome to living flame :partying_face:

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Its not horde, its an alliance player or players advertising DMF then getting the raid to elwyn to derank them.

Anyways i saw the screenshots from “incident” multiple civilians farmed in a short span to inflict as many DK’s as possible.

Also, theres a few names i recognise from advertising “DMF raids” wont name them but theyre in the screenshot of that happening. One of the alleged perpetrators wrote “…” in chat just saying.

I lost 1 level as well and had to grind 150K honor from Monday to Tuesday in AV :S

Yeah that’s an old play on living flame, the alliance grievers have ghost horde alts (not even in raid) when you push in they pull the civies into the blob and AOE kills them.

Obviously DKs shouldn’t be in the game, but I genuinely don’t think the devs know how to remove them.

they dont need to remove them. Just make it so you only get the DHK if you actually attack the mob / heal the player that attacks the mob, problem solved

Well, nice to read such, because it confirms my decision to not play on a “megaserver”. All I regret is to have left LW. Since I don’t do PvE it wasn’t even necessary :slightly_frowning_face:.

For me it’s really a pity because I liked SoD more than any other version after vanilla.

But until they do the “Classic+” which will hopefully include many SoD features I will find some fun on Era.

Yeah we had a nice community on Lonewolf, everyone kind of knew everyone later phases - didnt feel as anonymous as this mega server.

But hey, the positive side - alot more players here.

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Not really. When the griefers pull the mob into AoE you can’t avoid it.

You understand they were added because otherwise people would camp level 1 starting zones forever and not let people quest at all :slight_smile:

The tryhards got lvl 60 alts without any rank they use for griefing and they can use the same alt to camp questigiver mobs…

The only thing Blizzard achieve is to let griefers do whatever they want.

Got BOT reply from Blizzard where they did not adress the issue but asked me to use report button to report griefer who no one in the raid know who is… and wrote ofc they looked at situation and will give consequences to griefer.

But I do not care about his consequences I want my rank back so I dont need to grind AV one week more. And they did not adress it by 1 word… so had to write new ticket.

Starting zones and the next higher area are always safe.

Sounds funny, even more funny if he can see your salty thread :joy:

joining a elwynn raid is asking for a dhk. All you need is a arctic temp IQ mage to apply living bomb to an enemy . buy a summon queue a bg right before accepting die at sayge and ress+petri flask to get your buff

That’s the truth right there. Nothing stopping you from following a big horde group to get your buff and then gtfo.
Either way PvP mega servers are a toxic cesspool. The game was never thought out to have such large communities on a single server.
Such servers are a griefer’s paradise, constantly fresh meat showing up. I might not like to admit it but live does it much better with the warmode system.

I was reluctant at first but the move to a PvE server from PvP was one of the best decisions I made in SoD. World PvP is overrated, most of the time it’s fighting people who have something else in mind. Or someone preparing with consumables to the gills to fight off some randoms with no PvP trinket equipped. It’s meaningless, if you want to challenge yourself and not just ruin someone else’s time.