And where did I say everything’s good ?!
Probably because people are farming old mounts there since it had plenty of grindy mounts which Zaralek cavern does not.
My friendlist was emptier in BFA, what would that imply ?
15% is quite a hefty number.
You got me here, I recognize my defeat.
DF launch was bad, but at the same time.
Why people simply can’t accept the idea that SL simply killed the player’s hope while many people not being hyped by DF’s theme ? People came back in Legion thanks to a good hyping theme.
They’re easy, yes.
I mean, why would run HC raiding when M+ is a completely valid playstyle providing the same gear ilvl ? M+ pretty much ate the casual raiding playerbase.
To each to their own, I’m not Piper Perry so being 1v5 on a constant basis just took on my nerves.
So if there was no AP bonus, would you still have played WM on ?
Yeah, because Asmongold & cie were saying how vastyly superior classic was :x
I meant in terms of subscribers, aka 12 Millions, not in terms of lore which made Arthas looking like some kind of B-show vilain or some raids being huge let downs. Not to mention that some aspects of classes were clunky, so it was not peak for me either.
I mean, sure, but it’s quite frustrating it took blizzard literal months to fix systems or implement changes asked during beta.
We’ve lost so much and what blizzard gave us in exchange was not on part.
Sadly, that’s how players think about that. Cata was actually fine but DS patch kinda killed the expansion, when Firelands was quite solid. Or even the expansion introducing good ideas like gear reforging has just been forgotten by 4.3 lasting an entire year.
I’m gonna be honest, I don’t have true peak wow expansion. That being said, I’ve always said Wrath is quite an overrated expansion, since :
-I have good memories from ulduar and ICC, but Naxx and Onyxia’s Lair being straight up copy pasta felt bad. Not to mention that between Ulduar and ICC we’ve got Trial of the crusader which kinda sucked to be honest. And…I also didn’t like Sanctum rubis as a filler raid.
-Arthas being turned into a B-show vilain has been a huge letdown given the fact I’ve known Arthas through WarIII. It’s quite sad he went from that badass character defeating Illidan and leading the scourge to some kind of dude running away saying like “AHAHHAAH you won’t defeat me”
-Gameplay was archaic, such as melee dps having some incants.
I didn’t like grinding mana perls in the hope of getting benthic gear. I mean, I would have been stupid not to get my hands on “free” DPS increase inside EP, right ?
And I’ve changed main at the start of 8.3 so I had to regrind every single essences back which kinda felt awful.
I hated corruptions. I mean, I was playing a low haste warlock when other warlocks in my guild enjoyed having 1.5s cast time on their Chaos bolt whereas I was stuck with 3s.
I’m not an entitled Karen, but I felt like doing the same content should have lead to same results, aka me getting a faster (and tbh more enjoyable) gameplay instead of me being stuck with low haste until…Blizzard added a vendor.
Would having a vendor at launch ruined the experience ?!
That’s the only part I agree with and like Thorgasht, I’m sad Blizzard scrapped the idea all together instead of making them evergreen content.
I mean, that’s the only metric to check if retention is good or not.
No, for me as a raider, it was not a progress sytem, it was a tax, since I couldn’t progress at my pace, aka being done within the span of a week or catching up whenever I can and feel like.
I hated titanforging due to me getting downgrades from killing mythic bosses, which should be upgrades. I’ve always advocated for a middle ground solution which most of pro titanforgin rejected was bringing back gear upgrade and allow TF to be some kind of shortcut.
And if AP was a good progression system, then why was catch up a thing ? I mean, if I might aswell just wait for cathing up so that would defeat the entire idea of having a grind in the first place.