According to blizzard its not allowed to buy guys for real money right ? since that RMT,
well appearantly you cannot trade gold from retail to classic via a discord server called WoW Market , wich is a discord server that allows you to trade gold inbetween servers for like a 1/1000 ratio or whatever, well i did this and i just got off a 2 week suspension due to RMT, i dont understand why allow such stuff in your TOS but ban ppl when they actually use it , they took the traded gold so now i lose the retail gold AND the classic gold.
Ban discussions aren’t allowed on the forums.
RMT means the trading for example of ingame currencies for real life euros.
What the exact quote is:
The exchange of gold or items with another player on a different realm or faction is entirely at your own risk and is unsupported. These types of trades are often associated to the trade of real money for in-game items/currency, which is against our policy, and accounts found associated to these services will have gold removed as well as other possible account actions including up to account closure.
While we will review reports of scams between legitimate players and take action against scammers to remove them from our game, losses will not be restored.
We advise to avoid these types of trades unless you know the other player closely and absolutely trust them.
That means, you may have received illegal gold and are hit with a washing gold suspension.