Blizzard must take action against ppl quitting M+ mid dungeon

The m+ community is one of the worst communities in all of gaming and blizzard does not care about it.

For a company that claims they don’t want toxicity, they do not care about the toxic idiotic ppl that quit m+ after they do something wrong and we point it out.

Just now i invited a mage to a +12 key who has invisibility and somehow managed to be the one pulling a pack of mobs that everyone, including me a lock, was able to skip. A friend pointed out and i said that he’s a mage and can invisi. So arrogantly he said “one more word”. I cursed at him considering his behavior. I’d rather educate him than finish my key.

Isn’t that behavior far more toxic, wasting other 4 ppl time, than me calling him a female dog?

How is no one talking about when it’s almost every m+ key i do there’s someone quitting mid dungeon cause they screw up and can’t deal with it?

In short, blizzard must punish this behavior or the community will never learn. I propose a temporary ban from all mythic content as a way to punish these toxic players.

Starting with a 1 day ban, and increasing to a weekly ban if the behavior is constant.


Update: i did not insult the other player until after he quit the dungeon. Considering his “one more word” comment i should have insulted him right there. He doesn’t own the place and he should be mature enough to admit his mistake and take my constructive comment as it is. a Comment without any offense. It’s not i that have to adapt to other, it’s these toxic ppl that need to learn how to behave if they want to play with other members of the community.

It’s also fair to say that this behavior is so common because blizzard simply allows this. It’s not uncommon that ppl get banned because other decide to mass report, and blizzards automated system actually bans ppl without any human verification.

In short, this problem exists because there’s no policing.

This post, an attempt to help the community, was flagged as possibly toxic. I dont mention any names, yet it was reported.

The post was not flagged by the community.This is exactly the kind of behavior a punishment would fix. Some forum dwellers identify with the guy and they report. The post is now taken down and nothing happens. If you can’t take one constructive comment regarding your abilities, you should play single player games. You are playing an MMO.


No, you do something.

Make friends, join communities.

You are in charge of who you invite but you want convenience and that comes at a cost (sometimes it goes bad).

This has been done to death. A punishment won’t work.


Seems more like people leave your keys because they have better things to be doing than getting berated by you… If you’re already so tight on time that one mistake is costing the run in a 12 then there’s other issues at play, and if you can’t keep your temper in check while the key is still timeable that is certainly a you problem.


And something else…

Also idk I’m doing 18-19s in pugs, someone makes a mistake it’s no bad blood onto the next one, and usually a key even at that level can handle a dumb mistake or two.

What’s the point of a PUG system? Many other games have systems like this but they have a temporary ban system for quitters. Take a look at riot and LoL. It just works.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Grouped content means playing with other people. People make mistakes. Calling them names won’t prevent them doing so.
Dealing with real people who will mess up is part of grouped content.

If dealing with the fallable people is overly frustrating then I’d suggest finding a guild or community and try dealing with a more stable social group where you can get used to how they play and learn their strengths and weaknesses.


after he quit the dungeon…

Your post doesn’t make that clear at all. Though if it’s seriously happening in almost every single key you do then I still suspect there’s more to it than you let on.

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i did that part after he quit the dungeon. i simply pointed out he has invisibility he can use. he then very arrogantly said “one more word”. How can you ppl defend this behavior? it does explain a lot tho.

Idk if your attitude here is anything to go by I wouldn’t want to spend any more time in your company than I was forced to either.


I think the era of critiquing other random players (or educating if you prefer) is over.
We are no longer a social community. Saying hello is almost a kicking offence these days.

In a guild or community you can point out ways to improve performance. It helps them but also helps yourself as you’ll be grouping with them regularly.

When grouping with strangers simply do your best. If others’ mistakes get too much then all you can do is leave (but try not to do this too often).

This really isn’t the case, being courteous costs nothing and people aren’t so highly strung is to consider the bare minimum of social interaction a slight. Take it from someone who pugs keys almost daily, the experience is a lot less cut throat than GD would have you believe.

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you are trying too hard. you are clearly the kind of person that would do the exact same thing this individual did. you are constantly attacking me instead of trying to provide any solution or make any constructive comment. you are focused on trying to take me down as i expose this behavior.

If you claim you can’t spend more time with a person after he does a constructive criticism without any offensives, i can grantee you are part of the problem.

How do you evolve as a worker or student if you can’t take this kind of criticism? or even as a person in general.

you responding is just as toxic in the way you did it.

That is true, but i was in the right pointing it out. I see this too often and nothing is done. I’m only human. Not only my keys. I see this on streams, Youtube videos, friends complaining in discord. It’s almost taboo because the other person quitting the dungeon can report you, and get his friends to report and ban you, that ppl are afraid to point this out.

I mean you could have worded it better , i get you were annoyed but in that case you could have ended up with a ban.

Wouldn’t be the first and not the last. This happens too often in all the years i’ve been doing m+ pug content.

It’s not like in a raid group you can replace a person that quits. It’s one person with a bad personality screwing 4 others. All because he can’t admit his mistake like a grown oerson would. I honestly doubt these ppl are even of age to play this game.

At the end of the day I’m not the one having this problem, you are.

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yeah cause you’re the one who quits without any consequence. Funny how you didn’t have a reply for that comment but a classic " no you". Have a good day.

I don’t leave keys that are going to be timed.