(Blizzard marked solution = a lie)Wow causes whole system to freeze reboot required NO SOLUTION YET! happens on multiple full AMD systems NO SOLUTION FOR 510+ DAYS

I could wait then i wait week then a month then half year WHERE THE HELL IS THE SUPPORT ?


Never again will i spend a single dime on Blizzard until fully compensated and these issues fixedā€¦ ignore me and i will just keep on nagging.

In before Blizzard excuse but you play on linux or thought you played on Linux when originally reporting issue exclusively on Windows.

Litterally same issue, i marked it as solution but its not im just marking it cos its perfect example of what happens.

179 days of no support

180 days of no support

This is interesting cos of the last few days i noticed little micro pauses/freezes and i have an AMD system.

The game would suddenly freeze for a split second. Quite scary. Does not happen often but when it does it makes me think that a crash is coming, but it doesnt.

My system can more than handle this game

Ryzen 5 5500, MSI B350 Gaming, 16GB 3200 DDR4, RTX 3060 12 GB, 1 TB M2 NVMe Samsuing 970 EVO PLUS, winblows 10 64

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It always starts with small freezes but eventually its both screens freeze while audio keeps playing and it happens exclusively in Windows with this game, other games do not have this issue.

Its now 181 days without blue in sight i payed 12 month sub + 89,99 euros i feel ripped off i want compensationā€¦ the game is broken and should not have released in this state.

I wanna state rx7900 series cannot install 22.5.1 but some have reported this as fix

182 days without support from Blizzard

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Nearing 183 days of no support

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I had this happen on two systems running Windows 10 ltso 1809. Fix by using the 21h2 version if this helps. Found Windows 11 to be terrible for running most stuff so abandoned months ago.

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If had the issue on both Windows 11 and Windows 10 including 21h2

Will i get support finally after 184 days ?

You will never get any support on the EU forums, thatā€™s why I made a trial account on US and leveled to 10.

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I did as well but im stuborn, i will keep on nagging so Blizzard EU has something to be ashamed about.
I guess i have to take legal action, perhaps i can go to something like small claims court, so perhaps i can get refund of 1 years worth of sub + the remaining sub time + this expansion cos its obviously unplayable.

Not gonna enjoy doing mythic+ when at risk of system freezes and then end up with disbanded group each time, and i doubt anyone would wanna raid with a user that keeps on system freezing, altho i would not enjoy playing any game with this many issues anyway.

Day 185 of waiting for support from Blizzard regarding this issue will they finally give support ? give me compensation ? give me refund ? who knows what they will doā€¦

Why are you wanting Blizzard to ā€œsupportā€ what appears to be predominantly an AMD driver issue?

Blizzard donā€™t own AMD, nor does AMD own Blizzard.

AMD sponsored tittle, not to mention if payed way to much for this game to not be able to play it, its still Blizzard responsibility, if you think i am alone you are being naive.