Blizzard please ban dungeon boosts etc

Imagine paying a sub to pay someone to play the game instead of you
wait, that actually sounds like

bad Idea, in my humble opinion, boosts should be allowed in LFG. maybe even give it a spot of its own there.
but trade works too, at the end of the day its nothing but a trade.

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Final Fantasy XIV would like to chat with you.

Challenge mode - it was from what M+ concept was grown out from. Original Challenge modes in Mists of Pandaria rewarded teleport to location and upon completion of all dungeons within silver or gold rewarded rewards like a mount and unique class transmog set. On which Druid and death knight sets are still very popular among players. My little forum avatar wears death knight CM set for example.

In Draenor the challenge modes rewarded a mount, teleports and weapon transmogs+ current gear rerward.

And from CM was born the M+ as we know it now.

Alright then

Just type /leave trade

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That’s prolly because you have no clue how high-end raiding goes. You feel proud for doing 5000g/week and call high-end raiders lazy each of whom can easily be spending 5000g/h for weeks during progression.

just check who is buying your flask/pots and all other stuff probably u have not noticed mostly theese boster and they are not earning 5k per week they earn for mounts of 5M

each M+10 boost rn is 28-30k per person, calculate how many of that you need for 5M LOL (pshhh 166 boosts)

people with 5M mounts are people who got their gold showers during WoD/Legion by afking in one spot and playing facebook minigame in wow

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u are wrong ppl boosing for 200k and earning 50k per hour so i it is like 20 hours for 1m and 100 hours for 5m so it is like 10hours per day if they want in 10 days or 5 h in 20 days or 220 minutes if they want same month and it is like 1 bost per day and will be like 3months and 20 days for it , and boosting for gold is part of economy , some ppl want to get to +10 but but they need to hire someone to take then there

yep I boost but apparently Im wrong and you know it better :joy:

except everything you wrote here is false :joy:

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The problem with that was the rest of us couldn’t find regular groups to join because of all the selling spam. I think it was the right decision to move them out.

Or did you mean something else and I misunderstood?

there’s a search field for a reason.

its like saying “+2s shouldnt be allowed in LFG because im only interested in +10s”

its a looking for group for dungeons. you look for heroic you look for mythic you look to get boosted or you look for mythic plus. just because someone doesnt want something doesnt mean others shouldnt have access to it.

again, there’s a search field. you want something specific you use it and find what you’re looking for. ex - typing number of a M+ you’re looking for

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If I search for a +2 I do not get a listing of a load of spam that isn’t relevant. With selling groups you do. That is the problem. It didn’t matter what you searched for your list was clogged full of selling groups.

The comparison just doesn’t work for me. The +2 and the +10 belong there. No selling group does.

so if you want to do +2 or +6 or +21 you type that in search field and get relevant groups, not sell groups.

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But the sell groups do appear if I search for anything. That’s the problem. Most of them worded their ads in a way that made them appear in every search criteria.

Trade is where they belong. They are selling a service. LFD is for people finding others to play with no costs involved.

Just tested, they dont.

there’s a group in LFG rn selling boosts.
if I search for 2,5,7,21 etc its not there. only appears if you search 10 or 15 :slight_smile:

Like I said, there were groups that were coming up for every list. And the biggest problem is the bulk just want to do a +10 and what is the biggest listing of sellers, +10s. They are menace and clog up a system that is intended to match make players wanting to find groups. Not players wanting to find a way to buy a boost.

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But the reason as to why i don’t want noobs in m+10 is due to they can fail at the mecanics and aggro patrolls and wipe us and do so low dps that even a good healer can out dps them.

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The problem is that it just ruins the game and everyone knows this