Blizzard please ban dungeon boosts etc

An old topic of mine got quoted! :o

Look mom i’m famous!


This is just another allowed behaviour that always really put me off retail. I’m I the only one who sees this as just pay to win? Buy your token -> sell on AH -> pay someone to boost you to get epic drops and achievements. Isn’t that what buy to win is???


And in vanilla people did buy gold from certain services. There was a reaosn Blizzard added legal token system because they got tired with fighting gold sellers. Gold selling is as old as this game, just Blizzard took control over it.

And people got gold sellers and are going to still get boosted in Classic too.

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Or they just saw it as a way of making big bucks and couldn’t be bothered to police it anymore? That sounds more like ActiBlizzard to me…


I was talking about paid boosts. Where you get either ingame currency or IRL money (yes many still pay with real bucks).

I dont care about “free boost”. I rather call them “helping a friend out”. I also did this many times.

Well i hardly call that pay to win, since the gear is also available for free with invested time…

We prob can argue that “buying time” can be consired as p2w feature, but I think its not close enough to call that (atleast in this game).

Theres a difference here, your friends ro guildies in game aren’t likely to make it a mandatory feature for you to pay gold for playing in a group with them as the interaction with people you know in game is far more valuable then a strangers. They aren’t also in your chats all day spamming about boosting.

On the other hand, this is made mandatory for boosts by “professional” boosting groups and sometimes goes as far as real money paid through their websites.

Alternatively just tell people to git guud idk. Its not like dungeon content is hard in retail or classic, untill in retail you hit +15 where you have to start meta slaving a bit more and consider replacing the weak who refuse to work on their ability of playing the game.

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This is a reason why i don’t play Retail anymore and I stick with Classic-only.

Full booster, Full boosted. Nobody speak in trade channel (/2), only booster.

If Blizzard want to “Make Retail Great Again”, they have to stop them.

I don’t care about High End Raider doing this to afford consumables and buy 5 different server Auction House when a major raid patch came out, or random guy doing this to make a live via RMT, they have to go farm or take a real job.

It is where people pay someone to take them through a max level dungeon so they can get max level gear. The person paying really has to do nothing at all. You can also boost your RIO score this way too, which some people do.

Not sure what server you are on in classic but I have seen boost advertisements in the channels and in general chat to help with making gold, helping to get your first mount, etc…As long as there are people who are willing to pay for things in WOW, these services will be advertised.

They have to farm that gold so it’s not a problem to get a boost for a dungeon in Classic, like for example Warlock boost guys in Maraudon. You have to farm and invest time to get that golds. Imagine someone getting boosted in raid in Classic, do you think anyone can afford golds for 40 persons ? I seriously doubt unless they invested a tons of time to get that golds by themselves. And also, it’s a rare thing. You will never see the trade channel spammed by theses guys, because the demand is low.

In Retail, you buy a token with Real Money, and you will end up boosted. 0 time invested. You need more boost ? Buy more tokens.

No, it isn’t. You can’t buy any power-enhancing items or features from the store that you cannot equally obtain by just playing the game.

So the problem is just the chat spam, not the boosts themselves.

I’m not against boosts for gold, but spamming offers in trade chat should be forbidden. Blizzard, or anyone from boosting community just type in game /join boosting and poof, you have your own chat and no one will be mad at you anymore. Everyone interested do the same, /join boosting

Well mabye if they actuelly stated listing mabye and just mabye people would stop complaining.

but blizzard is so out of touch with the community the past 5+ years nothing good has happend since.

Blizzard opened this pandoras box when they introduced tokens and made it worse when they allowed tokens to be exchanged for balance. I don’t think it can be undone except by getting rid of that again. They are making a lot of money through it though, basically selling 13 euros for 20 euros, it’s almost like printing money.

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Oh please. You pay money, you get gear/achievements/progress. Anything in between is just to make people feel good. Wow is the last mmo that’s not free to play, this boosting is how wow takes money from whales instead.

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I buy level boosts cause i cba spending 15 hours doing the 110-120 leveling for the 10th time, when i can chill and get it done in 2-3 hours with a boost, especially if you know a cheap booster.

As for the gear boosts, i don’t buy them cause i am poor, but i have a friend who leveled a rogue so that he could do m+, he is rich AF btw, so he got it to max level and then bought like 5-7 quick boosts and got it to 425 on the first day so he could get into groups and actually pull his weight and start farming 10s.

Depends on how you define winning the game.

For most high end people, “winning the game” is getting a good world rank, or that is at least the goal, that is not something you can really buy. You can buy the achievment, but you have nothing to be proud of and thus you didn’t really achieve anything nor did you win anything.

You can buy gear for irl money, but that doesn’t give you the skill to use it properly.

Also don’t pretend boosting wasn’t a thing in vanilla, cause it most certainly was with a raid size of 40 that could be cleared easily with 20 well geared competent players.

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