Blizzard must take action against ppl quitting M+ mid dungeon

who know’s :slight_smile:


There will be almost no tanks or healers signing for it.

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No it cannot.

It can be used for pvp because the solo shuffle game mode is designed to have close to 50% win rate for each side. Since its limitations impact the winrate to both sides, it remans balanced and they can easily use it.

In pve a random queue will negatively impact the “win rate” (since random unoptimized groups are less likely to complete the key), and thus will make the experience way worse compared to premade groups.

The queue will be used by dps players that are not able/do not want to get a premade, and a really small number of healers/tanks (since most of them can easily find through the premade group finder).
The result will be a pretty bad experience compared to the premade group finder with really high queues, low completion rate, and more frustration than premade groups.

Idk we already have such with shuffle and its pretty bad, and theres larger playerbase playing pve than pvp. I imagine if that larger part of playerbase would also have to withstand what we have to in pvp the 20-60min long ques what dps have to put up with for shuffle or the terrible design and gameplay heals have to put up with it, there would be major outcry from such mode for m+. On one hand I would almost want it if it meant them replacing shuffle with something better or improvements on lfg on its place instead but I dont think it would be good to get so many people from pve community aswell all sudden dislike playing their game than what we have in pvp. :dracthyr_shrug:

lol this grumpy panda is right this time.

If the group is just bad/toxic, why should people stay?

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