Blizzard needs to reintroduce AP to save wow

So are arguments in favor of bringing ap and borrowed powers back.

So what ? That wouldn’t have prevented these opinions to be expressed and heard anyways.

Silent players kinda voted with their wallets, otherwise, BFA and SL would have been huge successes.

I wanted to play a game, not a list of chores before playing the actual game.

DF issue is not DF itself, but rather the failures of BFA and SL which kinda broke most of players truth and it’s hard to earn this back. Players were already asking for the removal of daily chores related to power gains during BFA and what did blizzard do ? Doubling down in patch 8.2.

What’s gonna happen if people ask for something to then witness blizzard to the exact opposite ? They’re gonna play another game.

I mean, I understand why one wouldn’t want to come back after BFA and SL, despite them having AP.

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^^ This

It’s what I absolutely love about Dragonflight. I log on to do things I actually want to do. Not endure a list of chores before I can start to play.

I don’t feel bad taking part in events, or new patch content because it’s not eating into my chore time. There is next to no chore time.

The game always used to be like this and it worked so well. Legion would still have been an excellent expansion without the AP grind. We should have just unlocked the abilities on our weapon and have been done with it. What made Legion great has NOTHING to do with there being a grind.

I can also play things like OW (or other games) without it eating into wow chore grind time.


Yea it makes it a stupid idea. Facts showed it wasnt liked or well received, hence similar systems were removed from future expansions. This isnt a matter of opinion.

Perhaps you should learn the difference.

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Let’s see

Requirement to level-up the necklace 90k ap,
Weekly catch-up chops off 30k next week
World quests yielding 200ap

Yeah, i am sorry, but only irrational junkies or actually stupid people manage to find some twisted logic in doing AP grind. Damn thing never existed, it was 100% imaginary non existing problem.


I’m a casual player who does Mythic+ once in a blue moon, and I myself hated AP back in BfA. Being forced to do island expeditions, world quests, weeklies and horrific visions just for a chance to catch up after not logging in for days made the game feel more like a chore than anything.


AP back in Legion was interesting, but to solve this problem feeling like a chore AP also should be gained through M+.

I’m someone that hates questing a lot. If I level I Spam dungeons 1-70, and questing makes me go angry.

So World players can get AP by WQs and Raiders and Dungeons doers by M+/Raids

Dropping gear in world content that I can’t upgrade beyond 4/8 is stupid.
It feels bad. If Blizzard didn’t want world content players to have higher than 424 gear, they shouldn’t have put that gear in world content in the first place.

But then gearing would be even worse for ‘us’.

Because the anti AP crowd were by and large ‘big 3’ players. Vocal players generally speaking.

The pro AP crowd are by and large ‘casual’, ‘world content’ and ‘solo’ players. Non vocal players generally speaking.

It gave them a MUCH larger platform.
So the silent playerbase went unheard. So opinion looked completely skewed to anyone ‘watching in’.

They should have done a poll. An ingame poll, where we log in and before we can play our character we have to answer a few simple questions. I believe that AP would have come out of that MUCH more favorably.

A couple of things:

Those expansions were pretty succesful (for an old game).
Remember this (BfA): The expansion sold more than 3.4 million units on its first day of release according to Blizzard, making it the fastest-selling World of Warcraft expansion.

Those expansions had a LOT of issues. AP was just 1 of them for some people. But they had literal lists of issues.

So do I. Yet right now I’m having to do a chore to continue gearing. Is that fair?

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People act like Legion and BFA with AP did not have amazing numbers compared to whatever we have now always makes me laugh.

Of course it gets even better when they try to blame Legion and BFA (which both had good numbers relative to DF), for the failures of Dragonflight.


It would not solve anything. Open world content already gives crests, plus, unique rewards (rep and cosmetics). Its already much better than what the rewards it gave in SL (nothing at all).

Look, after all the suggestions I have read, my conclusion is that the ONLY possible solution to the problem is to make open world content the 4th pillar of endgame content.

Also, making it a totally separate gameplay from raiding and M+ is not an option. Simply because they would have done something like that with raids/M+ (which gives a ton of headaches… healer situation… ahem…).

So, given that info, open world content needs to be in line with the other 3 pillars both in rewards, difficulty, and engagement.

THAT is what needs to change. Not the rewards some World Quest system developed in Legion.

This is factually not true.

You don’t understand world content, because you only look at it from your PoV and with your mindset and sensibilities.

This would ruin world content and make it elitist. No thank you.

Please stick to suggesting changes for content you actually understand.
It’s like if I would start suggesting changes that should be made to M+ (spoiler: I don’t do that).

Fair enough.

OK. Maybe I oversimplified this. Its true that in the last zone there was catch-up gear and special gear for open world content.


Explain your words then please:

I just copied YOUR suggestion.

So if its YOUR dream come true, than what does a “4rth endgame pillar” (emphasis on endgame) mean for you?

Given that a single character can engage in any activity with any sort of gear, I am especially interested on how will you manage to not disrupt the other 3 pillars.

