Blizzard needs to reintroduce AP to save wow

The only thing they really need to do is to re-introduce 10m mythic mode or remove myth instance lock which prevents people from real enjoying the game when they can’t have any other ability to play very end-game content they want bc they haven’t 19ppl to play with or them can’t meet each other schedule

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Yes, that’s why I started my sentence with ‘I personally’.

And that’s fine. I DO like them.
We should both be able to play the way we like though?

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You were receiving AP while clearing the raid. There was no need to go for extra.


I think so!

But I struggle to think of a way to implement AP grind in a good way that also makes it only relevant to some players. It either affects the entire game or it feels completely irrelevant, I can’t think of a compromise.

I’d rather have solo/flexible endgame content that offers proper progression for non-raiders/non-M+ players. Brawler’s Guild 2.0, procedurally generated dungeons à la Torghast (but not depressing), islands 2.0 - whatever.

Not at the expense of making it fun. I hated 8.2 and 9.1 for these exact reasons. People were engaging with content, didn’t make it good.

Or just doing something else with my life. That’s the point. Instead of just being stressed like in a mobile game about completing my daily list of chores.

So was AP good during BFA when you couldn’t use traits due to a lack of AP ? Was such a good design to loot a mythic chest without being able to equip it.

Eversince blizzard remove them, I’m actually playing more.

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AP that enhances a set of gear that only works in world content?
Unlocking special abilities/procs with AP. Those abilities and procs would of course only work in world content.

That type of thing. It’s interesting for a particular type of player.
And it can also be completely skipped if you don’t care.

In essence that’s a nice thought, but in reality: I have not liked any of that type of content - I hated Torghast, I did not enjoy the mage tower, Brawler’s guild was okay once you could overpower it with gear.

I like being and playing out in the world.
I don’t want to run dungeons; not with a group and not alone either (of course I do run them from time to time, but they’re not what I truly enjoy in this game).

I see that. I have a lengthy wall of text above that gives solutions to YOUR problem with out using AP that would force your game on to me.

AP was a mistake. And they removed it.

They should have replaced AP with an overhaul of open world content, but instead they left it as it was. Which is also a mistake.

Thing is, the solution is NOT to apply the old failed solution AGAIN. That is dumb by definition.

So complaining that open world content sucks is easy. Suggesting ways to fix it, with out recurring to the old failed “quick fixes” is much harder. Get to work. :slight_smile:


May I ask, what are you doing in game? That was first question. Second: what prevented you from doing these activities in Legion or BFA?


But here’s the thing: We fundamentally disagree on this. I do NOT think AP was a mistake. I loved it - as long as it was tied to a system that was fun and engaging.
Constantly getting rewarded a little bit to improve something that makes your character more powerful and more versatile or interesting to play is GREAT imo.

It was not factually a mistake.
Some people hated it and some people loved it.
The people who hated it shouted the loudest and got their way.
Now the people who loved it have lost something and did not get anything in return that replaces it.

An unfair deal imo.

Like that?

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“I’m not enjoying the content so I want you to force me to play it every day!”


Like all this. A suggestion that makes open world content its own legitimate content, with ilvl rewards like M+ and Raiding. No fancy stuff:

You always need to troll, don’t you?
Nobody said that.

I like the content they have, but it doesn’t feel worthwhile to do (or at least, it stops being worthwhile very, very quickly).
THAT is the issue.

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What content are you talking about? Fyrakk assaults? Time rifts? What content is there in DF? Dragonriding? :rofl:
If the game isn’t forcing you to play it, it’s a bad game.


Then we have very different preferences.

I personally don’t enjoy grind for the sake of grind, but want content that offers interesting gameplay. AP grind would further ruin world content for me since it very quickly trivializes any challenge you might find. It also causes a lot of lag if it’s implemented the way it was in BFA.

The issue is that casuals who don’t play the MMO aspects of this MMO want the same rewards as high end players. You wouldn’t be happy with any of the suggestions you made with regards to a “world gear” that enhances you only in open world.
Top gear right now only appeals to you because it’s what the “cool kids” have.

Alright, allow me to reply to some of those ideas.

To you. It’s fun for me.
You don’t get to decide what’s fun for everyone.

That sounds HORRIBLE.
You don’t have the mindset of a world content player and you really don’t understand what the average world content/solo player wants.

Another horrible idea.
Making the world dangerous and punishing will just drive players like me away.
It’s NOT fun for me.

Then it’s a good thing you’re not in charge.
You don’t get what world content or solo players want (at least most of them - there’s always exceptions).

Nothing of what you suggested is fun for me. Literally nothing.

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its quite simple - blizzard made DF as expansioon catered only and solely to hardcore players. they cannot be surpirsed that all casuals left the game because of it.

face it - adding grind for mount number 87987389789 and transmog number 9890890890 doesnt keep people playing - people play mmorpgs to feel stronger and supperior each time they play . without this ? game just doesnt work.

yes people who mythic raid and do m+ are happy . huge surprise there
but 99 % of players has nothing to do in game after first 2-3 week.s

im on break again 2nd time this expansion for past 3 weeks and i hinetly cba to play till next season . yes i could do m+ each week and buump average itlv on 13 alts to 440-445 - but thats the point - next patch will reset it anyway and power gain between 435-440 is negligible. so im not gonna spend hundreds of hours to do 10 % more dps or to have 10 % more surivability on tanks / dps if i dont plan to push above +17 anyway.

blizzard failed with DF hard.


But grinding open world for the same rewards which become just as obsolete would be appealing to you? :upside_down_face:

if the game doesnt give you any reson to log in to play outside of spaming high end instance ? yes the game fails hard. very hard. and you can see it with how dead wow is.

because realisticaly how many m+ can you do before you jsut feel that "you are done ’ ?

100 ? 200 ? 500 ? its not interesting content outsdie of first 1 max 2 months when people hit the glass celling / soft caps and either spend literaly hundreds of hours for minimal power gains minimal .io score upgrade or … just quit game.


I suppose we do. And that’s fine.
Blizzard should however not only cater to one type of thing.

Then there’s where we differ. I’m not playing for a challenge.
I play to relax and have fun. Tense balls-to-the-wall action and frantic rotations is not that for me.

Not true. See my little idea for instance:

Does that sound like ‘the same rewards as high end players’ ?

I would. Don’t tell me what I would or would not like or do.
Speak for yourself.

LOL. I don’t regard high end players as ‘cool kids’, not even close to that.
No, I don’t care in the slightest. I just want character progression; interesting progression that feels worthwhile. What shape that takes is up for discussion.