Blizzard needs to reintroduce AP to save wow

I think some content should just be ‘normal’ difficulty by default.
WQs for instance. You can always have elite WQs just like you currently have; this will increase the difficulty of the quest by default.

But the issue with changing everything with a toggle is; there will be WQs which are by their very nature easier than others. In such a case, you would undoubtedly get ‘degenerate behaviour’, like doing only very particular WQs on a higher difficulty to farm higher currency. And then changing to a lower difficulty for the other WQs.

I think limiting the choice of difficulty to specially designed quests and questlines would be better; those can be created with various difficulties in mind.

So basically a lot of world content would stay as it currently is. But once you have aquired enough of those rewards, you’d be able to start doing the more difficult content (maybe gating it by ilvl just like you need a minimum ilvl to join a raid? Not sure if that would go down well though).


Well this is the hard bit, I think.
Maybe it would be more productive to implement a ‘torghast like’ feature in the world.
I’m personally not a fan of such content, but it would add a choice of different types of content to do; and it would be easier to balance than actual outdoor stuff.

I’m personally not a fan of getting currency to buy stuff. I’d rather have an upgrade system like we do now; you either get actual gear that you can then upgrade or you get ‘stuff’ you need to do the upgrading.

There should of course also be a selection of cosmetic rewards available.

I am not a fan of that kind of gameplay personally. I don’t like one shot mechanics.
It’s a cheap gaming mechanic imo and ‘starting over’ annoys me.

But how difficulty should be incorporated into various activities is up to the devs to solve, ultimately.

In your opinion.
In my opinion Legion was THE best expansion to date.

Fair enough, but that still doesn’t make your opinion fact. I respect your opinion though; I just disagree with it.

Legion was a very very good expansion because i liked the artifact weapons. However i disliked that i had to farm AP.

You really need to stop the whole “hurr, agree to disagree”-shtick you got going. Bye, ignored forever.

Why do I ‘need to’ do that?

PS: I didn’t actually use that sentence in my reply. I just said I respect your opinion, but I disagree with it. :upside_down_face:

Factually false. You can only ignore someone for a year maximum. :kissing_heart:

Fair enough.
And I’m not claiming Legion was perfect.
Just, for me it was the single best experience I ever had during an expansion.

I disliked Argus though.

Bro, we were showered with AP. Doesn’t matter what we did, where did we go, AP was dropping.


Legion had a terrible downside. Yes we got plenty of AP however it was really bad designed. The whole casino legendaries that made you FARM NON STOP because you needed the correct ones was trash design. I did raid as shadow. I was literally afraid to change loot spec despite the fact i would play m+ as healer. Having to wait 20-30 days for a lego only to get a wrong spec one was trash design. One day i wanted a healing trinket from a dungeon, i changed my loot spec and i got:

I ended up swap to raid holy x___x. And i had to make another healer go dps because it was strong. Free combat res and free healing for the duration every single pull in raid.

I hope they implement these suggestions in a balanced way. It would be nice.

Then as you said, blizz can start balancing the content to avoid issues. Like they with the other 3 pillars.

Fair enough. But there are a lot of people that like to play with friends. Its an option I would definitely leave opened.

On the other had, if there is no way to balance properly the grouped open world content, then I would not allow people to group up. If X and Y quest are solo, then you cant group up.

Otherwise people will cheese it.

Correct. For me personally what is important is that we all have the same system. Or, that nobody shares the system. Currently everyone shares it and its crests. So that’s what you would get.

No, we weren’t.

Maybe lower the reward if done in a group; then people CAN cheese it, but it won’t be lucrative.

Such measures would only have to be taken if there was an issue with balancing the difficulty for it of course.

Sounds fine to me.

How would you know?

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I agree, but that is different topic.

To you.

Anyone who can do addition and subtraction and look at numbers is aware that both Legion and BFA were significantly more popular to the general playerbase than the current iteration of Retail WoW.

Could you argue that the masses just have poor taste and that it is better that Dragonflight is some kind of hidden arthouse-esque gem that is enjoyed by only true intellectual gaming snobs™


However the dungeons and raids are absolutely terrible (and rushed) and even stuff like the art and music has fallen off a cliff. So I would not just argue that Dragonflight enjoyers are in the minority, I would also argue they have terrible taste as well!!

It honestly pains me, because I thought Tazavesh (Gambit) was such a killer dungeon, and I really had high hopes for the content in Dragonflight, but it just completely failed to deliver.

Trust me, if they threw launch Legion at us now WoW would pretty much be dead within a few months, lol.


That’s such utter nonsense, even for you, honestly.

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BFA content was the best we ever got, the systems were just absolute GARBAGE.


Not only “big 3” players are vocal and even some rwf raiders like thd are very loud and vocal about bringing this useless chore back in the game.

These players tend to quit seasons pretty early on anyways, so of course they ain’t gonna be vocal or complain about systems they don’t really need to engage with. And that is fine. Whereas pve and pvp players have to deal with those damn systems for longer period of time, so that pretty much explains why we were more open about removing ap.

One could also say most of mythic raiders aren’t even using these platforms and are therefore as silent.

The same poll asked when we’re un subbing?

And I’m confident the anti-ap party would have still won, from a landslide to a comfortable majority.

Bfa sold fast thanks to wrong leading marketing and legion being a success. Ap was not even a reason as to why bfa was a commercial success at launch. That being said :

But ap definitely played a role in players quitting bfa, which ended up with bad players retention.

Which chores? There are none. You’re being given gear accordingly to the content you’re doing.

Did asmongold supported ap?

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I beta tested BFA.

On launch there were several game breaking bugs that had been reported in the beta.

Tol dagor never had the pulling through floors/walls fixed.

Freehold was a loot fiesta.

Siege was really imbalanced between the factions due to the first boss being a complete pushover on the other faction comparatively.

Kings rest remained bugged for the entirety of BFA. You had a chance to brick your key because you couldn’t progress the dungeon, every key.

Temple remained bugged for the entirety of BFA. You could lose the eye, it happened in MDI even.

Atal’dazar had some of the most degenerate gameplay, snapping mobs.

Waycrest manor sucked with it not being a fixed route. Also, mobs being pulled from the floor below. Infested affix running through the floor/walls/doors, pulling half the dungeon on you.

Shrine was massively overtuned.

We’ve never had so bugged dungeons as BFA had. Those that weren’t bugged had balancing issues.

Yeah i mean it was an answer if Legion was a good expansion. It was due to Artifact Weapons but the legendaries design killed the chance of it being probably one of the best ones.