To avoid what M+ and raiding does for the solo players today, and vice-versa in the future. The latter would be the consequence of adding AP back as it was in BFA, which is my concern (and frankly speaking, a concern for the vast majority of the payer base).

Please explain.

No it wouldn’t, because it’s solo content

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I think our ideas of what an endgame pillar can be differ a great deal.

I’m not completely sure to be honest. Because it’s never been that way, so it’s hard to imagine. But I do NOT want world content to be turned into some kind of alternative M+ or raid.

I still want to be able to engage with most things in a solo way. I don’t want to have to seek or make groups; that’s one of the big reasons why I avoid M+ and raids (not the only one).

I also don’t want the basic difficulty to be raised. Basic world content should be accessible for any- and everyone.

Optional harder difficulties; sure. But again; it has to be doable solo as well as in a group.
So in that regard it would be nigh impossible to balance compared to the other pillars.

I did call it ‘a dream’ for a reason.

I have a question for you though: In your suggestion you say ‘in line with the other 3 pillars both in rewards, difficulty and engagement’. What exactly do you mean with engagement?

Neither do I. Absolutely not.

Solo content has to be something unique and fresh. Not a glorified M+ dungeon.

And this is my own interest in fact. Because doing M+ all day, every day can get tiring. So doing something different for once is actually quite refreshing and positive for the game as a whole.

Its hard to explain if solo content as a 4rth pillar does not exist yet.

But first, content needs to be repeatable. So this “by-weekly” stuff needs to go. It should be infinite. Do all the WQ and new ones will automatically show up. That way you can play for as long as you want, whatever content you want to play.

Wanna play 30 min a week, done. Wanna geek out and play 1 week straight? Be my guest.

I disagree. Flex raids work just fine. I don’t know why they cant use that engine for open world content.

I have a followup question:

Do you think that world quests need to be re-imagined? If so, what would you replace them with that is infinitely repeatable with varying difficulties?

I have the same issue.
That’s why I don’t see it happening.

So; the best I could realistically hope for then, is a proper length progression path.
I just want to be able to keep busy. I don’t need the best gear; but I need SOMETHING.
Something I can work for and towards over the course of a season preferably, but at least half a season.

Well, I think WQs should stay, but they shouldn’t be the only type of questing.
I also think there should be good old fashioned dailies.

And I would love to see repeatable mini questlines; with alternative choices during those so it would have multiple endings; that would greatly enhance replayability.
Those questlines could perhaps use personal phases, so it could be properly challenging if one desires that (basically you’d determine the difficulty upon accepting the questline - with no changing it unless you abandon the whole thing).

Another thing I’m liking from this current patch is the sniffen seek.
I would like to see those mechanics be applied to something else (I don’t like the ugly moles and the way they talk).
I don’t remember which thread and who said it, but someone suggested using those mechanics for Archaeology, which to me sounds amazing.
Instead of grabbing a mole, you could equip some type of ‘metal detector-esque’ contraption.

Right. So:

Let me propose the following:

A) On the game menu select a difficulty. For simple purposes select a number between 0 and infinite. 0 is the difficulty anyone in green gear can do. And lets see how far the best in the world can get to.

All world quests, events, and mobs will increase to that difficulty.

As you suggested, if you are in the middle of one of those quests/activities you cant change difficulty. You leave the area / restart.

B) Start by making world quests infinite. So you can geek out as much as you want. Then maybe events.

And then add more stuff. As you also suggested, but some/most of it has to be repeatable. Because blizz cannot add new quests every week. Otherwise you run out of stuff to do.

C) Allow for solo and group content. Using the flex raid engine. Mobs have double life / hit twice as hard, ect… Up to a maximum of 3 (to separate it from M+). And I would go further and make it 3 dps ONLY.

D) To be in line with the rest of the 3 pillars, the rewards you get is a currency you use to buy gear of appropriate ilvl of the difficulty. You balance out how much of this currency you need afterwards. And with a weekly cap (like the rest of us).

What do you think?

Love this.

But in line with the difficulty you could say that at 0 difficulty you can kill the mobs you encounter and finish the quest. If you are successful, you get currency for 411 gear.

And at higher difficulty you have to ninja your way around mobs (with stealth vision) because if they find you they 1 shot you and you have to start over. If you are successful you get currency for 447 gear.

They don’t really speak for themselves. There may be multiple causes.

You could even claim (and it would be equally stupid) that new class tree caused people to stop playing, because they so much loved the old “pick one out of three” talent system.

It might be simple because:

  • the story is not engaging
  • the story was killed in SL, so people aren’t interested in whatever comes after story was ruined
  • people got fed up with bad SL systems that they no longer want to try DF
  • people are burned out by there not being any new content (nothing new that would spice the game… there were talks about 6v6 RBGs, but nothing came off of it, nothing new for PvE, just mythic+ again)¨
  • game is too complicated, classes have too many buttons
  • raids / dungeons are too complicated

Legion & BFA are the worst expansions. Legion made me pretty much switch over to FFXIV for most of it, BFA almost made me quit playing WoW.

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If people really need a reason (excuse) to play everyday they can just play 3 alts.