Blizzard need to take action vs boosters ruining the game big time! In any version of the game
how are boosters destoying the game?
If you don’t see the problem mate, i dont know what to tell you. Obviously you either have your own team for m+ or you not caring for higher m+ content at all.
The problem exist at its finest and Blizzard will not do anything to improve the situation.
naai pugged my way to 3.2k this season. without any major problem and i do not see the problem with ppl getting boosted no. if ppl want to spend gold to buy gear to be stronger shure all go for it. but sure if ppl are having a problem with trolls that have 95% loggs then they are 100% trolling and not just being bad players thats my put in all this-
lol why is boosters ruining the game? lol
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