It’s not a stupid idea at all. You might not like it, but that doesn’t make it a stupid idea.
Dealing in absolutes without any attempt at all to find mediation is the sign of a simple mind.
It’s not a stupid idea at all. You might not like it, but that doesn’t make it a stupid idea.
Dealing in absolutes without any attempt at all to find mediation is the sign of a simple mind.
you dont have to deal with absolutes to see that DF is ocmpletly failed expansion.
you have statistics of content completion . and those all all time low.
onyl thing saving them is 12 months sub trap they got many people into . and many ought it even tohugh they knew it was trap.
they know DF will fail badly. they still went with it.
Erm, you’re not arguing against me here…
I’m agreeing with OP; you’re agreeing with me…so why are you putting it across in an argumentative way?
It caused uproar with a certain type of player.
Yes. Each to their own.
You’re putting words in my mouth.
I never mentioned end game rewards in this thread.
It’s not fact; the quests themselves are largely different; offering different activities than we used to have. But also; in DF they no longer have a daily rotation. A very bad change imo; I dislike the twice a week rotation.
Because it doesn’t reward anything worthwhile.
Not even for those people who solely focus on that content; they’re done after a few weeks. So of course it’s empty.
99% is a made up number. Don’t do that.
Also: Nobody here wants to force them to do it.
I want to be ABLE TO DO IT and feel like I’m actually doing worthwhile content.
This is an issue for players like ME. I don’t care about ‘big 3’ players; this is not about them. I don’t want you involved, least of all ‘forced’.
No we are not.
I am talking about making world content enjoyable for world content players. Yes.
Because it’s just about the only thing we have.
That’s like saying that raiding should accommodate world content players as well; because the whole game needs to be enjoyable for everyone. That’s just nonsense.
I don’t care. I’m not advocating for those people. I’m advocating for people who focus on world content as their main source of enjoyment in WoW.
Not nobody: The ‘big 3’ players for the vast majority.
And again; they are not the target audience for the type of content I’m talking about.
You already HAVE content you love doing AND is worthwhile.
Stop being so fricking selfish and wanting everything tailored to you.
That’s like me saying that raids should be changed to accommodate my likes and wants.
And M+ should be changed to accommodate my likes and wants.
And Rated PvP should be changed to accommodate my likes and wants.
See how ludicrious that sounds?
And yet that’s EXACTLY the type of thing you’re doing.
As a developper, the only reason as to why I’d remove a feature is that the vast majority of users complained about. That’s not an hyperbole if Blizzard took that decision.
That’d be wow’s death’s warrant as both SL and BFA shown.
They totally dropped the ball with not making a fishing event with the Tuskaar, where you just go at a coastal piece to fish, or straight up be on one of their big turtle boats.
The rewards be purely cosmetic, of course, but would be very nice to have for the casuals who want to be busy elsewhere, or their raid wasn’t happening.
And then there’s Archeology. But yeaaaah …
Blizzard can’t win.
They are adding more content patches more frequently than ever and we have one half the casual player base complaining it’s too much too fast and the other half saying it’s not enough.
The game should never have a metric to force players to log in daily for power gain. Players should absolutely be able to log in and just take part in the activities they want to do without being left behind. AP farm was degenerate and bad for the game. Most people like a feeling of completion, endless farms are bad.
Even in SL when the farm was mainly cosmetic many collectors complained that it was a huge amount of Anima required to buy everything.
AP farming is not the answer to anything. Nor does it really make any sense. If you are bored with the content on offer, how is making it a requirement to carry on doing it but gain AP in the process going to make it any better. It’s not going to change the content.
I personally would enjoy that. Esp if it involves a specific world gear set where you can upgrade and add effects or something similar. Both the gear and the world would provide progression for solo play.
It’s sort of what I’ve done ever since I started playing BM hunter (MoP or so) as the solo character besides some healers. As I’d get better geared I’d try more challenging stuff and see how far my pet and I could get. And sometimes I’d have to flee with my tail between my legs pretty much lol, and come back later.
I think an issue with it could be that it’d be much more of a hassle on some classes than others. And then you’d limit world content in another way. There’s something to say for everyone being able to dip into it, no matter what they play or how geared they are.
The complaints were skewed. The type of player that was complaining, was the type of player that engages with the game more fanatically overal; visiting forums, looking up things about the game on websites and social media, etc.
So of course the voice of such players is going to be spread more than the silent player.
The wants and needs of that vocal group of players is also more often than not going to align; because they usually like the same type of content and gameplay (broadly speaking).
I don’t agree.
Besides; DF took a far larger dip than either of those expansions did and even after the good reviews and overal positive word-of-mouth, players are still largely not returning to the game.
That also says something.
The issue I have with that idea is: When you start out; does that mean the content that is doable is just a tiny amount? Because that would suck and be boring. One of the things I like about world content is having all these zones to play around in and pick and choose the type of activity you want to engage in.
If a big part of those are just undoable at first, that will not get me to ‘gear up’ to do that content. Instead it’ll just discourage me and not even try at all.
Some people are just assuming that everybody shares their mindset. But that’s just not true. Some people are perfectly happy picking flowers for hours on end if that gets them a cool reward. We don’t all enjoy the same things.
Another thing I like about world content is that as I get higher gear, I notice a drop in difficulty. I LIKE that. I LIKE overpowering content and feeling strong.
But yeah; everbody likes different things.
But it was the previous expansions that started the decline. DF made the game tolerable again, but is also boring.
I like to think that DF is WoW’s attempt at recovering to give the devs time to make a hype-worthy expansion.
A man can dream.
I hope you’re right. We should, hopefully, find out in a few months when Blizzcon rolls around.
I’m ready to be hyped.
But I want ‘my’ part of the game to be more fun again; like it was in Legion for instance.
It’s not progression if you can beat all content on day 1 in greens, and people like Tah (and the tons of players he claims have quit DF because of this) don’t want challenging stuff to exist in world content. Or at least not in a way where anything is locked behind it.
Don’t put words in my mouth again. I NEVER claimed that.
Others did. I didn’t.
No; I’m fine with some challenging stuff existing in world content.
I just don’t want the world overal to become a harsh and punishing place; because I do not enjoy that.
I understand, and I think too many would feel similarly and Blizzard knows that. I do think it’d be hilarious tho if only world gear could clear that content where it gets more challenging…
they add patches but they dont add in them real power ups for people who played all the time - which makes those compelte waste of resources because very few people do them .
if it wasnt for sharding which collects people from whole region you woudl see how dead those are.
patch without real gear upgrades is not a patch - its waste of time thats what it is.
I’m on a busy realm. The people around me are all from my realm unless invited there in groups for content. It’s so busy we are sharded from each other on the same realm.
I see lots of players at the events, new content patches etc.
A lot of high end players would be furious. They’re used to completely ROFL-stomping world content because of the gear they get (this is one of the reasons they keep calling world content faceroll content: They forget that world content players don’t have access to their level of gear, so for those players the content is NOT that easy).
None of my alts have more than open world gear and NONE of them struggle to do the open world content.
That sounds like a fun challenge, I’m all for it.